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(This story is NOT like the real Greek Mythology story. The plot and some powers are made up. Please forgive me if some of the details are wrong, I do try my best to look up everything. Enjoy!)

(Hades POV)

Mount Olympus is like a thorn in my side. The parties and the ravishing love spells are given to a person like a drug. I can't help but feel negative about my brother's doing; Zeus and Poseidon killing and cursing anything that gets in their way. The number of half-bloods born have practically outnumbered the years Gaea was created. I can't stand those hypocritical worthless runts nested at my side telling me what to do and how to do it.

Now I'm perceived as an evil god who rules the underworld and takes people's souls. Yes, I do rule the underworld. Yes, I do take souls, but who dares to call me evil and a demon without even knowing me. Yet, I started to believe it myself. I am evil...I am a demon, but deep within these hollow grounds stands a man with morals.

I say morals, but morals have left me. Seemingly confused about my own worth, I judge myself daily. Am I a good man?

These indecisive thoughts fill my mind with holes as wide as sol for letting Zeus and Poseidon say whatever they want about me... because I don't even know myself.


"Master, an invitation has arrived for the Summit of the Gods," Riezer, my most trusted servant, announced as he entered. He carried a parchment as white as ivory, a document that incited my instant disdain. "Will, you once again, not attend?" I listened to his words, laced with unease, before dismissing his presence with a wave of my hand.

"Master please try to reason with your brothers." He insisted. "They expend great effort in inviting you every ten years."

Already past the point of going back to sleep, I reluctantly opened my eyes to gaze upon the dreary ceiling. "You speak of that forced invite as if they wanted to send it to me." I muttered, catching Riezer's discomfort from the corner of my eye.

"Hermes personally delivers it to you every ten years, my lord. Seeing that, I... have to  that there is some thought of your presence."


"Yes, master?"

"Let me rest."

"B-But master-"

I cut him off. "Leave my chambers before I kill you!"

"Y-yes master." He scurried out, shutting the door behind him. My gaze drifted to the invitation left on the wooden dresser.

I sat up unwillingly, retrieving the parchment. It felt smooth under my touch, adorned with a sparkle, just as Zeus's preference for lavishness would have it. 

I gazed at my name printed in golden script at the bottom corner. With my thumb, I scraped at the coated gold, watching the flakes flutter to the floor. A fleeting smile crept upon my lips as I savored this small pleasure, but the interest was brief, disappearing too soon. I slowly unfurled the letter and read...

"Dearest gods and goddesses, The Summit of the gods is among us. Peace thee with you as you read this, and peace thee with you when you join me. As the sun ascends on the third day of July, gather forth to partake and join the festivities of the gods."

Warmest Blessings,


Zeus. Zeus. How that name grates upon me, a constant echo throughout my existence. But I'd heard it far too many times in my life to become fond of it. Nonetheless, I was angry. The underground fortress shook at my will, causing tiny rocks to fall and hit the ground. It felt as though Zeus deliberately sent this letter to mock and provoke me, even though I received the same letter every decade. Nevertheless, I could no longer allow it to pass.

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