Chapter 7

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There were three knocks on my door. That was my alarm for today. I rubbed my eyes and got out of bed. I slowly walked over to the door as the new few knocking arrived. I open the door.
-Good Morning Shibayama!
-Oh... Morning Akaashi-san. What brings you here?
-Bokuto-sama wrote the letter. Right after breakfast you can leave if you want.
He said putting the letter in front of me. I grabbed it, took a long look at it. I was trying to process the things that are happening around me.
-Are you okay?
-Yes. My brain is just not functioning right now... Give it half an hour and it will be fine.
-Okay, I will leave now. Bokuto-sama expects you in the hall in an hour at maximum.
Said Akaashi and left. He left the door open so I closed it. I walked over to the bed and laid back down. I groaned a long one. I didn't want to get up. Getting up takes more energy than walking. Eventually after a few minutes I finally got up and walked over to the closet. I pulled out a new brown shirt with black pants. I packed my bag but still left it in the room. I made sure to lock the door, since I didn't want the letter to be taken.
As I arrived at the dining hall I realised there were only a few people. I bowed my head to the King who greeted me with a huge smile and a small wave as he was eating. Right after I finished my breakfast I excused myself from the table saying goodbye to the workers I was sitting with. I bowed my head one last time for the King and I exited the room.
When I arrived back to my room I checked my things one more time. I put the letter on my heart, under the shirt where the last one stayed. After I did it I took one more look out of the window and one more in the room.
It was my 3rd home. 'I will miss it for a while but well... I have a job to do' I thought as I locked the door, leaving the keys in the lock. I walked down the still empty hallways. Everything was calm. Not just the environment around me but I felt myself being calm too. 
I reached the stable. I told the stableboy who I am and why I am there. He gave me the horse that the King assigned for me. It was ready to leave. Before I got up I took out the black cloak I had with me, I took it up but still left the hood down.
I looked behind me and I saw Akaashi speed walking towards me.
-Akaashi-san, what a surprise. What are you doing here?
Akaashi-san looked around and leaned closer. He then started whispering.
-About what you told me last night.
-What about it?
-I have a really bad feeling. About the letter and the whole enemy thing. My 6th sense says the war will finally break out.
-What about that?
-If my senses are right, make sure you and Naoyasu both get away from here. Go to Shiratorizawa or Inarazaki. But don't stay here.
-Okay... But why?
-If they get to know during the war that you two are lovers... Both of your heads will land on the ground... So promise me. If the war breaks out you are leaving with your boyfriend. You promise me?
-I promise Akaashi-san.
-Good. Now go. Pain in the ass King Kuroo is waiting. Take care and have a safe journey.
-Thank you Akaashi-san. And I will take care.
He flashed a smile before he turned around and walked away. I also turned around and got up on the horse. A few minutes later I was already out of the city. I slowed down and turned back around. I looked up to the royal castle's highest tower.
-Goodbye Takeyuki.
I said. I said a final goodbye to the capital of Fukurodani.
After a few hours I reached the host I stayed at the day before. I stayed there for the night and I gave down the horse I arrived with.

The next day I continued my journey on foot. Lucky for my fast walking abilities, I have reached the mountains. There I waited in a cave till the sun lowered a little. To my luck around 2pm some clouds came over the hills. In the now less hot and a little more windy weather I continued my journey. 
Around 5pm I reached my destination. The small village in between the hills. The place where the boy I have feelings for lived. The only problem was the village was full of people so I hid behind a bigger stone. I was sure Kuguri was also working. Then something caught my eyes. Him. Kuguri Naoyasu walking around in knight wear. 'Okay... He looks handsome' I thought. My eyes unconsciously followed his figure. After a while I realised what I was doing. I immediately sat down in the shadow of the stone. I covered my now red face with my hands.
'I am sooo, sooo whipped... Come ooon... Shibayama get yourself together' I thought as I slapped my hands on my cheeks. After I calmed down my rapid heart beating, I turned back around. I turned back around just to meet Kuguri's blue eyes staring at me. I became flustered again, so I sat back to the shadows. 'Oh God Damn you... What are you doing to my poor heart Kuguri?'
After that though I stayed in the same position in the same place. I didn't turn back around till I heard the village becoming calmer and quieter. I didn't have to wait for a long time. Around the time the sun set came the village was nearly empty. I turned back around to check if I was right. Well I was. Only a few more people were on the town square and most of them were leaving. I stood up, and dusted down the cloak. I made sure the hood of the cloak was also up. Before I left my hiding spot I took one more look at the village. I was looking for one specific thing. Or more like one specific person. After a few back and forth looks I found Kuguri standing next to a street lamp that just got turned on. I found it weird but also fantastic that a small town in the mountains has electricity.
I walked down slowly still staying in the shadows even though my black cloak would go unnoticed even in normal light. My plan was to go over to Kuguri to greet him. When I reached the square I tilted my head downwards making sure nobody saw my face. I only looked up to the side. I realised everybody left already so I kinda tilted my head upwards. But instead of the empty square, my eyes met with a metal shirt in front of me. I jumped back a little. My hands immediately went to my pockets under the cloak. In my pockets there were the daggers. But suddenly the figure hugged me. I immediately realised who it was so I reached out from under the hood hugging back the person.
-Hey sweetheart. I missed you.
-I missed you too, Nao.
-Did you enjoy staring at me?
He asked. I looked up and smiled innocently.
-I don't know what you are talking about.
He chuckled. He then looked to the side and then back to me. We both leaned in, giving each other a kiss. It was weird. It was like we had been lovers for years. If people would have seen us they would have thought we were already together for years... But in reality it's only been 2 days. 2 days and years of admiring before hand from the background. We parted and he gave me a smile. 'God it's going to kill me one day'
-What about we go inside the house? I am pretty sure you are tired.
-I like your idea.
I answered and let go of his neck, grabbed his hand and kinda dragged him towards his own house. He took his keys out and opened the door. Inside I took off my cloak and shoes. I also took out the letter, putting it inside my bag. I hid my bag under the cloak right next to the door on the hangers. Kuguri put his heavy shoes down right next to mine. I looked at the 2 pairs of shoes and the realisation hit me. My feet are a lot smaller than his. He must have realised the same thing because I heard him laugh a little.
-What are you laughing at?
-Just how small are you compared to me.
My mouth hung open.
-I am not that short.
-Yes you are and here is the proof.
He said and pointed to the shoes before us.
-Short people, small feet. Tall people, big feet.
I looked at him. I punched his shoulder playfully and left him in the hallway. I was planning to make dinner so I made my way towards the kitchen. I quickly decided to make some rice with veggies. I was sure I would find rice. And I did. It was in one of the cupboards. In one of the top cupboards and on the top shelf.
-You got to be kidding me...
I whispered in front of me as I stared at the cupboard.
-Need some help?
I looked behind me. Kuguri was leaning on the doorway. I was sure he had a small smirk on his lips.
-No. I will manage.
I said stubbornly and turned back around.
-Whatever you say.
He answered and left to go upstairs. After a small brainstorm session I walked over to the table and checked the chairs. As good they looked I was sure if I stood on it would fall. So instead I walked back to the counter and started climbing to the top of it. I was kneeling on the counter. I realised I still couldn't reach it. I was about to stand up but then I felt a pair of hands on my waist. It picked me up and put me down to the ground. It was Kuguri. He reached up and got the rice down for me.
-Next time if you want to reach something ask for help instead of trying to injure yourself.
-I wasn't doing anything dangerous.
-Yes and I am a maid. If you fell down from there your head would have hit the side of the table.
-Now that you face the truth, what are you planning to make?
-Rice with veggies.
He nodded to my answer and left, leaving me confused. A few minutes later he returned with some veggies. After we had everything we started cooking. After we were done we sat down and ate. Through dinner we laughed a lot. It was really like if we were together for years. After finishing our dishes, we cleaned up. Kuguri let me take a shower and after me he also took one. Right after the shower we went to sleep. The difference was now that we slept in his room instead of the guestroom. 
I was about to fall asleep when Kuguri asked.
-Yuki, are you asleep?
-No, why Nao?
-Would you mind if I would go with you till you reach back to Nekoma Kingdom?
My eyes went wide. I sat up and stared down at him.
-But that's dangerous... What if the other Knights come here?
-I will just ask the citizens to say I left with a traveller because it was his first time in the kingdom.
Kuguri sat up and pulled me into his lap. He put one of his hands on my cheek while the other one was on one of my legs just sitting there.
-Yuki. It will be fine.
-I am not worried about you leaving but the journey through the country... If they realise it's me and you are with me and I am not tied down they will put the pieces together. That will be the end of us. You would have to run away. You would be wanted too.
-Yuki. Sweetheart. For you I don't mind being wanted. For you I don't mind taking risks. You don't know how much risk I am willing to take to keep you safe. I have to run to be with you? Not a problem. I am running. I am being wanted. I don't care. As long as I can be with you or just keep you safe from the danger in Nohebi I am happy and I will do anything.
-I am willing to take the biggest risks.
As I heard him say these things I teared up. He meant them. His eyes were soft yet so confident. I leaned closer and put my forehead on his.
-Oh, Naoyasu...
-Don't cry. Please. Why are you sad?
-I am not sad. I am happy. I feel relieved.
-Because you are feeling the same as me. I would die for you Naoyasu. I would kill for you. I am willing to disobey my King. I am willing to leave the Kingdom if it means I can be with you.
We stayed in silence.
-You know. Akaashi-san, the butler of King Bokuto made me promise something.
I said as I leaned my head over to his shoulder. My hands were next to his waist just hanging in their place.
-What did he make you promise?
-His 6th sense said that the war we have never wanted to happen might happen. And if it happens he made me promise that I will drag you away from here. To Shiratorizawa or Inarazaki. Far away from the war. To a place where we can make a fresh start.
He said nothing. I waited for a while. I lifted my head up again. I looked into his eyes. I took his hand and put it in my cheek.
-Naoyasu. If the war happens. Promise me you run away with me. To a place where nobody knows who we are. To a place where we can live a peaceful life. Promise me this.
-I promise Yuki.
He said and kissed my lips. This was the seal on our promise. After the kiss we said nothing. We laid down in each other's arms and slowly fell asleep. 
In the morning I woke up to Kuguri caressing my cheek. 

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