Chapter 14 Goodbye

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I woke up with the morning sun shining brightly inside our cottage. I looked at the bed beside me. Brie was already gone. I propped my elbows and sat on the side of my bed while trying to stifle a yawn. The bathroom door opened, and she came out smiling at me.

"Good morning, sleepyhead!" She said excitedly. She seems to be in a good mood this early. She just took a shower and was drying her hair with a clean towel.

"You're already done. Can't wait to go home and see little Bailey?" I asked, smiling.

"Yes. She woke up early and called a while ago. My mom said she was looking for me." She replied sweetly.

"Don't worry, we'll be home soon. It's the weekend so I hope there's no traffic. Let me get ready and change so we can head out. We'll grab some breakfast on our way." I assured her.

"I'm not really in a hurry. Take your time. Bailey is okay, she knows Mommy is coming home soon. Actually, I wanted to talk to you, but I'll let you freshen up first. I'll start fixing our things and ask the driver to load our bags." She tapped me in the shoulder and headed out.

I felt refreshed after my shower. As soon as I stepped out from the bathroom, I saw Brie smiling while sitting on the bed. I could tell she's texting with somebody.

"I'm envious of that smile. What's going on?" I teased her.

"It's Paul. He just said Good Morning and asked if we have any plans today." I was surprised to hear that they're text mates now. As for me, I don't even have Paul's number. We never got the chance to exchange numbers since we were like "cat and mouse" since I came back. It was only last night that I noticed his demeanor has changed towards me.

I gave her an awkward smile. Deep inside, I was hurt to hear that Paul is texting another girl. Not to mention my best friend. Now, I'm thinking if he was just drunk last night. I remembered him saying that he could be my boy toy. I bet he was just playing with me. I got disappointed and hid it from Brie. I tried to change the conversation.

"So, what is it that you want to talk about?" I asked curiously.

"Are you really getting serious with Luke? Are you planning to say yes on your weekend getaway?" She asked straightforwardly.

I was taken aback by her question. I knew I told her I was ready to take it to the next level but it seems she's more interested in it now. I wondered if she had anything going on in her mind.

"Why are you suddenly interested?" I asked her back curiously.

"I want to make sure that somebody has already caught your heart. I know you had your eyes on Paul before and I was wondering if you've already moved on and totally forgot about your college crush."

I was silent after she said that. She was looking intently at me. She held my hand; we were face to face while sitting on the side of the bed.

"Have you, Cassie? Have you moved on? I just want to make sure that you no longer have any feelings for Paul. Because I have a confession to make; I do." She paused. I could feel excitement in her voice.

"I confirmed that he's no longer engaged. Lia was there yesterday, and they already broke off their engagement. They told me it was just a show. I didn't know what that meant but it seems they are just good friends.

"After spending time with Paul yesterday, I just realized how amazing he is. This is the first time I got interested again in a guy after my ex-husband. I think I'm ready to fall in love again." Brie said.

I could see joy in her eyes. I'm happy for her but deep inside, I could feel my heart being crushed. She's my best friend in the whole world and I know what she has been through. It's about time she meets somebody that will take care of her and Bailey.

I smiled at her and nodded. "Yes, I have moved on. And I'm so happy to hear about you and Paul. That sounds wonderful. I pray that this will lead to something special. I really do."

She hugged me tightly and I hugged her back. I feel mixed emotions right now. I could feel tears welling in my eyes, but I tried very hard to stop them from falling. Like what I've realized last night, Paul and I are just meant to be friends. And I should not look back to what we had in the past. I should concentrate on who's my present, and that's Luke. I am ready to start my journey with him.

We stepped out from our cottage, and I saw Paul heading towards us. He waved at us and I just nodded at him and went straight to the SUV. I saw Brie smiling from ear to ear while talking to Paul. I was silently watching them inside the car which was heavily tinted.

Sadness and joy crept all over me. I saw Paul glancing at our vehicle while talking to Brie. Seems he's trying to see what is inside. Brie looked behind her back and waved even though she couldn't see me. I'm not sure if they're talking about me.

I suddenly heard the familiar "tweet" of my phone and saw a message from Luke.

"Good morning, Gorgeous! Have a safe trip back home. Can't wait to see you. Any plans tonight? I was wondering if we can get some dinner."

I quickly replied, "Yes" to Luke. I don't have any plans so I might as well just spend time with him. We've been going out a lot lately and I felt I'm starting to develop feelings for him. But Paul shook my world again when he kissed me last night.

But now, I know that my best friend is smitten with him. I should forget him. I will spend more time with Luke so I can completely get over him.

I saw Brie hugged Paul and headed over our vehicle. She waved back at him before going inside.

"Paul invited us to have dinner tonight. He also wants to meet Bailey. I'll pick you up around 6?" Brie said excitedly.

"Oh, Luke and I already have plans tonight. Maybe next time?" I replied politely. I just felt a twinge of jealousy upon hearing Paul wanted to go out with Brie later. At the same time, he also wanted to meet Bailey this early. He was not wasting any time. I bet he would fall in love with cute little Bailey.

Now I know he's really interested in Brie. Whatever happened last night was probably just the effect of alcohol on him. He was a lousy drunk. He might have just mistaken me for Brie because I know how he hated me.

"Okay then, I'll let Paul know. But please, come with us next time?" Brie said with puppy eyes. I gave a soft chuckle and nodded.

I put on my Rayban sunglasses and asked our driver to go. I simply glanced at the window before we left, and I saw Paul still standing where Brie left him. He was just staring at our vehicle with a serious look on his face. I closed my eyes and tried to erase his handsome face in my mind.

"Goodbye, Paul." I said silently to myself. This is where our love story ends. I am ready to close this chapter of my life and move on with Luke.

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