Chapter 7 - Fame

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Knotting the tie perfectly, Matthias stood in front of the mirror with a small smile on his face.

"Good morning, dad!" Declan spoke. His energy already exceeded to the brim even though he had just woken up.

"Good morning, Dec. I already made you breakfast. It's in the table," He ushered the young child to the table where he cooked some eggs, sausages, and fried rice.

That was all he can cook since he had been used to getting served always. But now that Declan was with him, Matthias had to learn the ways of a father who feeds his son.

"Thanks, dad! But..." Declan trailed off as he stood there watching Matthias finish his tie and remove the wrinkles on his suit.

"What is it? Do you want to have a take-out instead?" Matthias lowered himself so he can meet Declan eye to eye.

However, the child shook his head but instead pointed at his face.

"You look happy, dad."

Matthias' smile twitched for a moment when Declan pointed out his expression.

"Dad is just happy to go to work, Dec. Do you want to come with me to work? I will also buy you the new game you want while on the way," he offered and Declan's focus was shifted into the last part where Matthias would buy him the latest PS5 console.


"Go eat quickly and brush your teeth. Dad will wait for you here." Declan ran into the kitchen of the presidential suite where they have been staying for weeks now.

Matthias was thinking if he should just turn this into their new home but it would be a long process.

'You look happy, dad!'

He went back to stare at the mirror and the smile he had earlier reappeared. Indeed, Matthias was happy.

Things have gone for the worst possible scenario yesterday but he still couldn't ignore the fact that Elijah Wright was now working as their partner model for the new car models he designed.

Elijah Wright.

Matthias' memories were as clear as daylight nine years ago.

Elijah was the person he remembered living with him and his wife, Priscilla before. Elijah spoke of many things about them.

That most absurd one was that he and Elijah were lovers.

Matthias wanted to believe that but seeing he cannot remember anything Elijah spoke of, he brushed him off.

Elijah even tried to show him plenty of photos. Most of them were taken out of the country and some were in the high school they both attended.

It felt like they were real couples but his memories were blank.

He did not know whether he should believe it or not but whenever he looks at Elijah, his childhood friend, Priscilla is the one who pops up and not him.

Matthias tried. He did but he cannot lie to himself.

It was Priscilla that he was looking for and not Elijah Wright.

Whenever he tries to invite Priscilla over, Elijah would get in the way and forbade it from happening. Matthias excused the initial events of it but soon, he also snapped.

How could he keep on pretending to love Elijah when the man was no longer in his memories? When all that's left was Priscilla?

Could he be blamed for that?

After a year had passed since he lost his memories, that's when he started to treat Elijah as a complete stranger and gave up trying to remember everything between them. He cannot have Elijah hurting the woman he loves.

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