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Picture is of Ares

(Hades POV)

"So uncle, where did you pick up a beautiful lady like that?"

"I didn't pick her up."

"Ohhh that's right, you stole her."

I wacked Ares on the back of the head and walked out of the soul lure.

"Haha! Wait uncle, I was just kidding around."

"Ares, why don't you go home."

"What home?" I looked at my poor nephew who twirled his black hair. He looked up at me then smiled. I ruffled his hair and he followed me just as Poseidon once did.

A few hours later, dinner was ready and Persephone, Ares, and I sat there conversating normally.

"Uncle, I found me some warriors in Sparta, they seem to hate Athens."

"Ares, don't go starting another war. Its already been 10 years of peace. And you know Zeus will scorn you at the next Summit."

"Summit, what's that?" Persephone asked while looking at Ares. Why was she looking at him and not me?

"Oh, that's where us gods meet every 10 years to discuss the world of the living."

"What matters?"

"Let us just say the gods just want to take control of certain aspects including the world of the living. The humans are becoming more independent, and the gods feel threatened by that."

"I see what you are saying, but it will be some time before the whole world forgets the gods."

Ares's face brightened as he continued to speak with Persephone.

"Uncle, how can you hide such a smart woman from me."

"I never hid her, maybe if you'd stop worrying about war, then you'd also find a woman and settle down." I drank some of my wine.

"Uncle, that was harsh."


A few days have past and Persephone hasn't looked at me once since she got back. This was irritating me in the most unusual way. Was it because of the kiss? How am I supposed to react to such a situation? I am not human; I am not a whore; I do not know of what these humans call a heartfelt gesture. A simple hug would have been enough, but maybe I'm being too much.

Ughh what am I thinking? It's not like I disliked it, it's just that I was surprised. Maybe I should confront her about this matter and we will be on equal terms once again.

While walking around trying to find Persephone, I saw her and Ares speaking in the main living room.

She was smiling and laughing making me irritated.

"Uncle is actually really biased."

What! I thought.

"Especially with the people he associates with. And that makes me wonder, why is he talking with you?"

"He said I captured him with my beauty, then stole me from my home and now here I am."

"You ate the fruit of the underworld, now I see why you came back."

"Yes, it's unfortunate."

I peeked inside quietly seeing the distressed look on Persephone's face. A man such as myself shouldn't care about other's feelings, but who am I fooling. I know that I have feelings for her.

"What happened between you two?" Ares asked seemingly interested.

"Nothing important."

"Ha! Yeh right, you didn't even look at him when you spoke. I'm not as stupid as I may seem."

I signed in annoyance at the fact Ares was just as perceptive as Persephone.

"It was a simple misunderstanding. Hades... I think I have feelings for him..."

"...Hahahaha!" Ares got to the ground laughing. "To think a woman actually favors my uncle? What nonsense!"

Ares stayed on the ground laughing. I almost gouged out my ears at how annoying it was. Just wait till I get my hands on him later.

With that thought, I flattened my presence making me disappear and continued to listen...

(Persephone POV)

"What happened between you two?"

I didn't respond to his earnest question knowing that Hades was at the door. I knew he was listening.

"Well?" Ares raised his eyebrow impatiently.

"Let me just say I now know his true feelings. I was wrong about him the whole time and I will never pursue him again."

"Pursue? As in express your feelings."

I nodded and looked towards the door which was slightly cracked open. Ares did the same and seemed to get the gesture. He smirked then got up to open the door. And to our surprise, nobody was there.

"Huh? I thought he was here."

"Uncle's a coward, it looks like he did it again." Ares chuckled a bit, but I ignored him.

I stood up and looked out the doorway. Where did he go?

"Riezer! I called out the door and he came scurrying down the hallway.

"Yes, miss?"

"Where is Hades? I could have sworn he was listening to us."

"Huh? In his room, why?"

Was a hallucinating? What... did he turn invisible or something? I guess it's better to get the truth out of the way. It's best I go speak with him now and get over with.

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