Chapter 17

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I was about to stab a fukurodanian soldier when it fell on the field in front of me. 'What...' I looked at the guy's head. An arrow was standing out of his head. It hit through his helmet, right above his ears. I looked up, to find where it came from, and who shot it. I looked over and over again but found nothing. Suddenly in the corner of my eyes I saw another knight coming towards me while he lifted his sword above his head. I quickly turned around, dodging it.
I fought for a while. Alone in the middle. I knew my life was on the line. But as a commander I had to be able to take all the risk and danger that came with it. As I was cutting, stabbing soldiers I felt a back against mine. I stabbed the soldier in front of me. As soon as he collapsed and I dragged my sword out of him, I turned my head to the side. I recognised the person. I recognised him from his cloak. It was enough to know who he was. Yuki. My Yuki. I felt a smile creep on my lips when I turned my head back and continued fighting.
When I could I looked around, trying to figure out who is still standing and who is now laying around dead. First I looked for Daishou. He was still fighting against Kuroo. My eyes turned to the right and I immediately saw Bokuto fighting with Numai. Soon when I made sure both of them are fine, I continued looking around, finding all my friends, my old teachers and now my mates being fine and only having a few smaller scars.
-Sweetheart, I know you are worried but you should pay attention.
Said Yuki, who was now standing next to me. He just dragged the sword out of a soldier's chest.
-You know, that was kind of a hot move.
I mentioned it with a smile on my lips.
-Yeah, yeah. As much as I love to hear your voice and I am happy to see you, please keep the flirting when we are out of this dangerous situation.
He replied while he looked at me with his gorgeous blueish dark eyes. Suddenly he looked up in a direction. I followed where he looked. There I saw a Nekoma knight. He had a terrible wound.
-I—I have to go.
He said, looked back for a second then ran off. He fought himself through the people that blocked his way. He cut, stabbed them till he reached the boy with the terrible wound on his side. Soon the realisation hit me. It was no other than Kozume Kenma, Nekomas best soldier, One of Yuki's mentors and one of the few Yuki looked up to. I followed Yuki's figure for a while, when I had to go back to fighting, since a few Nekoma soldiers launched themself at me. My mind was on one thing while I was protecting myself from getting killed. 'Please be alright Yuki' I couldn't protect him now that we separated. 
As soon as I got all of the enemy off me I looked around one more time. The sight was worse than before. More and more dead bodies were on the floor. All of them covered in blood. On some the red liquid was already dried. It looked horrible and terrifying. I looked and looked but my eyes couldn't find the one I wanted to find. Yuki was nowhere to be found. I thought of the worst and immediately looked at the ground where he stood before. He wasn't lying there dead. This realisation took the weight from my shoulders. Then I turned around and saw something bad. Not as bad as that, I can't find Yuki, but it was bad too. Daishou was losing to Kuroo. I ran towards them. I wanted to help the King of Nohebi. I was really close to them, when my eyes caught on something. More like someone. Yuki. In the middle of the crowd, without his hood. And if it wouldn't be enough I saw one more worst thing. Numai Kazuma. He was looking at Yuki. Staring holes in his head. And then the worst I could think of happened. Numai pushed Bokuto over, leaving him there and he ran towards Yuki. My heart stopped. There was no way Yuki could see him, he had his back against the Nohebi soldier. Unconsciously I dropped my sword and ran towards my boyfriend. I didn't pay attention to the ones around me. On instinct I dodged the swords, draggers. I let my legs take me to him. The only thing I could think of was just to get there before Numai, because if he reached Yuki before I did, he would kill him. He would do it without hesitation. I ran and ran. The distance became smaller and smaller between me and Yuki. But so did it between Numai and him.
I shouted when I felt like he could hear me. He did. He looked at me. He knew something was up. He could see my panicked, worried face. His eyes took up the worry and they were also confused. As soon as I could reach him I grabbed him and pushed him behind me. We were facing each other when I felt pain in my back. Yuki now knew what was up. He saw my pained face. He now saw Numai's figure behind me. And now he could see the blood on my shirt.

I stood there. With Naoyasu in front of me. When he ran towards me I didn't know why. But now I know.
That was all I could say. He held my arms while I put my hands on his shoulder.
I repeated before I felt the weight on his body on my hands. He collapsed.
I shouted and I tried to keep him standing but I failed. I let him down slowly to the ground. I was hugging him, his head was on my shoulder. Now I could see his back. A green dagger was standing out of his lower back. I looked up to a shocked and terrified Numai. He took a step closer. I immediately reached for my own dagger that was attached to my shoe.
I shouted as loud as I could and pointed my dagger towards his head. Suddenly I felt an arm on my waist and I looked back at Nao. I looked at his wound. He was bleeding. His wound was definitely serious. He was getting paler and paler.
-Hey... Please bare a little more Nao. I promise we will be fine.
I said and I gave a kiss on his temple. I felt tears running down my cheeks. I didn't realise but my shouting made everyone stop and look at us. I didn't pay attention to the outside. I didn't pay attention to what was going around me. I just hugged and Hugged Nao closer. I took off my cloak and tried to stop his bleeding, still hugging him. I lifted his head up. Put my hands on his cheeks. He could barely keep his eyes closed.
-Stay with me... Stay with me Nao... Stay with me...
I mumbled over and over again while I put my forehead on his. I don't know how much time went by but the last thing I remembered was the feeling of Naoyasu getting dragged out of my arms, before I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head and passed out.

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