Chapter 4

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The next morning I was woken up by the noises of the town. People were talking loudly, greeting each other.
I slowly opened my eyes but I immediately closed them since the room was too bright. Soon I opened them again. After a few blinks my eyes got used to the light. I found a big, bare chest in front of me. I look up and I see Naoyasu peacefully sleeping. In the morning sunlight he looks more handsome than before. I stare at him for a while uncounsesly when he suddenly opens one eye.
-Got a staring problem, sweetheart?
-No but I like to take longer looks at things I find beautiful.
I said with a small smile. My answer made the boy chuckle. The next moment he moved closer and gave me a small forehead kiss.
-I am gonna get up and make breakfast. I think you should get ready too.
He said and climbed out of bed. He walked out of the room shirtless. After he left I felt colder so I stayed in bed for a while but I eventually got up. I walked over to the desk taking up one of the shirts and packing my things and getting the letter. I put it inside my shirt. It is now laying on my chest, right over my heart. I also took up my shoes. As soon as I got ready I grabbed my bag and left downstairs. As I reached the dinner room I saw the boy still preparing breakfast. I put my bag down on one of the chairs and sat on another one. After a few minutes Naoyasu put a plate in front of me and he also sat down since he prepared a meal for himself too.
As in Nekoma's culture I put my hands together and thanked them for the food. The other looked at me weirdly. Even if our languages are pretty similar and we understand each other easily in the culture there are major differences.
-Why did you do that?
Asked Naoyasu between two bites.
-In Nekoma's culture before dinner we always say thanks for the food.
-Oh... We don't do that.
-I can see.
I said as I chuckled a little. The next moment I looked up his head was turned to another direction and his cheeks were pink. Till the end of breakfast we sat in silence. The only small noises were made by the utensils. When we both finished he took the plates and simply put them into the sink. He then turned around and looked at me with serious eyes.
'Oh God... Not just his eyes but his voice is also serious'
-Yes Naoyasu?
-About last night... Did you mean it?
-What do you mean?
-The love part... Did you mean it or just did it to make me weak?
-I did, but did you?
-Of course I did...
Silence. Nothing else. 'Now this is awkward again...' I thought as my head hung low after a while.
-Yuki. What do you want us to be after last night?
-I think you know my answer.
-Even if it's dangerous? Even if it means we can get executed?
-Even if It means I have to die, I still want to be lovers.
I said and stood up from the chair. I walked closer and looked at Naoyasu. Then I asked him.
-What do you want us to be?
-I think it's pretty obvious.
He smiled at me. It wasn't really the kind but more of a cocky smile. He took a step further and put his hand on my cheek. We both leaned in and closed our eyes. Just like last night we shared a passionate kiss but soon parted. His eyes were staring into mine. He was now gently smiling.
-Will you take that risk with me?
-I will, Naoyasu.
I said. We leaned in again, our lips touching again. This kiss wasn't passionate. Wasn't hungry. It was something else. It was filled with pure love. It lasted for a while when Naoyasu pulled away. Just us he did, the clock in the living room hit 8 o'clock.
-I think you should get going.
-Yes, I should, but I don't want to.
-You have to Yuki. Some of the Royal Knights are coming here today and I have no idea when they are arriving. I don't want them to find you here. I'm pretty sure you don't want that either.
I sighed. I laid my head on his chest. He was right. I don't want it. That would be really bad if they found me here. Not just for me but for my now boyfriend too. I look up one more time. I give him a kiss on the lips and let go of him. I walked over to the table, grabbing my bag. I walk towards the entrance of the house. Naoyasu follows me. I took out the brown cape I have with me in my bag. I take it on, tying the belt on my waist. Before I turn around to say my final goodbye I put up the hood over my head. Now I look like a monk from a monastery. I turned around and looked at the half naked boy in front of me. I took a step closer, giving him one last kiss before I faced towards the door, opening it and stepping outside.
-Take care Yuki.
-Will do Naoyasu.
I said and walked away from the house. I heard him close the door but I didn't look back. I was already kinda late so I needed to hurry.

I was now in the Kingdom of Fukurodani. The kingdom of light and happiness. But also they were one of the undefeated kings next to the kingdoms of Shiratorizawa and Itachiyama. I only heard of these 2. I have never been there. The furthest I have ever gone was into Aoba Johsai when I was delivering a letter to King Oikawa. 
As I was walking down the dusty road my mind was filled with Naoyasu. The same few thoughts were roaming in my thoughts: 'What if they find out about us? What if he were just lying? What if he will tell me on and the next time I am going there he will be waiting for me with other knights? No get these thoughts out of your head Yuki. He said he loved you and he wanted to be more than just friends. Yes he meant it. We will be fine.' I thought for some more time but now my mind was on the letter.
'What can it be about?' When King Kuroo gave it to me, he tied it to my soul to not open it unless the piece of paper was in danger. Noone can know what it inside of it, or what's the massage. My thoughts were interrupted by someone shouting my name.
I jumped a little when I heard. Then I turned around and saw one of the most famous knights of Fukurodani. Sir Konoha Akinori.
-Konoha-san! Nice to see you again!
-You too, Shibayama. What brings you here?
-Oh I am delivering a letter to King Bokuto. What about you, if I can ask? It's rare for you to be here.
-In the last few days we have been getting letters from farmers abound here about the knights of Nohebi. Apparently they have been acting suspiciously. So I came here to check it out.
-And did you see something or someone?
-Nobody luckily . It would be a problem.
-Yeah, I can see why.
-By the way you mentioned you are bringing a letter to Bokuto, right? Do you need a ride to the castle?
-That would be wonderful. But only if I am not a bother. And it would be enough if you only take me till an inn. I can rent a horse there.
-You sure?
-Yes. Besides it will be really exhausting for your horse.
-Whatever you say. Than come on jump up!
He said as he moved slightly forward. He lifted his leg out of the stirrup iron. I put my legs in it and jumped up behind him. He waited till I was sitting comfortably and then made a small hitting movement with the reins. The aftermath of that was the horse started moving forward.
-Hold on tight. We will go a little faster.
He asked, and I did as I was told.
About an hour later we reached an inn. There I got down and said goodbye. I walked into where  asked the innkeeper for dinner and a horse. Right after dinner I continued my journey. 
Before night time I was lucky enough to reach the capital. There I slowed down till I reached the palace. Right at the gates I met with two other famous knights I have known for a while. Sir Yamato Sarukui and Sir Haruki Komi. They immediately recognised me.
-Shibayama! Haven't seen you in a long time. What have you been up to?
-Hello to you too Komi-san! I have been taking letters to King Oikawa and Daichi. I even had to take some letters to the kingdom of Shinzen.
-That must have been good. But what brought you here?
-King Kuroo sent a letter to King Bokuto and I am here to deliver it!
-Come in then. The stable boy will take care of the horse.
-Thank you.
I said and I got down from the horse. Komi-san called a boy for me to take the horse. He couldn't be older than 15. He was tall but also really slim. He respectfully moved and took the reins from me, leading the animal away. After the horse was taken away Komi-san walked me inside the castle.
'WHY ARE THERE SO MANY STAIRS?' I mentally cursed the builder of the castle. We went up about 50 steps before we reached the door of the throne room.
-Stay here. I will ask the King or at least Akaashi if he is able to see you.
-Okay, thank you.
I answered and bowed my head out of respect. For Nekoma and Fukurodani it was pretty normal to bow in front of the knights. They are considered the highest nobels, right under the royal family. He waved his hands as a sign that bowing isn't needed. A second later he disappeared behind the really tall door. After a few minutes of standing in silence the door opened again.

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