Chapter 17 My Beautiful Liar

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I barely slept on the flight.  I kept myself busy reviewing financial reports and spreadsheets on my laptop.  I immersed myself in my work during the whole trip. I tried to drown all the mixed emotions I've been feeling the past couple of days. I feel drained, physically and emotionally.

As I stepped out of the airport, Christian's black Ferrari pulled over in front of me.  He always has the perfect timing.  I just texted him a while ago that I landed, and he said he was already in the terminal.  He already knew I was coming when I called him the night before, letting him know that I wanted to "escape" indefinitely.

Like the usual Christian, he didn't even bother to ask.  Just said book a flight and come home.  It's always easy with Christian.  He gives me space and privacy.  He waits until I am ready to talk even though he knows if something is bothering me.  Totally the opposite of Caleb.  If I called him that night, I would have stayed on the phone the whole night explaining to him what's going on. 

Same with my mom, when I went to her room that night to say I'll be leaving for an early flight the next day, she didn't stop prying. My mom noticed my gloomy mood since I came home over the weekend after our corporate team outing. She asked me a lot of questions while we were having our late teatime on the small balcony in our condominium.

She's my best friend aside from Brie and I don't keep secrets from her. However, this time, I just wanted to keep it to myself.  Since it involves Brie whom she also treats like her second daughter, I didn't want her to know what was going on. She would surely have her opinion about it, but I didn't want to hear it. 

All I know is I made the right decision; I want Brie to have a second chance. I must sacrifice my own happiness.  I could still remember Paul's face when I told him blatantly that I didn't like him.  Which was of course the exact opposite of what I truly felt.  I am a very good liar.

My thoughts were cut off as soon as Christian came out from his car.  I couldn't help but stare at his perfect features.  He looked so calm. He always has this serious look on his face. He has this businessman-like demeanor. But once he flashes his killer smile with his perfect set of white teeth, you know this man is warm and caring. However, he only shows this side of him to a very few people. 

Since I started knowing him, I've noticed that he has trust issues.  We never talked about it.  I didn't want to pry but something happened to him probably a long time ago that made him what he is now.  He hugged me tight and helped me with my bag.

"Welcome back. How was your flight? You look exhausted, Cassie." He said caressing my face.

I frowned at him.  He's always blunt like this. He doesn't sugarcoat.  He speaks his mind. He doesn't know how to flatter a girl. Hmmmp!

"Do you really have to rub it on my face that I look awful, huh, Christian?!  Do I really look bad?  I was in a hurry when you said you were already here.  I didn't bother to freshen up. Your fault, you're always too early." I scowled at him.  He managed to flash a grin.

"I didn't mean it that way, Cass.  You always look beautiful, you know that.  I just noticed the dark rings under your eyes.  You didn't sleep the whole flight, I could tell."  He replied while driving away from the airport. 

"I was busy reviewing the financial reports the past month. We're doing good.  By the way, thanks for letting me do this, I need it."

"Why are you saying that?  You can do what you want, you don't have to ask permission from me. You're the CEO of Millennium, for Pete's sake.  You can disappear anytime at your own bidding.  You don't owe anybody any explanation." He lectured.

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