Try if you can pt.1

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(Takes place after Aphrodite & Hephaestus got married in my other story. Check it out!)

I looked upon the woman named Aphrodite getting married to this new god, Hephaestus. They both wore all white and smiled about the room. I looked over at Zeus who smiled with amusement and Hera, who was seemingly happy.

What could they be planning?
I know Zeus to be mischievous, I mean where does Ares thinks he gets it from, but what was the purpose of making these two out of all people get married?

"Tsk." Ares smacked his lips as he glared at the two. I tilted my head expecting to see Hermes beside him, but he was nowhere to be seen. As a matter of fact, he was on the other side of the room. The messenger God was also filling his eyes with the sights of the two gods.

Ahhh, I get it, I thought to myself and automatically smiled.
I peered back at Zeus then smirked at how proud I was. He was surely an evil bastard, but a smart one.

After the exchange, I went home and decided to listen to the ocean of souls.
During my free time, I made some renovations. The soul lure was no more and I decided to make the front entrance where the quiet souls would float about.

Charon paddled the floating boat and sang a song in a language only I and his siblings could understand.

I leaned over the edge then, stretched out my hand into the river of lights. Trillions of voices came to me at one moment and all my stress began to fade away. I know half of these humans lived a good life and half of them suffered worse than I have. I stayed like that for a while, about 20 minutes to be exact.


Slowly, I turned around to see, Thanatos; death himself.

"What is it? I don't feel like being bothered." I responded after I continued to look upon the bunch of lights.

"Can I not say good evening to my wonderful lord and brother?"

"You can talk with Charon all you want, but I'm not in the mood. "

"Well, I'll talk to you on your better days, but at least listen to me on the souls I have to guide."

"How many?"

"1,026 and that's just the from this morning."

I sighed at the fact I had to actually do my job.

"Bring them in; I'll get started."

Thanatos, with his staff, opened a portal where new souls entered. Whispers of the dead were nothing new to me and I could care less for what they had to say except this one caught my eye. It wasn't a soul at all.

Instantly, I stood up after telling Charon to stop the ride, then approached the human being who had gotten mixed up with the souls.

"Thanatos! Close the portal."

"Aye." Thanatos noticed the human male as well and picked him up by the collar.

"What's this? How did you get in there?"

The human struggled to get loose and ended up falling to the ground.
I walked over to the frightened soul and stepped on his leg.

"A human dares to appear before me without my consent!? Let's see how long you get to live."

"Mmm? A human has never entered through my portals before, this is surprising to me."

Charon spoke words that translated to be "Your powers are getting weaker, as I told you before."

"Mm...I don't want to listen to an ugly sibling."

"You two; be silent!" They stood there quietly and I went back to glaring at the human.

"What brings you here?"


"Speak up!!"

"I came to take Persephone's hand in marriage!" He screamed and the room grew silent.

Promptly, laughter came from Thanatos and Charon as they tried to cover their mouths.

"Is he serious? Asking for Persephone's hand from Hades himself. What an idiot." Thanatos remarked.


"Eh?" Both Thanatos and Charon seized their laughter and looked at me.

"I'll bring you to her, so you can ask for her hand."

"Wait, Hades, are you serious!?"

"Aye. I am a man of my word."
I stood up and motioned Charon to take us to the other entrance and he did as he was told.

"T-Thank you Hades." The little human bowed his head and kissed my feet.
I smiled at the sight and continued to lead him inside my abode.

"Master, welcome back. Thanatos as well."
"Riezer, where is Persephone?"

"She is asleep, master."

"This man wants to marry her."

Riezer instantly looked over at the human being then back at me. And with one look he instantly knew what was happening.

Did this human actually think he could take my wife away from me? Ha! What a fool. I'll show him what it means when he steps before me with an insipid request.

End of part 1

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