Chapter 13

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In the morning my peaceful sleep was interrupted by loud banging and shouting from behind the door. 'Who the hell is banging on the door...' I thought when I got out of bed with a groan. I slowly walked over to the large door and I slowly unlocked it. As I did, suddenly the door was thrown open. Thanks to that I stumbled back but before I could have hit the ground a hand grabbed my shirt, lunching me forward. A second later the door loudly shut and I opened my eyes. I met with an angry, confused, pissed and mad Yaku Morisuke.
-Good Morning Yaku-san! Mind explaining why are you banging my door at this ungodly hour?
-Well first. It's-
He stopped and looked at the clock standing next to the wardrobe.
-So. First it's 10 am. Second, the reason I am here is because Kuroo just sent out at least 50 postboys and weapon carriers to get all of the knights to the castle. So do you perhaps know what was in the letter? Or the one Kuroo sent?
-No. I made him a promist. I promised I would never open it unless it's in danger and I have to destroy it so no one can find it.
Cursed Yaku. He just became more furious. Then he looked up and grabbed my hand. A second later we were running down the hallways, right towards the royal and high ranked nobel wing.
-WOAH! Yaku-san, will you slow down and tell me where we are going?
He then suddenly stopped, making me run into his back, and nearly pushing him over. He then turned around and looked at me with a serious look.
-We are going to find Kenma. If someone knows what was in the letter it's him.
-Oh... Okay. You know Yaku-san. Day by Day you start to act more like Lev.
-I will act like I didn't hear this sentence.
He said and started walking towards the mentioned wing. I of course followed. Because what else could I do?
In a few minutes we reached the wing and Yaku entered without hesitation. I followed closely, making sure not to shut the door too loudly. We arrived at the door that belonged to Kozume Kenma's room. Yaku knocked and we waited till the other knight opened it.
-Who the... Oh hey Yaku, Yuki! What can I help you with?
-Can we come in? This is not a public topic so it's better if nobody hears it...
Said Yaku as he pointed his finger towards the room. Kenma immediately let us in. We settled down on the coaches that he had in his room. It was probably one of the biggest rooms of the castle.
-So? What is that privat topic?
-Kenma-san. Do you perhaps know what was in the letter?
I asked after I saw Yaku struggling a little with asking. Kenma gave us a confused look.
-No, why?
–Kuroo sent out several men to bring all of the knights to the castle.
Kenma's eyes went wide.
-He didn't mention what was in it. But it must be important.
-It definitely is.
I said and earned a look from both of the olders.
-When King Bokuto got the letter and read it his face went serious and he immediately asked Akaashi to lead me to my usual room.
-So it's not just important but something really serious...
-How honest can I be?
I asked as I leaned back into the sofa and rested my head on the back support.
-Why? Did something happen while you were away?
Asked Kenma, I could hear he was concerned.
-Promise me one thing. You don't freak out. Especially you Yaku-san.
-I won't. But what is it?
I sighed and closed my eyes. 'Now or never' I thought and I told them the truth.
-I got a boyfriend.
-Okay. What's so bad about it?
Asked Kenma, in a concerned but happy voice.
-His name is Kuguri Naoyasu and he is a royal knight.
I replied and waited for their answer. For the answer I didn't really got for a while so I continued.
-It happened quickly, but we are both serious. When I reached Fukurodani, Akaashi-san realised something was wrong, so I explained my situation to him. And we also talked about the letter.
Silence. Painful and uncomfortable silence. I didn't want it to be more awkward than it already is so I finished what I wanted to say.
-His magic six sense said the consent of the letter might be the worst thing we can think of.
I took one more break before I dramatically finished.
-Akaashi's six senses said the famous revenge war we have been waiting for might happen. After a few hundred years the thing we are most afraid of might happen.
I looked at the two. Both of them were white like Kenma's room's walls. After a few minutes of silence and staring at each other Kenma broke the silence as he looked down to the small table in between the two coaches.
-I can't decide which one is worse: You having a boyfriend who is our enemy or the war occuring.
We let out a chuckle at his sentence. Now Yaku could also talk, his brain successfully processed what I said minutes ago.
-How serious is he about you and him?
-He is willing to betray Daishou for me. He even lied to his friends and his parents are also willing to cover for me if it's needed.
-So he is serious about it. Well then I have no problem with it.
Said Yaku as he smiled at me. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.
-It is a relief.
I said and chuckled a little.
-Who else knows?
Asked Kenma as he stood up walking over to his desk.
-Well besides you two, Akaashi-san and apparently Hiroo Koji and Sakishima Isumi.
-Nohebi knights?
Yaku-san asked in disbelief.
-Yes. Apparently Hiroo is good at reading people and he figured Kuguri out.
Suddenly something dropped. Both me and Yaku looked at Kenma who I think just dropped a wooden chess set.
-But If they know, won't they...
He asked as he looked over his shoulder. Yaku-san and I stood up and walked over helping him to pick up.
-Apparently Hiroo made Sakishima promise he will keep his mouth and Hiroo-san just knows how it is to like someone others don't want you to like.
-Huh? What do you mean Yuki?
I was asked by the two-toned boy.
-Hiroo and Daishou had an affair until Daishou cut him off and married to Mika.
-Oh shit... That's rough.
Said Kenma. After a second of serious silence all three of us burst out laughing.
-It's funny coming from you. I mean...
Stated Yaku. We all know what he ment. Kuroo's and Kenma's around 4 year old relationship. Romantic relationship.
-Oh Shut up...
After that we talked for a while but then I went back to my room. By the end of the day I was walking around the festival. When I arrived at the Highheart district where the royal workers are shown and talked about I saw myself again. I walked over to the poster about me and started reading it. Lots of good things. Actually just good things.

Since that night it's been a week. We still don't know what
 was in the letter. Kenma-san tried to ask him about it. In that one week I went to see my family. It turns out my brother was moved to the Royal Guards right next to the King. It turned out he is working right next to Kenma who immediately recognised him even though we are different. Now the festival was dieing down but the city was still quite full. I am currently in my room and just arrived back from the city so I am changing out of my clothes since it's a rule that in the castle you have to wear more fancy clothes. Suddenly my door was thrown open. I turned out quickly and my eyes saw a really mad Yaku. No. He was not mad... More like... Worried...
-Yaku.san? Are you okay?
He shut the door and leaned against it, I could see he was on the verge of tears. His head hung low.
I asked and walked over. I was about to touch his shoulder when he suddenly looked up.
-Get away from here Yuki...
I was confused. More confused than ever.
-W-What do you mean Yaku-san?
-I mean what I said. Get you things and go. Get away from here.
He grabbed my shoulders harshly. But it didn't hurt.
-But- But why?
I was confused. My brain was too tired for this. He didn't respond, just let go of my shoulders, grabbed a bag and ran over to the closet and started throwing my clothes into it.
-Yaku-san. What the hell is going on?
He handed me the now full bag with the usual black cloth.
-The letter.
-What about it?
-It was a war invitation.
My eyes widened and I could feel the signs of panicking.
-You mean...
-Bokuto has accepted the invitation.
-But... How do you know?
Yaku looked to the side and took a big breath.
-Kenma eavesdropped on the King. It turns out he has sent out the official attack letter to Nohebi... The answer arrived 2 days later.
-So... It was decided 3 days ago that...
-The thing we were most afraid of happened. So go get Kuguri and leave. To Shiratorizawa or Inrazaki. But Itachiyama is also good. Go. Get away from here until you can...
I said nothing. The answer just didn't come out. So instead of a verbal response I just nodded. The next second I felt one of my old mentors hugging me. Of course I hugged back. I felt like crying. Felt. No, I was already crying. Then Yaku pushed me away but still held my shoulder and looked me in the eyes.
-Go. Go. Use Cody and go. Reach the border. Don't stop. I think it's still possible to take a horse through the mountains. So go. Do it. Run away and start a new life.
-Yaku-san... Thank you!I said then I turned around and ran out of the room. On the way in my hallways I took up my cloak, covering myself and my bag. In a few minutes I was already in the stables and immediately got Cody ready. I sat on his back and kicked him lightly. A minute later I was riding out of the Nekoma castle. I looked back one more time. I saw Yaku and Kenma on my balcony. I looked at them and nodded before I put my hood on. I didn't know how much time I had left before the war started and I didn't know if Kuguri was already taken to the Nohebi palace but I knew I had to hurry if I wanted us to stay safe.

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