Chapter 9 - Memories (2)

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Elijah walked through the halls of the mansion as he was tired from being at the company all day.

"Matt?" He called but no one answered.

'I wonder where he is?' His strides continued to stretch across the mahogany floors.

He wanted to eat with Matthias as usual but he had been at the company because there were many problems to tend to especially now that Matthias cannot properly remember things about the enterprises.

"Matt?" He called again but soon halted when he heard a clutter in the kitchen.

'Is he trying to cook for me?' he smiled at the thought of his lover who only knew how to tend to the company and sports cooking for him.

'Ah, he's so cute!' Elijah skipped his steps while untying the tie from his neck and having it loose.

Soon, he arrived at the kitchen and halted when he saw the sight before him.

"Haha! Did you send the files accidentally?!"

"Yes! It was so embarrassing because it contained scribbles of me ranting about the work!" They laughed again and Elijah's smile faded.

"Matt?" He called and the two turned to look at him.

Matthias and Priscilla were sitting at the table. Half-empty plates right in front of them respectively and smiles plastered on their faces.

"Oh, Elijah! Welcome back! Please come and sit with us-"

But Priscilla paused when Matthias touched her hand on the table.

"Why are you inviting a stranger to the table, Pris? Tell him to leave." Matthias' voice was condescending and he sent a glare in Elijah's way making the young entrepreneur freeze in his spot.

"Matt, be nice to Elijah. He lives in this house too," Priscilla reprimanded him but for Elijah, it felt like mockery towards him.

'I live in this house too, huh,' He lowered his head and despite his heavy heart, he continued to take steps forward until he reached the table.

Sitting on one of the vacant seats, Elijah saw that there wasn't any plate for him.

"Oh, I'll get a plate for you, Elijah-"

"Let him do that, Pris. You're not his maid or anything," Matthias sent another warning glare in Elijah's way.

"Stop that, Matthias. I want to do this for Elijah at the very least." She no longer waited for Matthias to reply but rather stood up and went to grab a plate and a few utensils for Elijah.

When she was out of their reach, Matthias then decided to fully glare at Elijah and the man saw Matthias' hands clench in anger.

"Who do you think you are making Priscilla get up to grab your plate?!" He raged and veins appeared on his face.

Elijah in response only sat there quietly with his head lowered since he did not want to anger Matthias further.

"You aren't responding now, huh? This bastard!" He abruptly stood up and went to charge at Elijah with his fists but Priscilla got back in the room carrying a plate with the utensils.

"What are you doing, Matt?" Priscilla asked and Matthias nervously scratched his cheek.

"A-Ah... I was just checking to see if there is still food left for him," He reasoned out and Priscilla turned to look at Elijah.

"Yes... yes, he did. Thank you for the plates, Pris," He smiled in return and received the objects from her.

Elijah then looked at the food that was served on the table.

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