Chapter 16 - Soup and Advil

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Elijah woke up to the sun's rays passing through the curtains. He groaned as he rolled over and was about to sleep again deciding to fuck his schedule and just waste his day today. He had a busy day for god knows how long.

But then, his nose caught the scent of an unfamiliar scent. He slowly opened his eyes and sniffed the pillows once more.

It didn't smell like his pillows back in his temporary unit.

"Shit." Elijah wanted to sleep more because of the hangover he had but seeing he was in someone else's place right now was the more concerning thing he should focus on.

Is this the guy's place he was with yesterday? He couldn't even remember his name let alone his face. He was sure he talked with someone yesterday while taking a few shots but he didn't know he would get drunk that much.

It was probably because he hadn't had a drink in so long that his body didn't recuperate that quickly.

'Did I get laid?' He asked himself trying to assess his body despite his aching head.

There was nothing hurting. His back, his waist, and even his ass wasn't hurting.

'Thank god.' He thought as his eyes refused to open.

He should be awake at least when he has sex or else it would be pointless.

After a few more seconds of trying to decide whether he should sleep in on some stranger's house, Elijah found the motivation to open his eyes for the second time and he didn't close them again.

He had an everyday monologue of whether he should just quit his job and enjoy the rest of his life living luxuriously considering he had saved enough for it. Right now, Elijah was having that monologue in his head again.

The temptation of being a slacker for the remainder of his life in this wretched world was making him shudder in excitement.

Once he was done with his internal monologue, he looked around and saw an unfamiliar sight. It was definitely someone's house and not his.

But then, as his eyes gazed outside the window where the curtains were slightly separated, his eyes slightly widened when he recognized the same view he had of his condo.

'Don't tell me...?' He sighed.

He was in the same building but in another unit.

Elijah finally got out of the bed and continued exploring the place. Surely, the owner of this place would be here somewhere since he can smell the faint scent of breakfast food being cooked and he could hear some clutters in the kitchen.

He also didn't see any note in the nightstand beside the bed so he concluded the owner of this place was his.

Once he approached the kitchen, Elijah took a deep breath.

He should just play this cool, right?

At least the guy was considerate enough to bring Elijah to his place and allow him to sleep on his bed. They didn't do anything either which Elijah was thankful for.

... Or should he just disappear and get out knowing his unit was on the lower floor...?

'At least be proper, you bastard,' Eli cursed himself before chuckling and choosing the former option. He put on his friendly face and slowly walked into the kitchen but he made sure to speak before he showed himself.

"Hello?" He asked with his groggy voice as if he had just woken up, which he did, but he was faking it so the person wouldn't be startled.

It looks like whoever was cooking noticed Elijah's presence as the cluttering of the pan stopped.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2023 ⏰

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