Chapter Ten: Mount Olympus

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Chapter 10: Mount Olympus

As Dimi told her, Rosetta's body tingles as she enters Olympus. And for a moment, as she walks out of the cold Alaskan air and into the warmth of the grounds of Olympus. Everything is dark. Rosetta wonders if something has happened. Did they make a mistake?

But then, when she and Dimi take another step, bright sunshine greets them with a wave of warmth. Rosetta finally feels hot in her winter clothes.

Around her are grass, flowers, gorgeous Greek buildings, cobblestone streets, and a cloudless sky. People—or rather the gods— roam the streets, buildings, and fields. But none spare her or Dimi a second look. Rosette smiles. It seems as if they are used to visitors.

There are people—which Rosette surmises are actually demigods—fauns, centaurs, nymphs, and minor gods everywhere she looks, just going about their business. She spots an archery range out of her eye where people in tunics practice shooting targets. And quite well, she might say.

Nearby, a child nymph is drawing with chalk on the sidewalk, but the chalk isn't ordinary. After she finishes a drawing, it begins to move.

The nymph sits, watching it play out. When it stops, the little nymph swipes her hand over it, causing it to disappear, before starting her process over again.

And in the sky, she sees horses with wings flying overhead. Pegasus's or is that Pegasi? Rosetta isn't sure.

Either way, they are magnificent. When she was little, she used to draw Pegasi with crayons. She told her Mom she wanted one for her birthday and even made it the theme at her party. She wore wings, had a Pegasus cake, and even a custom-made Pegasus piñata. She didn't have the heart to break it, though.

The memory brings a smile to Rosetta's face. She knew Olympus was grand but didn't know how wonderful it was. The place is beautiful. She's surprised there isn't a rainbow somewhere in the sky.

"Are you finished taking in the view, Rosetta?" Dimi asks gently.

She jolts in surprise at the sound of his voice. She had gone into a trance as she stared at all the majestic sights.

She turns her head, smiling sheepishly, "Sorry, it's just that everything here is so lovely to look at. And the Pegasi! They're so majestic! I've never seen them in person before."

"Yes, they are stunning, aren't they?" Dimi agrees, giving them a quick look before meeting Rosetta's eyes, "Are you ready to visit Mount Olympus?"

Rosetta's brows furrowed in confusion, "Aren't we already on Mount Olympus?"

Dimi chuckles fondly, "Yes, we are on Olympus. But Mount Olympus is a building where the Olympians attend meetings and where their thrones reside. We need to head over there if you wish to speak with them. They probably already know you are here."

"Is that good or bad?" She asks, worried.

"It's a good thing. " Dimi responds, "If they didn't want you here, they would have sent you away by now. So, they are expecting you now."

"How do you know all of this, Dimi?" she asks.

Dimi smiles, "This isn't my first time here."

"Okay, so I guess we shouldn't keep them waiting." She gestures with her hand, "Lead the way, Dimi."

It only takes those about ten minutes to walk to the center of Olympus, where the Mount resides. It's huge, to say the least. A butt ton of stairs lead up to it. They climb up and stop at the gold double doors.

Rosetta hesitates, turning to Dimi, "So, do we knock or what?"

"Knocking is unnecessary. " Dimi tells her, "We wait until the doors open. They know we are here, so now we wait until we have permission to enter."

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