Chapter 6 - Declan Montgomery

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The sound of skin slapping each other while moans and groans resonated inside the room could be heard and Elijah slid down the wall outside the door. He covered his mouth and tears freely flowed down his eyes.

Matthias and Priscilla were sharing the bed with each other.

In the room where he and Elijah used to sleep before.

The young Elijah could only sob in despair as he cannot take the idea of Matthias sleeping with someone else but what can he do?

His lover lost his memories and instead, he saw the woman sharing the bed with him right now as someone he loved. Not Elijah.

Hundreds and thousands of daggers were piercing Elijah's chest as he listened to their passionate lovemaking until he couldn't bear to take it anymore and his vision started to blacken.

"N-No..." He sobbed and tried to stand up but he was becoming dizzy. His head spun around and his vision was doubled.

It was too painful for him to handle.


"Fuck," Elijah groaned as he woke up from the nightmare again.

"Gosh, let me sleep peacefully goddamn it!" He threw the pillow on the other side of the bed and laid there exhausted.

He had been fine since years ago but why was he experiencing these traumatic memories once more?

Elijah did not know but he had a clue.

'Maybe because I met Matthias again after years of not seeing each other.' He sighed when he thought about it.

"This is bad. If I keep on having these nightmares it would definitely affect my work."

He decided it would be best to finish everything.

The shoot, the promotion, Matthias.

He had moved on but he was still haunted by his past and that was starting to trigger his anger issues.

Elijah had been too selfless throughout that time and now, he finally gathered the self-confidence to stand up and know his worth.

He was Elijah Wright, for Pete's sake!

Currently the highest-paid supermodel in the world and one of the few who can live freely in their whole life without working just from what they earned in their four years of working in the industry.

"Haah, memories, memories, stay away from me!" He groaned again before standing up since he can't sleep again.

"They can fuck all they want from morning until midnight for all I care," He rolled his eyes before getting off the bed and heading towards the bathroom of his hotel room.

If it were the Elijah nine years ago, he would've broken down and begged Matthias to not do it because he was hurting.

But right now, Elijah couldn't care less.

He himself had slept with a few people here and there after leaving Matthias and finally moving on. Elijah needed to look for new partners too or he would grow old alone and he did not want that to happen.

Turning the faucet on, Elijah grabbed a small basin from the corner of the bathroom and filled it with water.

He then examined his looks on the mirror.

His dark, wavy, and unruly hair was even more unruly due to the fact he shifted a lot during his sleep because of the nightmare.

There were circles under his eyes and his already sleepy-looking eyes looked even more tired than usual.

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