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(This part of the story is Persephone POV from "Medusa's Beloved.")

Two months after I returned to the human world, King Polydectes was killed by Perseus, his supposedly gracious step-son.
Perseus, who I found out to be one of Zeus's children also, had been suspected of working with Medusa. Yes, Medusa, whom Perseus was supposed to have slain.
Of course, I had not believed it at 1st, but there are many things this world that a person will surprise you with. With that said, both Perseus and Medusa showed up in my garden; begging for my help.
Cerus was cautious of the people that walked up behind me. Suddenly, I saw a man pull a sword out trying to cut Cerus.

"No! Don't." I stood up and petted the white bull. "This is Cerus, he's quite friendly...if you don't anger him." The bull calmed down due to my touch. "So what brings you humans to see me."

"There is only one human here." The women with a blindfold said and motioned at Dictys. Is this Medusa?

"Well please introduce yourself and tell your wish of me," I responded confidently.

"I am Medusa and this is Perseus, son of Zeus, and Dictys his friend. We want to speak with Hades."

I stood silent petting Cerus. "It is Autumn, I've left the darkness of the underworld yet, you ask me to bring you to my husband." I glared at Medusa, "You expect me to give you answers just because you bring another child of Zeus and yourself, who you can't even show to me- the women you seek for assistance."
Medusa faced me and even though here eyes were covered by a mask, I could still see the curiosity in her eyes. Seems I was right considering the next thing she said.

"I do not understand the love you carry for Hades but to get your assistance I will show you myself."

While Medusa removed her head covering, long, slimy snakes fell to her shoulders. My eyes widened to the weirdness of her head.
It's not like I've never seen snakes before, but the way she sported them, unusually scared me.
"There this is what you want unless you want me to remove my mask as well?"

"No, that is enough. Forgive my harshness, I was just worried another person would try to kill my husband."

"We have not come here to kill him, I want to ask him how to get into the summit."

I stopped petting Cerus and grabbed her shoulders.
"Oh no you must not remind him of the summit, he will hate me if I do." My heart sank as I looked her in the eyes, desperately pleading.

"Well is there any way we could get in without his help?" Perseus said quickly.

I let go of Medusa's shoulders, stepped beside the bull and continued to pet him. "The summit is 3 days away and I'm sure Hades will not help you. It is also heavily guarded, it would be impossible to get in. Unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Unless you kill the guards."

Yes, that is the only way to get in. Zeus had told the guards to stop Hades at all cost and I will not allow these intruders to risk Hades' life. Of course, I am exaggerating about killing the guards, but that is the only way that seems feasible.

Medusa looked at Perseus seems to be signaling that she could do the job, but it seems that Perseus thought otherwise.

"I will not tarnish my father's troops." He said.

His remark made me angry. Does he not know our fathers abandoned us?

"Our father does not know us, what will he care for our actions?" I stared at him noticing furry hung over his head.

"This is not happening, I will not accept!" Perseus turned around and began to walk away. Medusa scurried after him trying to make reason then turned to me.

"Please, I will talk to Hades myself if I have too. I cannot go on living if I can't get my revenge." I couldn't see her eyes and yet she seemed in need, but I could not go to Hades with this matter. I started to smooth out Cerus's fur again then relayed my answer. "I will talk to Hades, but if he scorns me, do not be afraid of your consequences to come."

(That is the end of her POV. Find out the rest in "Medusa's Beloved".)

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