A Mysterious women

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Not related to naagin 🙂 and this is the final one i know i say i take a break come back shamelessly my brain wander in different stories and tend to forget them and if i feel something is good i cant hold myself writing them
Veer was busy with his work as being a graphic designer is not so easy.. He gets a cup of coffee from the kitchen and looks at the windows and he can clearly see that it's gonna rain..

He quickly finishes his coffee.. and decides to complete his work.. and it's start raining..

He feels good to hear the sound of the droplets rain makes when they hit the ground.

He feels relaxed with that sound and decides ro take a nap in order to ensure that he can enjoy the sound of the rain..

Suddenly he hears the knock on his door.

He slowly walks towards the door.. he never been visited by anyone and never had a habit of opening a door for some one..

He opens the door and sees a that a girl is standing on the door. Totally drenched. Her inner garments are clearly visible through her transperant kurta.

Veer looks at her in awe.
Girl - hi. I am bani sharma.. I was supposed to go somewhere but my car broke down in between. Do you mind if I use ur phone? I need to make and urgent call.

Veer realizes that he was staring at her till now..

Veer - ofcourse.. please come in..

Bani - Thank you so much.. she goes inside and starts drying her hair inorder to keep his house clean as it might make his more messier than how it is currently..

Veer - i am sorry. My home is bit messy as i stay alone and nobody visited me for long time..

Bani smiles..
Bani - i can understand.. is it okay if i walk like this my hair is currently wet and it might ruin your house a bit more..

Veer - ohh... let me get you a towel.
Bani nods and waits for him.

Veer gives her the towel.. she wipes her hair and face a bit in order to stop the water droplets falling on the floor.

He shows her the landline.. she goes near it and holds it..

Bani - i think the phone is dead..

Veer - oh shit.. this happens here all the time.. oh shit .

Bani - what's wrong ?
Veer - I think i did not saved my work.. and looks like there is a powercut..

Bani - i am so sorry it all happend because of me..

Veer - no Don't be sorry.. its not your mistake i fell asleep without even saving my work

Bani smiles hearing that..

Veer - 1 sec let me check my phone if you can use that to call.
Bani nods..

Veer sees that even there is no network.

Veer - i am sorry looks like even network is down today..

Bani - hmm.. i see . If you do not mind can you give me some cloths to wear.. i am actually feeling cold.

Veer - yeah sure.. he goes inside and gives her a bathrobe..

She goes to the bathroom and changes herself into the bathrobe..

She puts her cloths to dry.
Veer - would you like to have a coffee?
Bani - sure.
He goes to kitchen and starts preparing a coffee.

She follows him..
Bani - so what do you do?
Veer - i am a graphic designer.
Bani - like a fashion designer?
Veer - chukles.. no both are different..
Bani - oh i see...

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