Chapter Seventeen: The Sphinx's Riddles

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Chapter 17: The Sphinx's Riddles

The Sphinx is licking her claws in anticipation. Rosetta knows she is just hoping that one of them answers a riddle incorrectly so that she has a reason to strike. Rosetta feels her palms get sweaty and clenches her jaw in anticipation. Rosetta considers herself decent at puzzles, but she isn't cocky enough to ignore the gravity of their situation. One wrong word could lead to death. And with so much on the line, they couldn't afford to die. Yes, she wanted to return to the Underworld but would prefer to do that alive.

Nova isn't looking any better. His face is pale, and he bites his lip nervously, fiddling with his watch. He doesn't have much experience with riddles.

He knows that the two will have to work as a team if they want to make it out of this and get the information they need to stop Erebus.

Rosetta takes Nova's hand in hers, and they share a look.

We can do this. Rosetta thinks.

Nova nods, Together.

Despite her sweaty hand, Nova tightens his grip, his determination growing.

They both turn to face the Sphinx, sitting on her haunch, looking smug and waiting patiently for them to begin.

"Ready?" She inquires, tail twitching in anticipation.

"Yeah, we're ready," Rosetta announces, her hand clasping Nova's.

"Okay, here is your first riddle." The Sphinx says, grinning. "What has rivers with no water, forests but no trees, and cities with no buildings?"

"Wait a minute," Rosetta holds up her hand, brows furrowed in confusion. "That's the wrong riddle."

The Sphinx wrinkles its nose. "What do you mean it's the wrong riddle? It's the riddle I chose, so of course, it's the right one."

"But what about the Greek riddle? You always ask that one," Rosetta says.

Nova keeps looking between the two, confused. Clearly, he doesn't know what is going on here. Rosetta is kind of glad that Nova doesn't know the riddle. Because they would have been screwed if the Sphinx asked the other two. Rosetta isn't sure that her knowledge of Greek mythology alone could sufficiently solve the riddles.

"Exactly," The Sphinx says. "Everyone knows that one, and it's worn out. That is why I change the riddles every time I come across someone. And I ask three now because one was too easy. Don't you think so?"

"Easy is nice," Nova points out. "There's nothing wrong with easy, and I like it easy. I always set Guitar Hero to easy."

Rosetta shoots him a look that hopefully says, What the hell, man?

Nova chuckles sheepishly, "What? It's true."

Okay. Rosetta can feel her blood pressure raising. So I guess I'm the brains of our team.

The Sphinx sniffs. "Well, I don't. There is no point in answering a riddle if you don't have to think about it. A good riddle makes you think. It forces you to think differently than you normally would."

"Yes, but if you keep changing them, you'll eventually run out of riddles," Rosetta points out. "You'll have to reuse them."

The Sphinx scoffs, "How little you think, small demigod. For as many combinations of words as there are in all the world's languages, there are just as many riddles. There are even riddles that cannot be expressed by words alone."

Rosetta grits her teeth. The last thing she needed was a furball freak of nature to say she was small-minded.

"Fine," she says in defeat through gritted teeth. "Can you repeat the riddle, please?"

Rosetta Dagotto and the Fight for the UnderworldWhere stories live. Discover now