Chapter 3

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When I opened the door and saw the wanted Nekoma boy in front of me, I was surprised. Not because I wasn't expecting him, but because he was actually here. Around 2 days ago the general, Hiroo Koji was here. Some of the farmers close to the border reported that they saw him. It sounds surprising but Shibayama Yuki, the post boy of Nekoma is wanted for a lot of money in Nohebi. Whoever sees him they usually report it to the first knight.
Because of the report Hiroo came here to tell me to keep my eyes open. Where I currently am in the mountains, that's the place where Shibayama is usually seen. And as it was expected he arrived just in time. The general calculated around when he would arrive and he was right.
'He is just like in the pictures.'I thought as I was looking at the boy's report. I always found him pretty, even before meeting him personally. I always thought he was cute in the pictures. But he is even more beautiful in real life. But now it's not the most important thing. I can admire him in the royal palace in the dungeon. Either way I would be the one to take care of him there. Sometimes I get special missions but other times I usually look after the prisoners or train. I was promoted to be a knight this summer so it's pretty normal, especially in Nohebi. Here after you become 18 you still have to work for 2 years in the royal palace. Through that time you get missions if you are lucky.
'Back to topic... I have to find the letter and take it... But how will I do it...' I look at the small clock on the wall. The clock just hit 1am. Good, he must be sleeping by now. I took off my heavy shoes and slowly sneaked to the guest room. On the way there I made sure to stay quiet so I won't wake him up. I slowly opened the door and stepped inside. I saw his bag and shirt on the desk. 'If he has things that must be in his bag.' I walked closer and started looking through his things, especially his bag. 'What... There is nothing in here' I thought as I packed out of the bag. Nothing. No letter nor something that gives me information. The only thing in there was a dagger and some food.
-You know, I would really appreciate it if you would leave my belongings alone.
Said a cold voice behind me. 'Fuck...' I thought as I slowly turned around. The other was sitting on the bed with a dagger in his hands, and he was ready to throw it at me.
-You know... I was expecting you to come here. You should have known that I will most likely not leave important things out of reach. You know me and you know I know you... So.
I wasn't able to speak. His voice was cold and he sounded like a killer.
-What happened? Did a cat get your tongue?
He asked as he stood up. The moon light rested on his face and upper body. He is well built. Not as much as a knight or someone who had been under training but he had probably enough muscle to throw someone lighter over his shoulder.
-You know I also expected something better from a knight. Do you touch everybody's things without checking if they are asleep or without their permission?
I still couldn't say anything. He read me like an open book. He doesn't read my face and expression, it's like he reads my aura.
-So we are playing a game called silent king... Hah... You found my dagger right? You don't have to hide it. Why don't we duel here? I am pretty sure you know how to use it?
I was still silent. It's true. I can use it. But there is a chance of me getting injured. Even if I would have some physical advantage I would still have to be careful.
-I am pretty sure you are also stronger and faster than me. I think you are aware of that, aren't you?
-Yes I am...
-Now you talk... So why don't you just launch yourself at me and wound me? If you present me to your King it would make him proud. You would get a promotion too.
He took a small break before he looked at me and walked closer.
-Hm. Why don't you try to wound me, or even kill me? You don't want him to be proud. You don't want your family to be proud of you?
-I... I do.
-Then why are you hesitating? A knight shouldn't hesitate in things like this. By my farest knowledge you can wound or kill people if it helps the country, can't you?
-I-I can!
-Then? What is holding you back?
I said nothing. I needed a lie but it didn't come. Nothing. I knew I couldn't tell him the truth. It would make me weaker mentally if he would laugh at me. And being mentally weak would mean more chances of him hurting me. If I don't pay attention he can easily injure me and then get away.
-Since you are not answering I believe it's either something embarrassing or something that would make you weaker. Or can it be both?
I tensed as I heard him saying the last question. He was right, it's both.
-So it is both. Come on. Tell me. I know now I sound like I would judge but believe me. I don't judge people. So?
-You would judge me if I tell you. Probably even try to kill me.
-Well there is a chance for it but if you don't talk that chance will be higher and higher by minute.
I thought for a second.
-Put the dagger down and I will put mine down.
He said and threw his on the nightstand. I took a step back and I put the one in my hand on the desk next to his clothes.
I was still quiet. He came closer and stood directly in front of me. 'Shit... too close.' His face was only a few inches away. If I would lean a little bit forward I could have easily kissed him.
-So... If you can't tell me you can show it to me...
As he said it I felt like exploding. But a second later I felt anxious. Now backing down now. Either a kiss or dieing. Then I realised something. His eyes. I looked like he was hoping for something. And it was more than my answer.
-I will. Just close your eyes.
I answered and waited till he did it. Then I gently put my fingers on his chin, keeping it in place. I took one more look before I put my lips onto his. The moment I felt his soft lips on my I closed my eyes. I could feel him jumping a little, but a few moments later I felt him relaxing and kissing back. His lips and movements were clumsy which made the moment adorable. He wanted the kiss but probably never done it before. I smiled slightly. A few more moments later our lips moved in sync. I pulled away and opened my eyes. His dark eyes were looking into my blue ones. He was flustered.
-Now I am pretty sure you know why I don't want to make my king proud.
He smiled slightly and to my surprise he pulled me into another one. It wasn't as passionate as the one before. It was more of a pack on the lips yet it made me happy. I don't really smile. But now I just couldn't stop it. He pulled away. He also wore a smile on his lips.
-You know. I couldn't kill you either.
-Is the reason the same as mine? Or is there something else?
-No. Our reasons are just the same. I always found you handsome.
-What do you mean?
I asked as I slightly put my hands on his hip. I did nothing, just rested them there. Yuki's hands were playing with my hair. I don't know when he put them up there but I don't mind them being there.
-I am pretty sure you have a file about me in your room.
-I do.
-Well, before I start my journeys through the kingdom my king always shows me pictures about the knight I have to watch out for. The first time I saw your face was 3 years ago, when I was 15. I think right on my first journey.
-But 3 years ago I was still a weapon carrier.
-Yeah, I know. But since you were next to Hiroo I needed to watch out for you too.
-Oh... Well the first time I saw your face was when I became a knight. Around a year ago.
For a while we stood there just looking at each other. Our quiet time was interrupted by the clock down stairs. It just hit 2am.
-We should sleep, don't you think? You have a journey to finish.
-Huh? You are letting me go?
-I want to see you in the future freely and not in the royal castle's dungeon.
-Oh... Thanks...
He said. Even in the small amount of light I was able to see that he was flustered. I chuckled a little and lifted him up. As I suddenly picked him up in my arms he yelped a little, putting his head into the crotch on my neck. I went over the bed and laid him down on it. I stood up and he immediately turned to his side. His eyes were kind of worried.
-Don't worry Yuki, I am not leaving.
I said and turned around taking the daggers. I put them on the desk and then I take off the shirt I have on. I put it on the chair right over Yukis. I turn around and see that he already turned around. I walk over to the bed and lay down next to him. I grab the cover and pull it over us. I put my arm around his waist holding him close to me. After a minute he starts turning and turns around in my arms. I open my eyes and look at him while I am smiling.
-You know... I never thought that we would be sleeping like this...
-You think I did? Never in my life.
We stayed silent. After a while I was pretty sure he was asleep but then he felt his lips touch mine, giving me a small pack.
-Good night, Nao.
-Good night, Yuki.
That was the last sentence we said to each other before both of us felt into a deep slumber.
After around 3 hours of sleeping I was woken up by the feeling of being watched.

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