Chapter 14

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It was around 4 in the afternoon when I exited the Royal district on the back of Cody. Since the city was nearly still full we couldn't go really fast. And it's not like it was allowed. The only expectation was if you had a document about. And I don't really have one so, for once I don't mind the crowd. As I rode further away from the Royal palace towards the outside wall the crowd became less and less. Thanks to that I could reach the most outside wall really quickly. I said goodbye to Sir Yamamoto and Sir Fukunaga who were on duty tonight.
-Hey Yuki! What are you doing here? It's unusual for you to leave after a week...
Said Taketora-san as he kinda suspiciously looked me up and down.
-I was sent out to deliver a letter. And I want to be as fast as I can.
-Understandable. Well then. Have a good journey Yuki and take care.
-Thank you Sirs.
I replied and rode away.

I was riding next to farms, wheatfields and orchards. Several of them. Sometimes we slowed down with Cody so he could take a few breaths but usually he was the one who took up a faster speed after a while. I let him. He always knew when to slow down and for how long. He always knew how much time he needed to recover and reset his heartbeats.
By 8pm the Sun went down and the Moon came up instead. The one and only true friend of a traveller. It brough cold and dark where nobody could see you. This is why I love nights.
As I was riding I turned my head up to the sky. I stared at the dark sky and the bright stars on it. 'Orion... There is Taurus...' I thought as I was sorting out and connecting the little dots. As I was looking upwards Cody slowed down a little and he started walking, so I looked up. As I looked up I realised what was in front of me and what caused Cody to slow down. The mountains of the border. 'Has it been this long since I left the Royal Palace?' I questioned myself since the Royal Palace is on the other side of the Kingdom. Slowly we reached the mountains and now it was towering over us. We walked next to the rock wall for a while until the small cleft in the wall. I stopped Cody right next to it and got down from his back. I took his lead and slowly walked into the barely but fitting crack. In a few minutes we successfully reached a bigger part of the canyon. It still wasn't wide enough for me to sit back on so I was still holding the lead. After half an hour I felt like the canyon was wide enough so I sat up uo Cody's back and we could go at a faster speed. After a few minutes I realised the sky became lighter. I looked up and the sky was actually lighter than before, meaning the Sun is coming up. As I was looking at the sky and watching the sky becoming more and more colourful. Once it was just blue, then there was purple, red and yellow. Then it reached its light blue colour. It all happened in less than 5 minutes. But in that 5 minutes we also reached the small brook where I stayed a while ago when I was coming back from my journey.
-Hey, Cody. Let's stop.
I said and waited till Cody stopped what he did immediately. I quickly got down and walked over to the small brook. I kneeled down, collected some water in my hands. I lifted it to my mouth and chucked it down. I repeated this a few times. I stood up then walked back to Cody, sitting on his back again. I was tired but I wanted to find a less suny place. We continued riding for a while when we reached the cave's entrance.
-We should stop here.
I told Cody as I pulled the lead backwards, stopping the horse under me. It was now about 7am but I was tired and I needed some sleep, so did Cody.
I got down, walked over to a stone in the shadow. Put my things down, sat down and laid my back against the big rock. Within a minute I was fast asleep. I didn't even wake up when Cody laid his heavy head in my lap.
When I woke up the Sun was already on the other side of the canyon so the sun rays were blinding me when I opened my eyes. I blinked a few times while I was shadowing my eyes with my hand. After my vision got used to the light I gently started petting Cody who slowly woke and got up from my lap. As I tried to get up, I realised my legs went numb from Cody's heavy head. After I felt the blood floating into my legs and I could move it again I got up while I was holding onto the saddle. I walked over to the lead of Cody, took it and walked into the small cave in front of us. After a few minutes of walking in the dark carven I could finally see the light. My plan was to reach the capital today. Tell Kuguri's parents to leave or hide. As soon as we reached the other side of the big rock wall, I stopped and got on Cody's back. We slowly walked down from the cave, since it was slightly high from the field under us. As soon as we reached the bottom, Cody didn't hesitate to gallop on his fastest speed, right towards the main road. I let go of the lead and took up the hood of my cloak. I couldn't risk getting caught.
The way to the city was calm. As I rode through some villages I already knew the country knew about the war. I saw families saying goodbye to the head of the family. Little kids saying bye to their fathers, mothers saying goodbye to their young sons. Shedding tears, giving kisses to their loved ones. I was hoping for one thing. The only thing I hoped was that I wouldn't have to do the same with Kuguri... I couldn't take it. Saying goodbye. As I looked at a house, another family where the sister was saying goodbye to his brother something hit me. My own brother... He might be dragged to war... And I didn't even say goodbye. The realisation hit me so hard I started crying without realising it. I realised what happened when I felt the salty taste on my lips. I lifted my hand to my face, wiping the floating tears off my cheeks. I didn't want people to see me crying or think I was suspicious. I lowered my head but I made sure to still see what was in front of me. I didn't look to the side, just in front of me, on the main road. I continued my journey like this.
The Sun was already setting when I reached the huge gates of Omizu. At the door there were two guards. I knew they would stop me.
-Hey You! On the horse! Stop!
I did as they asked. I got down and walked over to them.
-Why do you want to enter?
-I am delivering something to someone.
-Who are you delivering?
-I don't know the name of the person... I am only a connecting person.
I lied. I did it as if it was my second nature. I said it as if it was the truth.
-Well, okay then. You may enter.
-Thank you!
I replied and tried really hard not to bow. As I slightly looked up I realised who was standing in front of me. Numai Kazuma. I turned my back to them, walked back to Cody and rode into the city. It wasn't really crowded so I could easily reach the inside wall that led to the Royal district. Since they were ordering people older than around 15 in, I could easily ride in. In there we couldn't really move fast thanks to the tons of people going towards the castle. In half an hour I could get to the bridge that I crossed with Kuguri. On the other side I immediately spotted the 2 story house of the Kuguri's. I rode over, got down from Cody. I walked to the door, knocked on it and waited. While I was waiting for a response I made sure my face was covered from the outsiders but clear for my "in-laws". When the door opened I met with the face of Mrs. Kuguri, who immediately recognised me.
-Yuki! What are you doing here?
She asked as she looked at me with a shocked face.
-I will explain but could I stay for the night?
-Of course! Come inside! I will lead you to the side building.
She said, slightly pushing me inside before she took the lead from my hand. I bowed to her, and walked more inside, making sure to close the door. When I turned around my eyes met with the head of Kuguri's.
-Yuki! Nice to see you again!
He said as he embraced me in a tight hug. I, of course, hugged back.
-What brings you here?
Asked now Mrs. Kuguri, who just entered the hall.
-I am pretty sure you already know... But both Nohebi and Nekoma are getting ready for a war. So is Fukurodani...
-Yes... We already know...
-Well... I am going to Naoyasu... Before he is ordered in... Since I know they are most likely to go and ask him in personally.
-Makes sense... Are you hungry, Yuki?
Asked Mr. Kuguri. I didn't say anything, just nodded. They led me to the kitchen and we ate dinner together. They asked questions through dinner, it was like a family bonding. I talked about my family, they talked about theirs. By the end of dinner I know a lot of things about Kuguri's parents, grandparents and ascendants. After dinner they showed me my room. Well It was actually Naoyasu's old room, full of his things. They said I can also use his clothes, since they are smaller and they would fit. I changed into some of his clothes, they still had the smell of Naoyasu but it was really faint and smelled more like a closet. I laid in his bed and covered myself with the cover. I tried to sleep, but I really couldn't. I thought of Naoyasu. I hoped he was fine... I hoped We could get away from here. I hoped for the best for us. As I was thinking about him I slowly fell asleep.

In the morning I continued the trip right after breakfast, which was a traditional Nohebi dish. It was spicy but it tasted really good. I easily got out of the Royal district, luckily they didn't find me suspicious and stopped me because of this. But getting out of the city was more difficult. They asked me why I was leaving. First I thought I was screwed but then I realised something. I am able to sound like a 14 years old. So with my secret ability I answered simply.
-I am going home. I was just accompanying my father before the war.
-Oh. Sorry kid. Have a nice way home!
I got the answer from one of the guards, letting me go on my trip. Cody was going at full speed. After a few hours, around midday the really top of the mountains came into view. As we were getting closer and closer I could see more and more of the mountains. In an hour I was close to the foot of it. I pulled the lead to the right since the mainroad went the other direction which wasn't fitting for me. Cody immediately turned to the right, not slowing down. I knew I couldn't take Cody with me to the mountains. It would be dangerous. When I could see the secret path leading up wards I stopped him and got off his back.
-Hide Cody. Somewhere no one can find you.
I said as I put my forehead on his. I gave a kiss on his nose before I let go of him. He immediately turned towards the forest slowly. I also turned around and started walking up the path. It didn't take long to get through the hardest part of it. After that it was a piece of cake. As soon as I could I started running. Thanks to that it didn't take long till I could see the houses. As soon and as fast as I could I ran down the stone slope. I nearly fell over 2 or 3 times but I eventually reached the small marketplace in the middle. It was weird. The whole town was empty, not a single soul. I ran to Kuguri's house and walked inside without knocking.
I shouted. I thought my eyes would meet with Kuguri's or he would run towards me. But no. When I arrived at the living room it wasn't just him... Besides him there stood the King, Daishou Suguru, Numai Kazuma, Sakishima Isumi and some other knights. Of course they immediately looked at me as I entered. My hood wasn't really covering my face anymore so they immediately recognised me. 'Shit...' That's all I could think of.
Whispered slightly, It was like he just mounted it.
-Well, well, well. What do we have here?
Asked Daishou as he turned his full body towards me.
He shouted. Out on instinct I moved backwards. I tried to run but it was useless. The knights got me and dragged me in front of Daishou. My head hung low but as soon as the knights stopped, I felt a hand grabbing my face, pulling it up wards.
-How come you know Kuguri personally? Huh?
I didn't answer. I didn't know what would be good and what would be bad.
-You don't want to answer? How useless.
He threw my face away from his head. I avoided eye contact.
-Kuguri? How come he can come in here and he knows your name?
Asked now the royal Kuguri. I looked at my lover who was now slightly watching me. In his eyes I saw a sorry look.
-I got close to him to get information.
-And what did you get?
-He didn't talk. I am pretty sure he still doesn't trust me...
He answered, while he looked right into Daishou's eyes, confidently. I am sure he was shaking on the inside but on the outside he was like a knight. An actual knight. As his ancestors stood in front of the Royals. As they stood in front of Death with open arms. He was strong and confident.
-So he doesn't talk... Well then. Take him to the castle!
Ordered Daishou as he glanced at me from above his shoulder.
One more time I looked at Kuguri. From his eyes I could literally read the following words: 'I am sorry...' He looked away. I knew he had to, otherwise they would be suspicious. I looked at him one more time. Then suddenly I felt pain. Pain in the back of my head. I looked up one more time before I felt my eyes closing... In the last moment before I went unconscious I was a concerned, scared and worried Kuguri in front of me.
The next time I woke up I was sitting in a cold and slightly damp place. 

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