Chapter 1 - Solace

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The wedding bells rang loudly as the wooden double doors opened. 

Soon, the beautiful music played from the grand piano started to fill the entire place and people gasped one by one when a woman underneath a precious white veil entered.

She is beautiful. 

Her eyes that gleamed in excitement and anticipation for this very day were evident as her steps were calmed and composed.

The white gown for the ceremonies of the sector trailed off behind her and attendants quickly cleared the path for any inconvenience while she made her way to the golden altar where her groom awaits.

I smiled at the sight.

"Do you take  Prescilla Kingston to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest asked them and his smile widened. The corner of his lips quivered for a short second but only I noticed it.

He was emotional after hearing the question and this time, my heart ached no longer. Instead, happiness bloomed inside me as I saw him hold back the tears.

"I do, father," He responded and a set of cooes from the audience resonated inside the church hall.

"Do you take Matthias Montgomery to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The priest asked her and her vibrant smile and red ruby lips stretched when she heard the question.

"I do, father"

People almost rose from their seats and started clapping but seeing they were inside the church, they restrained themselves.

Priscilla and Matthias truly are a perfect match for each other. Their looks are astounding and their compatibility is like no other.  After all, they have been childhood friends for the longest time so it was no surprise that they decided to tie the knot.

"You may now kiss the bride," The priest spoke and Matthias held the hem of the luxurious white veil with trembling hands. His face was flushed as he kept himself from crying.

Once he had the courage to lift the veil, tears from his eyes started to fall as it was combined with his handsome smile.

I watched as his lips slowly descended to his bride's and the smile on my face did not falter.

If it had been on the previous years, I would have interrupted them. I would have screamed and pushed her away in anger. I hated seeing Matthias with her because I was jealous and I was madly in love with him.

But now, it felt all too different. I realized I no longer had the right to be mad at them. 

When their lips departed, cues for the cheers and claps echoed inside the church hall and I was one of the people who clapped for them.

I should've been the one by his side reciting our vows of marriage but that did not happen. Five years ago, an unfortunate accident happened which drastically changed our lives.

Matthias Montgomery lost his memories and everything about me disappeared. All that's retained were of his childhood friend, Priscilla, and I lost my place by his side.

I tried to persist. 

I did not give up on him as I believed Matthias still loves me despite everything that happened. I told him about our relationship, even tried convincing the people around us to speak the truth towards him but no one was in favor of our situation.

Matthias and Priscilla were the foreseen couple by the people around us and I was the intruder.

But we loved each other.

That's right, loved.

Matthias loved me five years ago before he lost his memories and I loved him until yesterday.

The memories of our years together as lovers that went against the world remained in my heart and I know will. However, I needed to let go and let Matthias live the way he wants to.

After five years of suffering and trying to hold on to the final string of our relationship, I did everything that I could.

But how can I fight when it was him who does not need me anymore?

Soon, the bride and groom went down from their spots down to the grand hall where people are waiting.

Matthias' smile was wide as he greets his friends and family. 

I wish he would greet me like that too, for the last time at least.

But I guess the world still despised me for going against it. His eyes drifted towards my direction and the smile on his face faltered.

His handsome face was contorted into a displeased look and he instantly started marching in my way wherein people started watching me with judging eyes.

They must think I am here to cause chaos again. Please don't be worried, I finally found my solace, and this time, Matthias is no longer included.

"What are you doing here?!" He gripped my arm harshly but instead of wincing at the pain, I smiled at him.

"I just came to attend your wedding, Matthias. Priscilla invited me, after all. I am not here to crash or anything," I admitted with the somber yet pleased look on my face and his infuriated expression became even more prominent.

"Please don't ruin your wedding as I do not intend to do so either," I spoke to him and Matthias obviously was stunned when he heard my response.

After a few seconds of silence from him, Matthias composed himself and glared at me again.

"Leave," He instructed me and I chuckled.

"Yes, I plan to leave the moment you are declared as wedded. Please remove your grasp from my arm so I can step back," I politely requested and Matthias' grip on my arm loosened.

Taking a step back as I promised, I lowered my head to Matthias Montgomery.

"Then I shall take my leave now, Matthias. Congratulations and best wishes," I spoke for the final time and turned my back from him.

I no longer hold on. I am letting go. 

I have given the best of my abilities to cling to the false hope that one day, your memories would return and finally love me once more.

But after five years of waiting and suffering, I could not take any more of it. I was losing my sanity and my life. I don't want to ruin myself just so I could retain our lost relationship.

Walking out with a gentle smile on my face, the sun shone from the skies and entered the doors of the church giving light to my path.

To my beloved, I want you to remember that I loved you. That I had been there even if you do not want me anymore.

That Elijah Wright was once your beloved partner.

I want you to remember that you were once my solace but everything was left in reminiscence. 

We went against the world but we lost. The world took you from me and I was left hoping time would retract its steps and I would find you reaching out to me with a gentle smile on your face.

But this is for the best. 

Farewell, Matt. Until we meet again.

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