Chapter 11- Sentiments

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Elijah sat on the edge of the boxing ring with a towel placed on the back of his neck and draped on his shoulders.

"I'm so frustrated," he spoke in a low and tired voice.

"Should I just go back?" He tried to weigh the options in his head.

He no longer wanted to suffer from any of the drama he had left in this city. Everything was done and over. He could just leave and stop everything from progressing further but he was hesitating.

He had poured all of his dead parents' money in the company and that was their last will left to the young Elijah Wright.

They wanted him to make the company grow and prosper.

Elijah was not heartless. He took great importance with his parents and loved them to death. After all, they were the ones who supported him in his relationship with Matthias before.

When the whole world despised him, his parents became his wall.

Even if the entire city tried to bring him down, his parents lifted him up, and whatever the cost, they always protected him.

Elijah couldn't just ignore the fact that before they died, they wanted Elijah to continue managing the company or at the very least, make it the best in its field.

He wasn't selfish.

Elijah knew his responsibilities as the only son of the wealthiest business tycoons in the country ten years ago.

Despite his current situation and feelings, Elijah needed to continue doing this.

"Why now?" He facepalmed himself and just laid there silently. The empty gym was not helping with his thoughts.

Why did Matthias start to regain his memories now?

Elijah did not want that. Some may curse him for not wishing the best for Matthias' recovery but he did not care.

He knew when the CEO's memories would return, more drama would ensue and he will not be able to properly work well when Matthias would start to try and get back with him.

Elijah knew Matthias would do that.

Not because he was handsome

Not because he was wealthy

Not because he was smart.

But because Matthias loved him dearly ever since they were in middle school and until the day of his accident.

Matthias was the one who constantly chased him around the campus and always offered his shoulder for Elijah to lean on.

When Elijah's parents died, Matthias was there to comfort him. He stayed with Elijah for weeks and did not leave him until his emotions were stable.

"It was wrong of me." He chuckled at the thought.

He cursed Matthias plenty of times a week ago and even hoped for the man to regret his actions when his memories fully returned.

It wasn't Matthias' fault that he got that injury and lost his memories. Matthias was even lenient with him in the first year they lived together but Elijah knew the man cannot remember a single thing about him.

Matthias really did try. At first, after Elijah presented all of their pictures together, Matthias tried to regain their relationship by acting as Elijah's partner.

But his feelings were attached in his memories and as it disappeared, so did Matthias' affections for him.

It was Elijah's fault for trying to maintain their relationship for five years that Matthias eventually got fed up with him and started treating him badly.

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