Chapter 5 - Disrespect

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"Who's coming here anyway? Probably another try-hard model who wants to suck up with the boss!"

Elijah froze in his spot when he heard the statement.

His mind stopped working for a second as an empty silence consumed his thoughts.

He already had enough disrespect of waiting for twenty-two minutes alone in the CEO's office and in all honesty, that was enough for Elijah to leave and cause a scandal with the company. Yet he did not.

But what is this?

Blood boiled in his head and the model's face noticeably reddened.

He was embarrassed.

"Tell me, why did I even stay here after having to wait for more than twenty minutes in your office, Matthias?" Elijah lowered his head as he gritted his teeth and clenched his hands.

He couldn't take any of it.


"Who's coming here anyway? Probably another try-hard model who wants to suck up with the boss!" Matthias' eyes widened when he heard the statement and his gaze went towards Elijah.

He saw how Elijah's entire face reddened in embarrassment after hearing the words and the man ground his teeth.

"Tell me, why did I even stay here after having to wait for more than twenty minutes in your office, Matthias?"

Flags of alert resonated inside the CEO's head and Matthias quickly acted.

He couldn't have Elijah leave right now. Everything would be further ruined!

'Fuck,' The man cursed as his hurried steps went inside the shooting quarters without any heads up from the people inside.

"B-Boss!" The employees inside the shooting quarters all exclaimed in surprise after seeing the company's CEO enter the shooting quarters with a furious expression.

"Who said that?!" Matthias asked with his eyebrows furrowed and his entire presence screaming terror.

"W-What do you mean, b-boss?" They stuttered in return but Matthias was enraged.

Matthias was about to speak again with the veins on his neck and forehead showing but another person came inside the room.

"Trying hard or not, shouldn't you speak ill of the models your CEO hires?" The person leaned on the doorframe and crossed his arms together.

His expensive black leather jacket accompanied only with a white shirt and denim pants stood out like a sore thumb from the rest of the room where cameras and other instruments were set up.

"I recommend you close the doors before mocking the models helping your company. I shall take my leave then," Elijah waved his hand at them before turning his back and leaving and Matthias' heart pounded in his ears.

"Elijah! Wait!"

He ran after the man and the staff were left inside the room gaping at the celebrity who had just entered and left even without a minute passing.

"That was..."

"Elijah Wright..." They all shivered when they realized the name.

Elijah Wright, the youngest male supermodel in the fashion industry and the most coveted performer on the runway of giant clothing and entertainment brands.

"I..." the man who spoke the sentence earlier could not find the proper words to describe what he was feeling.

It was the Elijah Wright!

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