Chapter 8

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After the late night conversation me and Yuki had, I felt happy and relieved. When he said out what he would do for me. I felt like I was in heaven. I felt like I couldn't be happier than I am at the moment.
In the morning I decided to wake up earlier. I woke up around 5am. I saw Yuki still asleep. I climbed out of the bed and covered him with the cover we had on. Before leaving I gave him a small kiss on the head. In the one pair of sleep pants I went down to the kitchen. Since my brain was still setting itself up, I stood there for 10 minutes just staring at the counter in front of me. After my brain set itself up I decided to make Yuki breakfast. In the end I decided to make some miso soup in the way my mother taught me. Yesterday I had occasion to taste his recipe so it's time for him to taste mine. I quickly prepared the things I needed and immediately started working on the food. Within 30 minutes the food was ready to go. I put the 2 bowls on a tray with 2 traditional small spoons and slowly walked up the stairs. When I reached my room I carefully pushed the door open, making sure not to wake up the boy in my bed with it. I pushed the paper work away from the centre of my desk and replaced it with the trey.
After I finished the hard part of the job I walked over to the bed. I sat down next to Yuki. I slowly lifted my hand up and started caressing his cheek. After a few back and forth movements with my thumb Yuki let out a soft groan. My eyes went wide. It was probably the cutest thing I have ever heard. As I was looking at him he slowly opened his eyes and fleshed a small smile.
-Morning Nao!
He said as he yawed a big.
-Hey Sunshine. Did you sleep well?
-I did. By the way.What's that delicious smell?
He asked as he smelled the air. It was understandable why. The smell of the miso soup was all over the room.
-The smell is your breakfast.
-Umm... What did you made, Mr. Sheff?
I chuckled at the nickname and stood up. I walked over to my dest and Lifted up one of the bowls. I walked back and held out the soup for Yuki to take.
-Be careful, it's still hot.
Yuki smiled and took the bowl. He smelled the food and smiled.
-It smells delicious.
I chuckled and walked over to grab my bowl. I walked over and sat down. I looked over to Yuki who looked a little bit troubled. I immediately realised why.
-Do you want me to hold the bowl till you say thank you for it?
-Would you?
He asked and I immediately took the bowl. He didn't take longer than a few seconds and then took back the bowl from me. I also sat down carefully. We didn't say much during breakfast. As soon as we were done the first actual topic was travelling though Nohebi.
-So. When do we wanna leave?
I asked curiously. He looked at me a little bit confused at first but then realised what I meant.
-I have no idea when. The sooner I get out of Nohebi the better.
I was kinda surprised. I am sure he was able to see it since he immediately apologised.
-Sorry. I phased it wrong. The sooner I get to know what's in the letter the sooner we can leave if it's something bad.
-Oh... Okay. What about if we plan out what way we go and then we leave today afternoon or tomorrow morning?
-Fine with me. But I would prefer leaving today.
-Than, let's pack and we can leave.
I said and stood up. I grabbed the tray with the bowls and went down. I didn't want to leave the dishes there so I washed them. As I was drying my hands after I was done I felt 2 small hands on my stomach. Right after the hands I felt a head in my neck.
-What's up Yuki?
-I need clothes...
-Don't you have some with you?
-I usually only bring 2 or 3 pairs. And since I accidentally left one in Fukurodani, now I only have 2 pairs.
I signed.
-You can have some of mine.
He said, right after I felt him giving me a kiss on the neck and leaving the kitchen. After a few minutes I also followed him upstairs. The door was closed so I knocked, since I didn't want to invade his privacy.
-Yuki, Can I come in?
-Yes, go on.
He said and I opened the door. When I entered I saw him standing next to the bed and folding clothes. It wasn't surprising what he was wearing. Underwear and one of my probably biggest shirts. I stared at him. He probably felt it since he turned his head around. The thing that shook me out of my mind was his laugh. I was sure I was redder than a tomato. And I was also pretty sure he didn't know why I was blushing. After a few more seconds I was sure I was right. He suddenly stopped laughing and looked down on himself. He turned back to the bed, hiding his face but I could see on his ears he was red.
-Not so cocky are we now?
I said as I walked closer. I put one of my hands on his waist and gave him a small kiss on his cheek.
-Come on, dress up properly and I will get ready the other things.
-You say I should dress up properly when you are the one who doesn't have on a shirt.
-Sweetheart, who is walking around in underwear?
-And an oversized shirt.
-Yes. My oversized shirt.
-Nope. Our oversized shirt.
He said and walked away, picking out one of the smallest pants he could find. I followed him with my head then turned my attention to the neatly folded clothes. I picked them up when I realised he already got at least 3 pairs of clothes ready, enough for both of us, even if the journey takes longer. I walked over to my dest where the bags were. I picked up the biggest one and fitted the clothes into it. I also picked another bigger one for the food we will be taking. As I was measuring which bag is the 2nd biggest I felt something hitting my head. I turned around and found a shirt right in front of me. I looked up and my eyes met with a serious Yuki.
-You should get ready too.
-As much as I like how good you look, you can't come to the journey half naked.
-You think I am good looking? Then why would you want me to take up a shirt? You like seeing me like this don't you?
-Like I said yes. But think about meeting with other people.
First I didn't understand what he ment. Then the realisation hit me.
-You would get jealous, wouldn't you Yuki?
He said nothing but rolled his eyes.
-Just get ready.
He said and left the room. I let out a chuckle. I got ready and with the bags I went down stairs. There I saw Yuki preparing lunch. He must have heard me coming since he looked to the side, directly in my direction.
-I see you got ready. Could you please get the food ready for the journey?
-Yes Sir!
About 15 minutes later I had everything I thought we would need. BY the time Yuki also got ready with the meal so we sat down and started eating. Right after dinner Yuki took up his cloak, grabbed his bag and we left the house. On the way out I asked one of the old ladies to tell the other knights that one of the travellers needed help getting to the capital. After we had done everything in the village we left to start our journey. Yuki insisted on going the way he arrived here. The faster but kinda more dangerous way in the mountains. I am not saying I am afraid of things especially not death but in that way I was scared for my life. Because of me we had to stop more than one time but after 3 hours of struggling we reached the foot of the mountains. We agreed on going till we felt like it. Yuki also said he usually sleeps under the open sky, since it would be really dangerous to sleep in a host. This ment we will most likely sleep under the sky tonight. I don't mind it. I have actually never done it, and it does sound fun.
We walked for hours. The sun was already setting. I stopped and looked back. I was still able to see the mountains.
-Do you already miss it?
-Well... Yes. But I want to know that you can safely reach the border.
I said and turned to the boy behind me. I walked closer, gave him a small forehead kiss and grabbed his hand.
-Let's go shall we?
I asked, smiling. He just chuckled and started running a little, dragging me with him. I didn't mind. I felt free and happy. That night we stayed next to a big tree in the forest. Yuki made sure that he finds a place where we are covered. We fall asleep next to each other. His head on my shoulder and my head resting on his. Our cover was Yuki's cloak.
The next morning we were woken up by the birds singing and the few sunshines getting through the leaves. 

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