Down under

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(Hades POV)

A passive action I have done without thought; that I may even hate myself. I cannot bring myself to the conclusion of why I have captured this woman. I am Hades, the god of the underworld, and I don't need to worry about anything but myself. Yet, this woman seduced me with her beauty and strength that I could just not ignore.

She struggled to get loose of the shackles I put on her wrist. We had already entered the underworld gates where Cerberus growled with joy upon my return.

"Cerberus my boy doesn't get too noisy," I said while petting him. " Riezer! Get him something to eat."

"Right away, master." Riezer scurried off into the dark grotto.

Persephone had not said two words to me ever since we landed. She stood behind me searing me with her eyes.

"Will you not say anything to me?" I asked with my back turned petting Cerberus.

"Let me go."

"I won't do that."

She sneered, once again trying to yank herself loose. "I knew it!"

I frowned with confusion. "Knew what?"

"My dreams; my dreams were real!" She declared. "Mother didn't believe me but I always knew!"

I watched the girl speak with interest and a bit of nostalgia. "Dreams..." I did not say the word often, for I've never had any dreams but I did remember a time when I did say it. Suddenly a memory came back to me, that same field of flowers, that fiery orange hair... this girl... could it be?

"The little girl..." I whispered watching as the girl's eyes widened. She must have realized as well.

She struggled harder. "Let go of me!"

"I said I won't release you, little girl. But you're not so little anymore are you." He glanced at her up and down.

"Disgusting! Release me!"

The ground shook due to my anger which made Cerberus growl. "I said I will not!"

She stopped struggling due to the rocks falling. She looked around frantically hoping that she wouldn't be crushed.

"You will not yell at me again, little girl."

"Release me!" 

"Be my wife."

"Anything but that!"

I shook my head at her constant attempts to persuade me but none of them would work. She was too beautiful for me to give away. I had to have her... here... by my side. "You will sleep with the dogs tonight since you reject my most gracious offer of becoming my wife." I walked away leaving her at the entrance.

(Persephone POV)

Hades walked away looking like a spoiled child who didn't get what he wanted. I can't imagine what his servant Riezer has to go through every single day of his life, being pestered by such a master. I looked at the three-headed animal named Cerberus. He growled while positioned in a defensive stance. I walked closer to him with my shackles clanking together, making an echo throughout the hall.

"Do you dislike your master as well?" I had my hand on top of his nose patting him softly. The animal flinched a bit then settled down and waged his tail. He was similar to a dog, but with three heads and massive in size.

"Seems like we'll be good friends."

"Umm miss?" Riezer poked his head around the far corner.

"It's okay you can come out."

He slowly came around, ran towards me and got down to his knees.

"I'm truly sorry, miss! I did not want to hurt you, but master he's- he's..."

"It's alright." I got down to his side and pulled his face up. "I know you didn't want to hurt me." I smiled to reassure him. "I can see that your heart is good." He gladly smiled back.

"Oh, I have brought you some fruit. You must be famished!"

"Well yes, my mouth is a little dry." Riezer handed me a red piece of fruit. It looked appetizing at the least and I was starving so I ate it. This miraculous taste of wholesome splendor went down my throat and filled my mouth with a flavor of many juices. I can't tell if this flavor is strawberry or grape, the taste was just too rich. I took another bite making juice from the fruit slide down my chin.

"Oh, miss here's a linen." Riezer smiled showing off his darling eyes through his glasses.

"Does it taste well?"

I wiped my mouth with the linen and smiled. "Delightful."

"Ah well great! I will bring you a blanket for the night. I would give you a room, but master--"

"Its fine, I will take the blanket and sleep here with Cerberus. It seems we get along well."

"That is wonderful miss! I will be right back." Riezer scurried down the dimly lighted hallway and left me alone.

Cerberus had already nestled down into his corner and fallen asleep. I looked down the long hallway of the entrance leading into the underworld. I had expected to hear screams of the dead, but instead, it was desolate and quiet. Out of curiosity, I decided to follow the path Riezer went down and meet him halfway.

(Riezer POV)

I must hurry and give Persephone her blanket before master sees me. If he saw what I was doing, he would throw me in the soul lure and leave me there for days.

Ugh, master's so scary...

I walked through the long hallway of the entrance to Cerberus's corner.

"W-what!" Oh no, where is she!

I looked around the room trying not to wake up Cerberus, but she was gone.

"Ah, masters going to kill me..."

Wait I have an idea.

"Cerberus wake up." The huge dog opened its eyes and growled at me. "Its okay boy," I said putting my hands up. "I need you to sniff out Persephone for. Can you do that?"

The animal ignored me and closed its eyes which made me sigh.

"I'll give you a treat."

The massive dog suddenly shot up and wagged its tail licking my face.

Disgusting as it was, I didn't fight back this time.

"Alright lead the way."

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