Chapter 8 - Memories

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Sebastian held his camera carefully but his hands won't stop shaking.

'Oh lord,' He sweatdropped because he could not focus on his work. Who could even do so when the person they mocked was no other than Elijah Wright himself and the man was right in front of him?

"Is there something wrong?" Elijah looked at him with confusion but Sebastian only flinched in response.

"N-Nothing, Sir Elijah, please pose again and I will capture it," He smiled nervously and looked through the lenses of his camera.

Elijah was acting as if Sebastian did not speak ill of him yesterday and it was unnerving the cameraman.

'What if he had already done something against me? Against the company?' He pondered over the thought and shivered in fear.

However, he needed to focus despite his worries.

It was all his fault for being a blabber-mouth and Sebastian needed to pay the consequences of mocking the one and only Elijah Wright.

Squinting his eyes and focusing on Elijah, Sebastian carefully looked at the model coveted by everyone.

Elijah was leaning on the car with his hands crossed and his back leaning on one of the side doors. He wore a luxury silver three-piece suit with a white undershirt and a black tie.

A serious look plastered on his face as his eyes were staring directly at the camera.

'Wow,' Sebastian could only admire the man in front of the camera lenses.

Elijah Wright was not a model with millions of fans globally for nothing. Even if the public knew little to none about the man, his looks alone were enough to grab the heart of every person that saw him.

His well-sculpted face, toned back, wide shoulders, and uncaring expression.

It was the ideal type, especially for women who had their fantasies about bosses falling in love with their secretaries or men imagining what they look like.

'I wish I was that handsome,' Sebastian had the same desires too.


He captured another picture and his eyebrows went up when he looked at the captured image.

"Hmmm... Elijah-" He called but stopped when he saw Elijah was looking somewhere else. This time, he did not face the camera anymore but rather, turned his body to the side while looking at the ceiling of the stadium.

"This..." Sebastian paused for a second.

His eyes grazing over the image of Elijah Wright looking somber and melancholic while leaning on the car and his arms crossed.

Instinctively, Sebastian's fingers went to press the shutter button of his camera and aimed it at Elijah.


"Beautiful..." He spoke unconsciously while viewing Elijah Wright.

A handsome man admired by tens and hundreds of million people all around the globe.

A model coveted by many companies.

An image that came straight out of fantasies.

Elijah was a breathtaking entity that Sebastian wanted to capture more. The desire for a being like him who loves to carry his camera around and take pictures of beautiful and astounding things heightening at the sight of Elijah Wright.

But Sebastian halted when Elijah turned back to the camera with a raised eyebrow.

"I thought you were taking a break, I did not know you took another picture," He stated and Sebastian's admiration grew for the young model.

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