Chapter Twenty-Three: Sacrifice

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Chapter 23: Sacrifice

Erebus just showed up in a bright light show, and now he is standing in the middle of Echidna's cave, standing there with a stygian metal sword that is glinting in the firelight. He is wearing a set of new black armor with an insignia etched into his chest. That must be his coat of arms as the god of darkness.

The dark energy that radiates off of him in waves has caused the temperature in the room to drop despite the fire blazing nearby. Rosetta could see mist escape her mouth as she breathed, and her heart was beating wildly in her chest. Despite having prepared herself for this moment of seeing Erebus up close, it hadn't occurred to her that he might show up before they could arrive at the Underworld.

And the fact that they still don't know his weakness bites. She had hoped Echidna would tell them, but she is stubborn and refuses to spill despite Rosetta telling her that the Sphinx had sent them. Family is not that important to monsters when it comes to their own selfish goals. But that's the difference between monsters and people.

We care for our families and will do anything to protect them and keep them safe at all costs.

Nova is currently out cold a yard or two behind Erebus. Rosetta hopes that Erebus focuses on her instead of trying anything to harm Nova in his weakened state on the cave floor.

Erebus is smirking, smug and malicious, eyes glinting dangerously. "I didn't think I would have to come here myself, and I had assumed that Echidna here would be able to handle you no problem. But I guess I was wrong to assume. You know what they say about assuming."

"That it makes you an ass," Rosetta couldn't help but blurt out. "Yeah, I agree. You are one."

Erebus's jaw clenches, and he seems to be forcing himself not to retort a comeback in exchange for her words. One of the things that she learned about Erebus from her years of studying Greek Mythology is that he has a bit of a temper, and he never could keep a level head which is why the Olympians had thrown him in Tartarus for crimes that he had done.

"Humans are so foolish," Erebus murmured. "Despite being in the face of death itself, they still manage to make sarcastic comments and dig themselves an even bigger grave to lie in."

"Humans are tough. We don't give up when the odds are stacked against us," Rosetta argued. "We are not fools for protecting what we love. The only foolish one is you, Erebus. Being filled with hate, darkness, and anger for all of these centuries has turned you into a monster. Not a god, a tyrant. A loathsome dictator that only causes misery and pain."

Black fire flashes in his eyes, anger apparent there. "Listen here, daughter of Apollo, you are a child. You have only been alive for sixteen rotations." He spat. "You know nothing about being a god or about power.

To be powerful, you cannot let those that push you down win. The Olympians, despite my potential, refused to see my power. My ability to control darkness and monsters could have helped them. But instead, they shut me down. They pushed me away and sent me to the darkest pits of Tartarus.

I spent centuries there. Growing stronger and planning my revenge. And now that it is so close to coming to fruition, a little brat of a demigod thinks that she can stop me. That she can defeat ME! I think not! I will not allow you anywhere near the Underworld.

You will not stop me from becoming the strongest god of them all. Not even the Olympians will stop me."

"Somebody has a bit of an ego. I'm surprised your head fits in this cave." Rosetta shook her head in disbelief. " Do you believe your hype so much that you think you are better than all other Gods or beings?"

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