Chapter 9

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In the morning I was woken up by the sun rays shining through the leaves above me. I felt a pair of arms wrapped around me under the cloak. I looked up to see my boyfriend's blank but calm face. I carefully climbed out of Kuguri's grip and got up. I made sure the cloak still covered him since even though it was summer it was still cold in the morning. Last night I made sure to stay near a small brook. It meant we were a little far away from the big road that crosses Nohebi and leads to Fukurodani. In the past it was connected to my kingdom but then just after the last royal family died out and the Daishou family got on the throne they immediately started a war. At first they just killed most of the Nekoma knights and peasants who got inside Nohebi. Not long after that the war broke out. To protect his people King Kuroo, Tetsurou Kuroo's great great grandfather closed the border. This happened around 200 years ago. On december 5th the King of Nekoma made the knights to colleps the small stone bridge going over the main road. Since then the only way through is the mountains. Only the knights, postboys know a new path that was made years ago. You are able to use a horse on that path but it's longer but still good.
I walked over to the small brook near us. I quickly washed my face and drank some water. It was cleaner than the ones in the cities. It came from the mountains and just gets out to the surface around a 100 metres away from here. So it's still clear.
After I drank some fresh and clear water I walked back. To my surprise Kuguri was already up. He was kinda freaking out.
-Why are you freaking out?
I asked as I walked closer to him. He walked over and hugged me.
-Whow. What's up?
-Imagine waking up alone in the middle of the forest.
-Okay I get it. I should have woken you up.
-Why didn't you do it?
-You were so calm, I didn't want to bother you.
-Still next time please wake me up.
-Will do, but now go wash up. There is a brook nearby. As soon as you are done we are leaving.
I said and walked away from him. I could feel him staring at me. I knew what he wanted but I ignored it. Today I am planning to reach the capital and stay in a small host I always stay in. The owner is kind and he can't see really well. If we arrive at the right time we can avoid the people staying there. I picked up my things and waited for Kuguri to come back. After 5 minutes he came back. I took my cloak and put it on. Within a few we reached back to the main road and continued walking.
-So what is our destination for today?
-I am planning to stay as the New Night host.
-What host?
-New Night. It's right next to the capital.
-You, Shibayama Yuki, who is wanted, who wants to stay close to the capital.
-The owner's eyesight is really bad.
-Oh... Okay understandable. When will we arrive there?
-If we keep this pace and we don't stop then around in more than half a day.
-So around night time?
He said nothing and just hummed. We walked for a while. There was calm and comfortable silence between us. Till Kuguri's stomach cramps. He looked away and was embarrassed.
-You want something to eat?
I asked as I pulled out some bread from my bag. He immediately took it and started eating it.
-You are welcome.
I said he looked at me and gave a sound out. I think it was supposed to be a "thank you" but it was more like a baby talking. I also reached into the bag and picked out a piece of bread and started chewing on it.
Around dinner we were through half of today's journey. Even though the morning was warm , now the wind was blowing a little making the weather more bearable. We were walking and holding hands slightly when Kuguri let go of it. I was confused for a second but then saw the problem. A nohebi knight was riding towards us. As he reached closer I recognised him. Hiroo Koji, the right hand of the King. He is known for his cruelty and breaveness. To the best of my knowledge his family has been working for the royals since they are on the throne. I also remember my history books mentioning their family name as one of the most loyal ones and the ones who caused the most death on the Nekoma side in the great war. They are truly great knights and fighters. I looked up to him as he reached closer. He was wearing a different type of chestplate. Instead of grey the nohebi knights always wear his was white with 6 black stripes on it. I knew this. Nekoma has the same stripes on our chest plates. It means how many generations have worked for the king. Like Yaku Morisuke. On his chest plate he has 18 smaller stripes. His family is really loyal to the Kuroos. But just like him the Yamamoto, Fukunaka and Haiba families also have a lot of stripes. But the most stripes belong to the Kozume family. They are keeping the record with 50 stripes. Well those are not stripes anymore. More like small ovals. The reason is to match the first few marks on the Kozume chest plate's right shoulder. On that chest plate the marks are in 3 small lines reaching down to the end of the wearing.
As he was coming closer and closer I turned my head downwards. If he recognised me with Kuguri. Both of us would be dead.
-Kuguri, pleasure to meet you? What brings you here?
He asked us as he slow down and stopped right next to us.
-Pleasure to see you too, Sir Hiroo. I was asked by this traveller to lead him to the capital.
-Huh? Why? Is it your first time here as a traveller?
I panicked. I calmed down for a while. I then realised something.
-Yes... It... Is?
-Why are you talking like this?
-I am not... tell... your language?
-Oh. You don't speak Nohebian. What do you say?
-I can talk Itachiyaman.
-Hmmm. Itachiyaman. Are you from Itachiyama?
I answered it now on Itachiyaman. I have been learning it from a really young age. I was taught by my father who came from the Itachiyama Kingdom. It became one of the strongest kingdoms through the years. Currently the next heir to the throne is Sakusa Kiyoomi. 
An uncomfortable silence sat on us. I didn't dare to look up. Then I heard the knight on the horse sigh.
-You know. You had me for a few minutes, Shibayama Yuki.
I shook my head up and met with his eyes. I slightly looked at Kuguri who had a terrified face expression. Hiroo then jumped off his horse landing close to us. Kuguri immediately stood in front of me, pushing me behind him to protect me.
-You know what I have to do Kuguri...
-Don't you dare Hiroo...
Then Hiroo sighed. He looked between me and Kuguri. His eyes set on me for a second then moved back to Kuguri. They were eyeing each other while I became more and more uncomfortable.
-I am not going to hurt you neither Shibayama. I will be honest with you Kuguri. I already knew.
My eyes went wide. I looked at Kuguri from the side and saw his face frozen. He looked shocked and confused at the same time.
-W-what do you mean Hiroo???
-I mean what I mean. I realised you were lying that day. The dishes, no the eye-contact and you were obviously stressed.
I had an idea what was up but I didn't say anything.
-I will not tell Daishou neither will Sakishima. But all I can say, take care and make sure you are always covered, Okay?
I stood in front of Kuguri. I looked at Hiroo and bowed. I could see him taking a step back.
-Thank you Sir Hiroo.
-Ummm. You are welcome but what are you doing?
I lifted my upper body up looking into his eyes.
-In Nekoma if you are saying thanks you bow your head.
-Oh okay... But now. I don't know where you are going but you should go.
-Did something happen?
Asked Kuguri.
-No but Numai and the other knights will be returning today or early tomorrow. I don't think they would like to see you two together. Where are you heading?
-New Night host next to the capital.
-You are wanted and you want to stay in a host?
-The owner is nearly blind...
-By the way Hiroo. Why are you helping us?
-Well 1. You are like an adopted little brother to me, Kuguri. And 2. I know what it is like to love someone who your parents and the people around you don't want you to love.
-Huh. What do you mean Hiroo?
Asked Kuguri confused. But I knew what was up. One of our knights one time sneaked into the castle and got information. His name is Nobuyuki Kai. He has kind of retired since then. He still works for Kuroo but does less work.
-Is it what I think it is?
-Huh? What do you mean?
-It's about Yours and Daishous affair before he got married right?
Shouted Kuguri behind me. Hiroo's eyes also went wide.
-Yes it is but how do you know?
-That's for me to know and for you to possibly find out.
I answered that since I didn't want to tell them about Kai.
-Okay but back to the whole. You and Daishou had an affair?
-Yes... Before Mika came into the picture. After that he changed. He became colder and distanced himself. Then we stopped talking too. And this happened in like a month. And then he announced he is getting married.
-That was a short amount of time...
Said Kuguri. I was obviously not surprised. I knew it. But still this situation felt familiar. Then I realised where it is in its familiar form. Akaashi-san is in this exact situation.
-But nevermind my life now. Go before the other Knights see you. And Shibayama uses that Itachiyaman accent I am pretty sure you have. It will help you. And use words in Itachiyaman so they don't understand the whole.
-Will do and thank you once again.
He flashed a smile and shook Kuguri's hand. He sat on his horse and rode away. We looked after him for a while but then continued our journey.
By the time the sun set we reached the host. It was around 10pm when we arrived. Kuguri asked for a room for us and ordered food. Luckily we were the only ones in the dining hall. Since Kuguri was a knight from the capital the owner immediately recognised him from close. Because of that he left us alone in the room and went to sleep. Thanks to that I could take off my hood. Through dinner we had small talks. Mostly about Hiroo and the meeting and the next day destionition. We agreed on another small host near the secret path. When we finished dinner we went upstairs into our room. There we changed and headed to sleep. Before falling asleep we shared a few kisses. Some were passionate and some were only small packs. In the end we fell asleep in each other's arms.
In the morning we were woken up by a loud horn sound.

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