Chapter 12

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In the morning the only thing that could wake me up was the sunshine blinding me through my eyelids. As the sunshines hurt my eyes, I covered my eyes with my hands and turned my hand towards the brook next to me. As I opened it I saw something move next to me. Since my brain was still processing and setting itself up the only thing it realised was something is there and it's moving. So my reaction was jumping away and shouting. The small shout hit the rock walls and came back from them, creating an echo. When my brain finally was able to process what was there I realised it was just a lizard. 'God...' I thought as I calmed my heart and breathing down. After my breathing and with that my heart calmed down I stood up and walked over. By that time the little creatures were already gone. I washed my face and drank some fresh water. I stood up, dusted down my pants and shirt then picked up my belongings, walking next to the small brook for a while before jumping across it continuing my journey through the small canyon.
Around the middle of the day the canyon ended and I reached the first field of the Kingdom of Nekoma. 'Well Hello again home...' I still have a long way to go. A really long way to go. The capital Yasufumi is on the other side of the kingdom, right next to the sea. Nekoma was always famous for our power and since we could make a really good and strong fleet, we are ruling over the seas too. I started walking down the hill where the canyon ended. It was a sharp change. One side is rocky and bleak mountains and on the other is a green and friendly environment. Today I wanted to reach my favourite host. It will take time. I calculated it if I stay in the same speed I will just arrive after the sun sat.
On the way there I walked on the main road and met with lots of people I knew. Friends from my childhood, from the training or just from my old neighbour and town before we moved into the capital when I was 10. I still could remember them and they did too. To make it even funnier I met with some of my brother's friends. I stopped and talked to them, I got to know my brother is doing great and they are currently on a small break. 'If I reach the capital in a day or two I could still see my brother' I thought. We always had a really good relationship. We have 4 years of age difference but we are like twins. We sometimes can talk at the same time and say the same words in the same way. Since he is more like our father he is taller than me. But his personality and look is also really much like my dad's. I was always like my mother. But even besides the small difference we had, sometimes others still thought we were twins. For a while we even pranked them with it. It was fun, but when our parents found out they scolded us and made us tell them. As I was walking I saw a lot of wheat fields and orchards. Also a lot of paddy fields. We eat a lot of rice so it wasn't surprising to see entire mountains covered in rice fields. As the night time came and the sun set, the sky turned dark blue. I stopped and turned my head towards the blue cover over me. It was full of small yellow points. Stars... All over the dark and mysterious sky. Beautiful stars. Many of them. Making different shapes. When I was young me and my brother always looked at them, trying to figure what is what, how they connect and what they make. When I could read I got a book from my parents learning all of it. I pointed to one and connected one to another. Making shapes naming them. I just stood there, for seconds and seconds turned into minutes. Long, long minutes. When I finally realised how long I stopped I immediately started walking. From walking it quickly turned into running. In a half an hour I arrived at the host. Just before the host closed the door. I bowed several times in between the tons of sorries. Even though he said it was totally fine I was kind of disappointed in myself.
We walked into the dinning hall where the owner's wife was still awake. I said sorry to her too, but just like her husband she said it's fine and walked to the kitchen. A few minutes after the man asked me to sit down and we started talking since he recognised me his wife returned, bringing a bowl of hot miso soup. Before eating I was thankful for it just like all the times before. Through dinner they asked questions and we talked about different topics. When I was done they gave me a key to a room, I said goodbye and thanked them one more time before I headed upstairs to my assigned room. I walked inside, just closed the door, I kicked down my shoes and immediately fell into the bed, falling asleep right away.
In the morning I woke up to knocking. Since I fell asleep right away, I did it in a weird position so now my back was in pain. I nearly fell down the bed when I turned away from the door. After the knock still continued I got up from the bed, walked over to the door, opened it. I met with the wife of the owner.
-Good Morning Shibayama. I am here for two things. One, breakfast is ready and the other is that if you want to take your horse you came with?
For a second I was like: What horse? Then I realised. Cody. The black stallion I arrived here with. The one horse who my parents bought when I became a post boy. One of the best stallions in the county.
-He is still here?
-Yes. We asked the knight who came here if they wanted to take him but they all answered you will need it.
-Yes... He will come in handy. Could you get him ready please?
-Yes. We will get him ready, and we are waiting for you at the tables.
-I will be down there in a few.
I said and she bowed, leaving to go downstairs. I closed the wood door, trying not to slam it. I walked over to my bag on the floor, picked it up and got out my last pair of clear clothes that were still neatly folded at the bottom of the bag. I changed and took up my shoes that were laying next to the bed. I picked up the bag and put the letter right on my chest just like before. I didn't take up the cloak since it would just make it harder to ride. I walked down and sat down to an already set table. It wasn't much but it was food that made people feel full after a few bites. There were a few more travellers in the room. All of them looked at them and I just said a fast hello before I started eating. Right as I finished the owner came in and said Cody is ready for the road. I bid a fast goodbye and paid some extra money, gave down the key before I left the house. I walked over to the small stable right next to the house. Inside I could hear several horses. I walked in and immediately saw Cody. He saw me too. I walked over and gave him a few pat, kisses on his head. I untied the rope that was keeping him in a place. I led him outside and sat up to his back. We always had a good relationship. He wouldn't let anyone ride him, just me. I lightly kicked his side, to show him we should go. He immediately got the idea and started walking towards the main road. We walked for a few metres but then without a warning he started galloping. His speed became faster and faster. A few seconds later I could feel the air brushing my hair back. It was a long time ago when I felt this free. Through this way I also saw a lot of people I know. Friends, acquaintances and even some knights I have known. Even though I slowed down I didn't stop, I told them I had to get to the city the fastest I could. When I got going this morning I was tired and felt I could fall asleep but now I was full of energy. A lot of it. It was around midnight when I stopped again. In this part of the county there weren't a lot of hosts so it meant I had to sleep under the sky. I carefully rode into the forest right next to the main road. I looked for an ideal place to tie Cody. When I found one I lightly tied the rope and put my stuff down. When I was about to sit down I saw Cody laying down waiting for me to sit down. So I did and laid my head on his stomach. I felt his head in my lap in a second. This wasn't the first time we slept like this. On the way to Nohebi we did the same. I looked at the sky for a little and suddenly my mind wandered over to Kuguri. Three nights ago I was still with him. Hugging him, kissing him, just being with him. Now I don't even know how he is. I can only hope he is okay, or if he got home safely. Eventually I fell asleep as I was laying on my horse.
In the morning I was awake before the sun even came up. The reason for this early waking up was Cody standing up. This move made my head land on the hard ground which woke me up. After I eventually got my brain to function I got up from there. I walked over to Cody and untied him from the tree. I took his lead and walked to the closest small river near us. I have known this country as I knew myself. After I let Cody drink and eat I eventually led him back to the main road where I sat on his back, and slightly kicked him to make him move. Today I wanted to reach Yasufumi and the royal castle. Cody was galloping towards the capital at his fastest speed. In a few hours when the sun was already up but wasn't that high I could see the big river coming to the sight. As I did I remembered some of my memories. When me and my brother swam in it at a young age, or when my dad took us on a boat trip on a weekend. These were one of my favourites, I loved them more than any other ones.
By midday I was riding along with it. The main road ran right next to it and led to the capital. On the other side of the river there were a few wheat fields. Most of them were still green but it looked beautiful. On my side there was a beautiful forest.
The sun had already set when the light of the capital came into view. A few minutes later I could even hear the loud music. One more time I lightly kicked Cody's side, making him gallop at his fastest. In ten minutes we reached the capital. It was already late at night when I saw the big iron gate. Tons of people were walking inside. Most of them are on their feet. To my luck when they saw the horse they made a small path for me. First the guards wanted to stop me but then I recognised them and so did they. I stopped for a second, bid a quick hello and rode inside. People still stepped out of the way and if they didn't I just shouted: "Royal Servant coming through" Everyone jumped out of the way as they heard. Our city is a metropolis. One of the 3 in the whole world. One is in Nekoma, Yasufumi, the 2nd one is in Karasuno, Kurokawa and the last one is in Shiratorizawa, Saito. In our city there are 4 walls and 37 districts. I lived behind the fourth wall, in the Nobel Big district. The royal castle was also there. After 2 hours of non stop riding and shouting I reached the fourth wall's big gate. Behind that was no one. It was a place where no one could enter. At the gate I met with two familiar faces. Sir Fukunaga Shohei and Sir Yamamoto Taketora
Said Yamamoto-san immediately when it became obvious that I wanted to go inside.
-Taketora. Stop. Hello Yuki? How are you?
Said FUkunaga-san as he put his hand on Yamamoto-san's shoulder who then immediately recognised me.
-Oh. Sorry. Hello Yuki? You back?
-Hello to you too. Yes, I am and thank you I am doing fine.
Yamamoto-san just nodded while he turned around and pulled a lever opening the gate.
-Go on. But tomorrow you have to tell me what was on the trip. You got it?
Asked the nearly bald one. I just smiled and nodded. As soon as the gap became big enough for me to safely ride inside I did. In 10 minutes I reached the royal gate where I was recognised and was let inside. In the small square in the inside of the castle I gave the horse to a trainee and ran inside. I knew my way inside so within a few I reached the throne room on the 1st floor. In front of it I saw my old trainer and sensei, Sir Kenma Kozume.
He said as he recognised me. I was kinda out of breath so I just nodded. He immediately opened the door and in a second he was gone behind it. 5 minutes later he arrived back but now he held the door open for me and gestured with his hands to follow him. Inside the room was full of knights, nobles and important people. On the throne there was King Kuroo. Behind Kenma-san I walked to the front and immediately bowed and kneeled down. Of course Kuroo immediately gestured for me to get up.
-So? Do you have the response?
He asked as he walked over. I took the letter out from under my shirt and handed it to him.
-Kenma, lead Yuki to his usual room please.
He asked as he left the room on a small door on the side.
-Come on.
-Thank you Kenma-san but I will manage on my own.
I said and bowed. He quietly nodded and I turned around. On my way out I bid a few hellos and shook some hands. I slowly walked up the 4th floor, and turned to the right. It was the wing of royal servants. I reached my room and from my bag I got out the keys I always had with me. I fit it inside the keyhole and pushed the heavy door open. It shut behind me and I locked the door. Just like two days before I kicked down my shoes and fell into the comfortable, huge bed. Even though the music and lights were loud and bright I still managed to fall asleep. Just before I did, I decided I will take a shower tomorrow or today whatever the day is today...

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