Chapter 2

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'Thank God... Finally I thought as I saw the small village in front of my eyes. After the chase it took more energy to reach the otherside if the mountains than it usually does. 'Only like half an hour till I reach it.' I thought as I climbed down a bunch of rocks. It made it harder to climb since it rained while I was there.
After like half an hour I finally did it. I reached the village. The clock on the street said it was 8pm. I looked around and saw only some people were awake at this time. 'Time to look for a place to stay' I thought and I started to get closer to a house.
I knocked on all of the doors but none of them gave me a place for night. 'One more house. I am screwed if they don't let me stay.' I thought as I hit the door 3 times. I heard footsteps from the inside. Suddenly the door opened. I looked up. My face paled as I realised who was standing before me. Kuguri Naoyasu, the knight of Daishou... 'Well fuck... Well no turning back'
-What can I help you with?
-Hey! Sorry for bothering sir. I was wondering if I could stay for the night.
-Ummmmm... Sure I guess- he said and stood out of the way to let me in. I walked in. I was taking off my shoes.
-No needed. I haven't cleaned yet.
-You sure sir?
-Yes, and please call me Kuguri. We seem to be the same age.
-Thanks and nice to meet you Kuguri. My name is Yuki.
-Nice to meet you, Yuki. Have you eaten anything yet?
-No... Not yet. Why?
-Come, I will give you some-Asked Kuguri. Even though I shouldn't have, I followed him. I kept my hands close to the knife in my jacket. He led me into his kitchen. He stood at the counter putting some soup in a bowl. He then turned and looked at me. He put the full bowl down and sat down.
-What are you waiting for? Sit down and eat.
I did as he asked. I carefully took the spoon and started eating. At first I only took small sips of it. As soon as I made sure it didn't taste weird and he wasn't trying to poison me I started eating normally.We sat in silence for a while when Kuguri decided to break it by questioning me.
-And Yuki. Where are you from?
My eyes slightly widened and I nearly choked on the food. I swallowed the soup in my mouth and answered the well known lie.
-I arrived from Karasuno Kingdom.
-Really? As far as I know it's really far from here? When did you leave?
-Hmmm... I think around 4 or 5 days ago?
-4-5 DAYS? How did you manage to get here in such a short amount of time?
Asked the boy in front of me. 'God... He starts to get annoying. He really thinks he can break me?'
-Well I asked for rides on carts. Besides, I am a really fast walker with good stamina. It doesn't hurt my legs if I walk for long hours without stopping.
-Lucky you... By the way. May I ask where are you heading?
'You can't get your nose out of my business can you?' I felt my anger rise. I know I have to keep my calm. If I lose the balance I have I can easily get myself killed.
-I am heading to the Kingdom of Jozenji.
-Really? That's like 3 more days of walking. What do you have to do there?
-I have a really old and good friend there. I have known him since birth.
That was the last sentence We said to each other. Till the end of dinner neither of us said anything. Time went by and I finished dinner. I put the uterus down into the bowl and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. The boy in front of me took the bowl and put it into the sink.
-Well... Thank you for the dinner Kuguri.
-You welcome Yuki...
'Now this is awkward.' I thought as an uncomfortable silence set on us. Luckily Kuguri also felt it and broke it with an easy sentence.
-Come on. I will show you the guest room.
Asked the boy in front of me. He then turned around and walked through a room that I assume was the living room. Soon I followed him as he disappeared behind a wall. As I turned the corner where he disappeared I met with a tall stair. He stood on the top of the stairs, his back turned to me. He turned his head to the side and looked down at me.
-Are you waiting for something? Or are you gonna come?
A second later he was already gone. As fast as I could I ran up the stairs and turned to the direction he went. After I followed the other we ended up in a small room. One bed, a desk and a chair in front of it. That was all it.
-You can sleep here. I will leave now. Feel free to change and go to bed.
-Thank you.
I said as I slightly bowed my head to say thank you. He stuttered a "you welcome" and left the room, closing the door behind him.I looked around one more time as I took off the small bag I had with me, putting it on the desk. Since it was late I took off my shirt and took out the dagger from my pant's pocket, laying it under my clothes. I held the letter in my hands. The letter I have to take to King Bokuto. I am forbidden to open it or let it get into the hand of the enemy. I go to the bed, lift up the pillow and put the paper under it. Since I am a light sleeper it will wake me up. I am about to lay down when I think about something. If he comes in the room and finds the dagger it's the end of me. So I turn around and grab it, putting it under the pillow in its case. Now finally I can lay down and let sleep take me over. It takes me sometimes to fall asleep. But I couldn't sleep for long, since I heard footsteps getting closer. I layed still waiting for the boy to decide what he will do. But as I expected he slowly opened the door and entered my room.

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