Chapter 18

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Dark. I am in a dark room. I try to move but from the pain I barely can. It just hurts to move my arms, my legs, anything that's connected to my back. Anything that makes my back move hurts. In the room there is nothing. Or at least I can't see anything. I look, squint my eyes, but nothing. It's all empty. Suddenly something opens in front of me. Further away, but it's bright. It opens like a door. Behind it the light is bright. Brighter than when I look into the Sun.
They always say: Don't go towards the light... But now there is nothing else. Only the bright door in front of me. I take a step. Then another. And another. Now it doesn't hurt. I can't feel anything. No pain. Nothing. I just walk and walk. Till I reach the door. But I don't walk in. Instead I look back. But nothing is behind me. It's still all dark and empty. So I go the only way I can go. I take one more step, now walking into the brightness, not knowing what is behind it. Where will it lead? What will happen to me?
I did it. I am standing in the brightness. But nothing. 'Am I dead?' I question myself in my mind. I look around. Suddenly all the brightness becomes black. Soon after the room takes up a grey colour. I blink a few times and then I close my eyes for a longer period. When I open it I expect the same greyness and emptiness as before. But instead I see a decorated ceiling. A ceiling with gold, white and black drawings and samples on it.
-Huh? Is this what the afterlife looks like?
I asked, now out loud. As I finished I felt something move next to me. Well more like on me. I slightly turn my head towards the movement. My eyes meet with tones of black hair. Nothing else, just black hair. I try to move but it's painful. Really painful. As it hurt I let out a noise that made the hair on me move. As the person on me turned their head towards me I recognised who it was. The hair belonged to Yuki Shibayama. First he just looked around, turned to me and blinked a few times before he laid down on my chest again. After a few seconds his brain processed what his eyes just saw and he jolted up.

He shouted and hugged me. It didn't hurt, it was gentle. I slowly lifted my left arm, keeping myself sitting with my right. It hurt but not as bad as before, when Yuki was lying on me. Suddenly I felt my shoulder getting wet. I lifted my head up from the crotch of Yuki's neck.
-Whoa, what's up Sunshine?
I asked cluelessly. I didn't remember anything from the past few days. Yuki then lifted his head up, sitting on my legs. I whipped down the tears from his now pink cheeks. As I did I realised something. His eyes were red. Like he has been crying for days.
-Have you been crying?
-Of course! Nao, do you remember anything? Like from the fight or after that?
-Hmmmm... No. Not really, why?
-Nao, you were out for a week.
I was so confused.
-What do you mean?
-After you protected me from getting stabbed you fainted. Of course Hiroo and Akaashi ran towards us. I think the 3rd person was Sakishima. They took care of your wound, right there. That's all I know. As soon as they took you from my arms I wanted to go after Numai, but apparently Akaashi knocked me out.
-And what happened after?
-Well Akaashi told me, he and Hiroo carried both of us out. Kuroo and Daishou were too shocked to do anything. Well everyone was. Especially Numai. He still doesn't know why you protect me. But nevermind. So they carried us off from the warfield. We were taken to the Fukurodani camp. There the doctors took better care of you.
-Okay... 2 more questions.
-Bring it on!
-One. Where are we? Two. What happened to the war, how did it end?
-We are in the Fukurodani Royal Palace. The rea-
-Huh? Why here?

I cut him off. He closed his mouth and gave me a 'If you wouldn't have cut me off you would already know' look.
-Sorry. Continue.
-So. The reason of us being here since Fukurodani is the only country of the three that is willing to take care of both other countries wounded soldiers. And the only place where both Kuroo and Daishou are willing to put their feet in.
-Oh... Wait. Are they here?
-Yes. In the last one week they have been having a trial about the current situation.
-And? Have they agreed on something?
-Well the furthest they got was to open the borders for people. This is how the Kuguris and Shibayamas are here.
-You mean our families are here?
-Yes, they are.
I looked to the side. Knowing my mother was worried sick about me. We sat in silence for a while and that became uncomfortable after a while. Until Yuki suggested something.
-Hey! How about we go and see our families?
I looked up. Right into his eyes. It was sparkling. He was excited about seeing them.
-Sure. Let's go. Or as much as I can go.
I joked. When Yuki got off from my lap I tried to stand up. At first I lost my balance, nearly falling over. Luckily my boyfriend, who was standing close to me caught me before I could fall on my face. On my second try I could stand but walking was still problematic, so Yuki put his right arm under my arm and put my left hand on his left shoulder. We walked like this, out of the room, down the hall, stopping several times. SOmetimes because I needed a break or because we needed to open a door. Walking still hurt a little, but wasn't really bad.
-Where are we going, Yuki?

-Dining room.
-Why there?
-Because it's midday and most of the people are there, including our families. Besides, you need to eat. We didn't manage to push too much food down your throat while you were out.
Slowly we reached a huge, black wooden door. 'I just realised. Everything is either gold,black or white' Then something else hit me. Before Yuki could push down the handle of the door I grabbed his hand.
-What's up Nao?
-Do... Does your parents know? Do Kuroo and Daishou know? Does anyone know?
-Know what Nao?
He looked at me, confused, worried.
-About us... Did Kenma, Akaashi or Hiroo tell anyone?
-Yes they know.
He stopped for a moment. And I was filled with worry. What if this, what if that. These questions were roaming my mind at that moment. I knew it was all over my face too. And it was noticeable.

-But don't worry. They are fine. They asked me how it happened. At first Kuroo and Daishou were mad... But thanks to Kenma and Hiroo, now they are fine with it. Well as fine as they can be with one of their closest friends and person falling in love with the enemy.
Suddenly Yuki let out a chuckle. He then looked up and continued.
-When Kuroo first heard it, he dropped the things he had in his hands and nearly fell over. And Daishou fainted. They needed 30 minutes to recover to have the actual conversation.
I couldn't help but let out a small laugh. Now I reached towards the huge door. I put my hands over the handle, pushing it down, while stepping closer. It took me a lot of strength to even push it a little bit. But I did, and now walked in with Yuki's help while he also kept the door open. As I looked up and greeted everyone in the room, my eyes felt on my mothers face. I lifted my hand up and waved. She stood up quickly, ran over and hugged me. Soon my father also joined in. After our sappy moment at the doorstep we settled down at the table.

That night me and Yuki explained what happened. I got to know Yuki's parents and brother. We talked about our families to each other. Got to know each other. The time flew by. After a while Kenma, Akaashi and Hiroo also joined us. We introduced them to our families, and thanked them.
By the time me and Yuki made it back to our rooms it was past midnight. That night we fell asleep hugging each other like it was our last day and we weren't waking up anymore.

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