Chapter Nineteen: Flashback

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Chapter 19: Flashback

During the flight, Nova can't help his thoughts from drifting back to the Underworld. He hadn't been able to save Artemis despite his best attempts, and she had helped him by gifting him this sword. He had to honor her by stopping Erebus and saving the Underworld.

"Now, listen closely," Charon says.

Nova leans in closer and grabs hold of the bars. He listens to Charon tell him thoroughly about his plan to start a riot and get the key. After Charon finishes listing the details, they agree to it. He hears a voice inside his head. A female voice that he's never heard before.

"Nova McNaughton," the voice says.

Who is this? He thinks in response, confused.

"I am Artemis, goddess of the Moon." The voice tells him. "Listen closely; I need your help."

Why does everyone keep telling him to listen closely, as if he's not paying attention?

What do you need help with? Nova asks, curious.

"I am being kept prisoner in the fields of punishment," Artemis explains. "Erebus kidnapped me after I spoke with my niece and locked me in a golden cage. I will help you with your plan if you come to find me. I possess a magical sword that once belonged to Perseus of Legend. Unfortunately, I can't help from inside here. All I can do is give you this tool you need to help the Underworld."

But what about you? he asks. Don't you want me to free you?

"You can't." She tells him. "Erebus has the key to the cage I am in. But you can free Charon. He will aid you in your escape. But first, you must find me."

And then, after the riot, he had gone off to see Artemis, both to make sure she was okay and to retrieve the sword she had promised him.

"Charon, we need to find Artemis." He says as he leans close to Rosetta and Charon so they can hear him over the loud noise.

"I'm aware of that, Nova." Charon snaps. "Forgive me, lad. The thing is, I'm not sure where he would put her. Most likely, the fields of punishment."

"I'll go check." Nova declares, and before Rosetta or Charon can stop him, he has already started running through the crowd.

The Fields of Asphodel are packed to the point where he has to shove his way through the spirits and soldiers to get where he's going.

It only takes a few minutes before he reaches the fields of punishment, and let's just say it stays true to its name. Leading up to it is a rocky path where you can see it glowing and smoking. It's a cracked wasteland with a river of lava, minefields, and barbed wire separating the various torture areas.

Screams resound throughout the field that sends shivers down his spine. In addition, there are cactus patches here and there.

In the center of all these hellish things is a gold-barred cage where Artemis sits with her legs crossed and eyes closed as if she is meditating. Nova runs towards the cage, dodging cactus spots, avoiding barbed wire, and leaping over pools of lava. He tunes out the screams so he can concentrate.

He kneels in front of the cage.

"Lady Artemis." He whispers, catching her attention.

She opens her eyes and sees him kneeling in front of her. "Nova McNaughton, you are here. That means the plan went well."

He ignores the fact that she keeps using his full name.

"I'm here to free you," he explains quietly. "Rosetta and Charon are waiting for us."

She sits up straighter, concern in her eyes. "Rosetta is here. Why? Is she all right?"

"Yes, she's fine," he reassures her. "Rosetta has been sent here by Lord Zeus and the council to free you."

She frowns. "Fools, all of them; It is too dangerous for her to be here."

"She was planning to come here either way," he points out.

"Regardless," Artemis snaps. "My brother shouldn't have let her do this. The Underworld is a dangerous place. Erebus is out of control. His twisted mind has turned this place into a nightmare everywhere. And not just fields of punishment."

"I'm aware of that," he says dryly. "I've seen my fair share of it."

"There is only one way for this war to end: with Erebus's defeat. He cannot be allowed to remain in charge of the Underworld. You and Rosetta will need to work together to stop this."

"You seem to have a lot of confidence in this Rosetta girl," Nova says.

"Rosetta is my niece. I've been keeping an eye on her for years. Ever since Apollo told me of his affair with Josette Dagotto."

Nova looks around, unsure if he has time to hear a love story. Artemis continues regardless, "He loved her but could not be with her. Mortals and gods cannot marry. She became pregnant with his child. Zeus demanded that he break things off with her and return to Olympus. Our father claimed she was a distraction from his duties. After that, he entrusted me to keep her safe at night."

"So, you care for her?" He says more than he asks.

"I do. This is why I cannot allow anything to happen to Rosetta. You must protect her. Keep her safe. Yes, she can take care of herself but she needs a friend. Someone like you to keep her from straying too far into the dark;

Keep her in the light. Do not allow Erebus to get his dirty hands on her. Promise me."

"I promise," Nova declares aloud and in his mind.

"Thank you," she whispers. "Now, take this sword."

She opens her hand, and a sword appears in her palm. The sword has a sea-green blade with a black hilt and emerald gemstone. It has an inscription in Greek, but he can't read it.

"As I told you, this sword belonged to Perseus, son of Zeus. Use it well."

He gently takes the sword from Artemis. It feels warm in his hand, a tingling sensation going up his arm. The blade is light and comfortable in his hand despite never having wielded a sword before.

It's a perfect fit, like a snug shoe or a comfy set of pajamas.

"I'll use it wisely. Thank you, Lady Artemis. For trusting me with a blade as important as this," Nova says, grateful

"You're welcome, Nova McNaughton...." She begins but is interrupted by a shout.

A rogue demigod shows up out of nowhere and spots Nova sitting in front of Artemis's cage.

"Hey! Get away from there!" The boy yells angrily.

"Go!" Artemis shouts. "Get away from here before it's too late."

Nova sheathes the blade and runs away, pushing past the demigod and running back into the Fields of Asphodel, where the chaos of riot is still going on. He sneaks back through the many spirits and hellhounds and finds Rosetta and Charon where he left them.

Nova returns to them, carrying a sword on his back. His face is grim, and he looks a bit tired. "I found Artemis, but I couldn't free her. She gave me this sword and told me we need to get out of here and come back later when we have a better strategy."

Now, here they are in Baskerville, Colorado. Planning to take on Echidna, the mother of monsters;

If they work together, they should be able to defeat her and get to the portal.

And no matter what, he will keep his promise to Artemis. He will protect Rosetta and keep her from the darkness. And by darkness, he means Erebus, and Nova will not allow him to get his claws into her. Not now, not ever.

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