Chapter 13 - Emotions

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"What are you doing?" Elijah asked as he paused opening the box of donuts.

Matthias was silent as his head hung low.

"Get back to work, Matthias." Elijah completely opened the box of donuts and saw that they were all custom-made based on the order.

All the donuts were either cream-filled or glazed. Just as what he liked before when he was still in college.

'He really does remember the time when we were in college,' Elijah thought while grabbing a chocolate-filled donut.

"How was the donut, Elijah?" He heard Matthias speak in a small yet expectant voice.

"Good." The response was short and curt. Elijah was busy munching on the donut with a happy expression wherein Matthias watched with a small smile on his face.

Sensing that Elijah was satisfied with the donuts alone, the CEO grabbed the other food and brought it to his desk. It would be a waste to throw the good stuff away and so, he would rather eat them.

In all honesty, Elijah did not hate Matthias.

Despite what he had been through for the past years he stayed with the CEO and his lover, Elijah could not find a single reason for him to be angry.

Was he stupid?

He did not know. Every time anger rose in his heart, it would be justified with the reason that Matthias had lost his memories.

Matthias lost his memories.

That's the reason Elijah would always say to himself when he feels like the world had wronged him. If only Matthias had not lost them, he would not treat Elijah that way.

He clung to the hope that anytime soon, his lover's memories would return. Yet it was all for naught.

The model accidentally let out a sigh as he ate the donut on his table.

He wasn't furious with his relationships but he was mad because of Matthias' works over the past years.

Now he was sitting and arranging all the necessary papers that needs to be sorted out because Matthias had no secretary. Even more so, the CEO could not handle all of the paperwork because Elijah had instructed him to review everything he had done for four years.

"Secretary," He spoke out of nowhere and Matthias stopped eating the salad on a disposable plastic lunch box.

"Eli...?" He wondered what Elijah needed.

"I'm like your secretary right now," Elijah chuckled while taking the last bite on the first donut he took from the box.

Matthias seems to have taken the wording wrong as he subconsciously blushed at the thought. Not at Elijah being his secretary but with Elijah as his workmate.

But it was short-lived.

"You better find another secretary soon, Matthias. I can't stay even for a week arranging your papers." Elijah broke the seconds of daydream he had.

"By the way," Elijah turned to look at him and Matthias straightened his posture.

"I intend to take back the money my parents spent on this company the moment it got back on its feet."

It felt like a huge weight had suddenly crushed Matthias. The burden in his heart was unbearable whereas he froze in his place.

"What..." He trailed off.

"What do you mean 'what'? I said what I said." Elijah huffed while grabbing another donut.

"Why..." The dread he felt when Elijah screamed and ordered him to throw the salad earlier returned in his body.

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