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(Persephone POV)

I've been in the underworld for 4 months and was bed ridden for 2 weeks, eating the food of the underworld and writing letters to my mother. She was worried about my well being, but I ensured her that we would meet once again and harvest the world together.

Today I finally got out of bed and let Riezer show me around. Nothing was like I expected. There were guards everywhere, but instead of acting deadly, they were kind and welcoming to my presence. The room Riezer had set up for me was nice and relaxing. It sported red curtains and a big canopy bed. The walls were stone with candle lanterns hanging on them. It was a warm feeling; a feeling I had not expected.

"Is this good for you?" Riezer stood at the door hoping I would like it.

I smiled, "Yes it's wonderful, thank you."

"I'm so glad." He said before walking out the room.


"Yes, miss?"

"Hades...I would like to thank him. I wouldn't have been able to see my mother without his deal."

"Ah! well, master is working in the Soul Lure, you will find him there."

"Thank you."

I walked down the familiar hallway that Hades dragged Riezer down and creaked open the big golden doors. I peeked inside seeing Hades speaking with 3 old ladies. They held a bright red string and spoke in raspy voices.

"This maidens life will end right here, right now. She has lived a long life. Zeus, bless her."

The ladies cut the string, bowed to Hades, and vanished into thin air. I creaked open the door and walked up behind him. He seemed to be distracted whispering to himself.

"Trillion.... thousand.... billion...." He would silently say.

I took a deep breath and spoke, "Sorry to bother you."

Hades flinched and turned around slowly. His dark eyes pointed at me like daggers, making me feel a little on edge.

"Seems you are well."

"Yes, I am. That's what I've come to talk about."

Hades nodded his head asking me to continue. "First let's leave the fortress of howling noises."

I followed behind the seemingly calm Hades into the foyer where he was resting in once before.


I sat in the chair across from him and proceeded. "I wanted to say thank you for making that deal. Now I can see my mother more often."

He stared off into the distance rubbing his chin.

"You seem more quiet than usual," I said which made him stop rubbing his chin and lookup.

"There's nothing to say."

"You could tell me why you did all of this for me."

He stayed silent for a moment.

"... You think I'm a monster?"

So this is what he was thinking about the whole time.

"It's not that you're a monster, it's just you're..." I paused thinking if I was going to regret what I was going to say.


"You're reckless, you keep everything inside that when you get angry, you seem to take it out on everyone. Just know that you can not have everything you want, so at least listen to reason."

It was silent for a while and I kept my eyes on Hades showing that I was not afraid of what he was going to do to me. Yet he did nothing. Hades burst out laughing; a laugh that filled the whole room.

"Your analysis skills are magnificent! For another person to know me more than I know myself is prosperous, yet I'm happy that someone else knows."

Hades kept laughing holding his stomach. His eyes watered as he laughed making me smile. Hades can actually laugh. I found it kind of pleasant to hear it. His deep voice echoed through the massive room making my ears ring. His face shined with amusement which made him seem more attractive than he already was. I loved it.


"Mother, how have you been lately? I am doing well if you were wondering. Hades is treating me fairly well. And his servant Riezer is still hysterical as ever. I will see you in the next 2 months. I miss you mommy and I hope you have a good winter."

I sighed and sat the letter down beside me.

I am becoming confused; confused with my feelings.

A man such as Hades, should not be tampered with, yet he and I get along so well. But what is this feeling? Every time I see him, my heart twists and turns. I can't fathom the thought of being in love with him; it gives me the chills. I think of myself as an independent woman and now I need to depend on a god to live. My life has been extended since I ate the fruit. I am practically immortal. Living with Hades forever is unavoidable, and having my heartbeat rapidly just by looking at him is unthinkable. But, I can't just lie to myself anymore.

Its been four months since we've met and I was attracted to him, but now I have a crush. This is bad. I do not want to like Hades or be his wife, yet... I can't help it.

I heard Hades calling Riezer outside the door.

"Riezer what is this?"

"Umm master its a...."

The sound of their talking became mumbled by the sound of shouting. I ran outside to see a man with long brown hair and blue eyes. He was at the entrance screaming at Hades.

"I know you own that precious jewel Hades. Now give it to me!"

"Let me guess you need another jewel to woo another woman."

"What do you know."

"I know well enough that my brother is a whore."

I ran beside Hades, "What's going on?"

The man with the blue eyes glanced at me then back at Hades.

"Who is this woman?"

"It's none of your concern."

"He captured you didn't he?" The man looked at me.


"Didn't he? You can come with me if you would like." Poseidon held out his hand but Hades swiped it away.

"I will give you the jewel, but this is the last time!" Hades pulled my arm and we walked away from that revolting man. He stared at me with such lust in his eyes that it made me want to shrivel up inside Hades' cloak.

I held on tight to Hades' hand and let him pull me down the corridor.

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