Chapter Twenty-Six: The Choice

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Chapter 26: The Choice

"No!" Cried Artemis.

Nova's leg is grabbed by Erebus, and he is yanked toward the edge of the abyss. His brain seemed to go fast as his life seemed to flash before his eyes. Time seems to go at a snail's pace. So this is it. The quest, his life, it's all ending like this.

But he didn't regret what he's done. He saved Rosetta's life, and Erebus was defeated. He'll be trapped in Tartarus for centuries. So many people will be spared from his tyranny.

And if Nova has to go down with him to make sure he stays down there, then it'll be worth it. Everything he's done up until this moment will be worth it.

An image of Rosetta laughing in that gas station while they ate pizza and talked floats into his mind. She was so beautiful at that moment. The dimples popped on her cheeks as she smiled, blue eyes glittering like clear water in a fountain. He had a warm sensation in his heart when he had watched her that day, and he hadn't felt that emotion since he was in High School. And thanks to her, he felt love again.

Falling, falling....falling?

A hand had reached out and grabbed his hand, stopping him from falling into Tartarus alongside Erebus. Nova looked up in surprise, feet dangling in the air and heart pounding as fast as The Flash in his chest. Dimi had caught Nova at the last moment. Both of Dimi's hands grip tight to Nova's left hand.

"Hold on, Nova!" Dimi grunted, face scrunched from the effort of lifting Nova.

Dimi, with the help of Charon, pulls Nova back up from the abyss and onto the solid ground. As soon as Nova is far away from the trench, Charon uses his powers to close it back up again.

Nova takes a deep breath, relieved that he didn't fall into Tartarus.

"That was a close one," Nova gasped, heart, pounding in his chest. He can't believe that just happened, and he doesn't think he would last long in Tartarus. From what he's heard, it's even worse than the Fields of Punishment.

"You can say that again," Dimi agreed, wiping the sweat off his brow.

Artemis runs over to Nova and checks him over, concern etched on her face. "Are you alright? Do you feel any pain?"

"I'm a little sore, but besides that, I'm fine," Nova reassured her, surprised by her concern for him. "Thank you guys for your help. I couldn't have done it without you."

"I'm glad we could help." She told him, giving him a tiny smile.

Hades walks up to him. His aura is a bit creepy, but he wouldn't call it dark or evil like Erebus's was. Hades seems like a normal grown man in black armor that just so happens to be a god of the Underworld.

"Thank you, Nova McNaughton," Hades said gratefully.

"I can't tell you how grateful I am that you have helped return the Underworld to me. Erebus was turning it into a terrible place with his tyranny, and now that he is gone, I can set it right. Starting with Elysium"

He waves his hand, and the mist that was covering Elysium and blocking it from view fades away. Elysium is revealed. The beautiful meadows, the lake, and the wafting breeze are back to normal. Nova feels nostalgic as he sees his home back to its lovely state of bliss for the past ten years.

But he also feels disappointed. Elysium is supposed to be the happiest place in the Underworld for spirits, but the one thing that would make him truly happy isn't here, and she's back in the mortal world.

Josette walks back over to the group. She is a tad banged up from being thrown across the field, but her spirit hasn't been lost, so that's a good thing.

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