Chapter Seven: The Council of the Gods

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Chapter 7: The Council of the Gods

The gods of Olympus are having a war meeting in the throne room. Thirteen thrones are aligned in a half-circle with a podium in the middle. Zeus and Hera sit together at the center of the U across from the entrance. Poseidon, Hades, Apollo, Hermes, Ares, Hephaestus, and Dionysus sit at Zeus's right. And to the left of Hera are Athena, Aphrodite, and Hestia.

Artemis's throne—seated between Athena and Aphrodite—remains empty. Every face in the room is stern, brows furrowed. Their voices shout their concerns, some of which shake with anger.

Hades speaks over them all and explains the situation to the rest of the gods, "Erebus has taken over the Underworld. Despite my best efforts to hold him off and stop him and his army from pushing me out of my domain, I couldn't. He is strong. Maybe even as strong as Kronos in his prime."

Hades shakes his head, his eyes sunken, "I have never seen Erebus this mighty. I believe he has been working on this army of his for decades. Not only does he have monsters and rebellious demigods working for him, but there are rumors that he's even recruited, minor gods."

The gods murmur to each other at the mention of divine insurrection. Few gods would be foolish enough to take on the Olympians, who cast even the Titans into Tartarus.

"Such impetuousness," Zeus says, "If they were in the land above, I'd smite them with Thunderbolt."

"And I would break them to pieces in an earthquake," Poseidon nods.

"Regardless," Hermes says, "the fact that the Underworld has been sealed off means that the wandering souls of the dead can no longer receive eternal rest. My position as the guider of souls has been rendered obsolete."

"Forget not Sisyphus," Athena warns, "Without access to the Underworld, the dead have no place to go but back to the world of the living."

"Yes," Ares agrees, a scowl growing on his face, "And we all know the havoc that caused."

Zeus shakes his head, "No, it is because Thanatos was thrust into Tartarus that mortals cannot die. With Erebus's overtaking, the dead will be forced to roam the earth as wandering souls, trapped forever in a limbo of eternal loss."

Hades nods, "His initial plan was to trap me in Tartarus, but I managed to escape despite how much he weakened me."

Ares shouts in frustration, "Bah! What foolishness. With you in Tartarus, he'd recreate Sisyphus's debacle. What use is it to keep all those mortals alive? What purpose does Erebus seek? Why overthrow the Underworld?"

Hades leans forward in his seat, hands on his knees. "Before I venture my guess, I will continue my summary. Erebus has closed the gates of the Underworld."

He looks around at the other gods, "And as many of you have already surmised, that means no spirit can leave or enter the Stygian Realm. The Elysian fields have been covered in thick mist, and all its residents have been kicked out."

The gods continue to whisper amongst themselves. Hades pauses, allowing them to discuss with each other before continuing.

"My spy inside has informed me that Erebus has the spirits working on weapons and armor for him and his army."

"Weapons?" Ares questions, "What kind? What cause has Erebus for weaponry?"

Hades's frown deepened as he looked Ares in the eye, "What else besides war?"

"War?" Athena questions, "War with who? He can't possibly hope to overthrow Olympus. Is he planning to overthrow the mortal world, then?"

"We will cut him to pieces if he tries," Ares says, "And once his pitiful army has been destroyed, we'll cast him to the depths of Tartarus."

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