Chapter 10

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Me and Shibayama were woken up by a familiar horn sound. I caught my boyfriend before he fell off the bed and then I stood up and walked over to the window. I knew this sound and I could recognise it out of a hundred. It was the sound of Numai Kazuma. He was out hunting with his weapon carriers. As I was looking out the window I felt a pair of arms around my waist.
-Was it the knights coming back?
-Yes it was. But this is a problem.

-Numai will definitely look for me. He will go all around the city and ask for me. And it will make our jobs harder. We can't go around since the city is too big to go around it.
-Yes it might be a problem. But if we wear a cloak?
-We only have one?

He let go of my waist and walked over to the bags pulling out a brownies cloth from the bigger bag.
-You bought another one? Why?
-Just in case,for situations like this.
-You are smart.
-I know.
He answered confidently. I walked over and grabbed his waist, pulling him closer. I leaned down and gave him a small kiss on his lips. He of course kissed back. We then parted away and just looked at each other lovingly.
Yuki then looked to the side, to the clothes in our bags.
-We should dress up. Omizu is pretty big so it will take some time to get through it. And we still have to walk till the walls.
-Don't worry we can make it through the city in a day and we can also reach the place we want to reach.
I said and let go of him, turning and reaching towards the bag, grabbing a pair of clothes and starting to change. Yuki did the same. When we were done we went to the stared bathroom, washed up, and did our personal things. We went downstairs. We saw that the hall and the dining room were empty. The only person up was the owner, who immediately greeted us and gave us our breakfast. Wasn't much but still enough for us to feel full after eating it. When we were done we went upstairs and collected our belongings. Took up the cloaks and gave down the keys. We said a final goodbye to the owner before leaving the small building behind us.
Within half an hour we reached the walls of Omizu, the capital of Nohebi. In the gates there stood two of my well known friends, Sakishima Isumi and So Akama. They are on wall duty today. 
I took off my hood just for them so there will be no misunderstandings.
-EY!!! Look who is coming towards us Akama.
I heard Sakishima shout a little. When we reached them I shook both of their hands. Their eyes immediately went to Yuki but then came back to me.
-What are you up to Kuguri?
-I was asked by this traveller to help him to the capital. It turned out he needed to go to the other side of the city so I am helping him.
-Oh. Hey traveller, where are you from?
Asked Akama as he stood closer to my boyfriend. I saw Yuki lifting his head up slightly.
-I from Itachiyama.
He said with a really bad Nohebian accent.
-You don't speak our language do you?
Asked Akama with a disappointed look. Yuki just shook his head.
-Well nevermind. Have a safe way through the city of Kuguri.
-Thank you Akama.
I replied. We then shook each other's hands with the other two Knights and we walked through the huge gates of the gigantic town and entered one of the districts of Omizu. The city had 14 districts, I was sure we would walk through at least 4 of them. The first we entered was the Archorb District. This was one of the safest districts.
In about 2 hours we reached though the district. We stopped a few times to observe the beautiful buildings. Well mostly Shibayama.
-I have never stopped to look around, you know.
-Well I can see. You are looking at that old temple as a baby who just came out for its first walk.
I said laughing a little.
-But now comes one, we still have a lot to walk.
I mentioned. We were at the foot of the inside wall. It protected the houses of the noble families. I grabbed Yuki's hand and started walking towards the even bigger iron gate in the wall. Just like before it was easy to get inside. Firstly because I was a knight and secondly the gate guards in that hour were two of my dearest friends who I met at the knight training. Now that we got through the big gate we were walking on the streets of Upper Ring District.
-You know Yuki. This is the district I grew up in.
-Yes. Have you ever had a chance to walk here?
-No, I never had.
We talked for a while about where he had a chance to get in. He mostly walked in the outside district. As we walked I quickly grabbed his hand just to hold it. Luckily Yuki's and my cape hid our hands.
We walked and walked and around lunch time we reached the river that crossed over in the city. Yuki was looking downwards to hide his face when I stopped.
-Yuki, sunshine. Look up.
He asked and shot his head towards me. I nodded my head towards the huge building in front of us. He immediately turned his head towards it. We were standing right in front of the Royal Palace of the Nohebi Kingdom.
-It was built like a thousand years ago.
I looked at Yuki. His eyes were shining. He was happy, amazed.
-You like it, don't you?
-One of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. Besides, it's just amazing how developed your country was a thousand years ago.
-Yes, I know.
We stayed for a while when I thought about something. My parents.
-Hey Yuki.
-Yes Nao?
He asked as he turned his head towards me. I was still looking at the building on the other side of the flooding river.
-Would you mind if I would say Hi to my parents?
-No, I would never.
-You sure.
-Yes, I am. I know how important parents and family are.
-Thank you.
-So which way?
-After me.
I said and started walking by the river. In like 5 minutes we stood in front of a big, two storey house.
-You used to live here?

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