Brothers Love

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(Hades POV)

No matter what I do to get away from these hideous kin of mine, they always come crawling back finding some way to use my awful life as a tool.

My underground fortress holds many jewels that I make my servants collect and store them. When Zeus found out what I had been doing, he made a rule that I must share my discovery with the world. At least I got the new title, god of wealth, but that didn't change anything. I am still Hades, god of the underworld.

"Hades are you alright?" I snapped back to reality with the sound of Persephone's voice. She still held onto my hand, even though I thought she would let go.

"Yes, I'm fine. I just need to get the diamonds."

"I see... that man Poseidon, I've heard of his ways. I thought the gods didn't like you. Why would he come down here just for jewels?"

".... he came to taunt me, to mock. I would strike him with my staff but Zeus would kill me with 1 blow."

"Do you not believe in your strength?"

Persephone looked up at me with those same serious eyes that I loved.

"I am, but if I kill Zeus, Cronos would awaken once again. Even with me and Poseidon's powers locking the seal, without Zeus, Cronos would awaken and the world would be no more."

"I never knew you cared so much."

"I don't," I said letting go of her hand and opening the room where I stored the jewels.

It was a big room packed with crystals separated into piles. I assigned some of my servants to take care of the jewels.

"Ah master, welcome."

"Give me another diamond."

"Has Poseidon come again." My servant said as she handed me a diamond.

"He's a nuisance, I just want him out of there quickly."

"Well master this diamond is similar to the others we gave him so this should do?"

"Yes, this is fine."

"Ah, Persephone would you like to look around?" Persephone looked shocked that my servant knew her name.

"Y-yes that's fine."

Walking out the room, Riezer ran up to me in a panic.

"What is it Riezer?"

"Master, Poseidon went into the Soul Lure."

"What!" My power shook the cave as I walked to the Soul Lure. Poseidon was standing on the edge looking down.

"What do you think you're doing in my layer."

He stayed silent for a moment looking down at the screeching souls.

"You know brother... I have one more thing to ask of you."

"What is it?"

"For me, would you bring a person back to life."

"And why would I do that for you. What is in it for me? Your taunts? Your games? I've had enough; take your jewel and get out."

I turned around not expecting Poseidon to grab me. His cold drafty skin made me flinch from having never felt his touch in a long time.

"Wait, brother." I turned around to my little brother who looked desperate. In a sense, I was happy that he looked this way but astonished at what Poseidon was saying.

"I know that I may seem to denote your feelings, but I know you pose no harm. There's this woman, who's daughter I'd sworn to protect, but before I could get to her, I found out she died of a disease." He let go of my arm and stared straight into my eyes. His eyes were pure blue; the color of the sea. So honest yet so repulsive. Remembering how Poseidon used to stick by my side when we were kids almost made me grab my little brother and hug him once more. But I stopped myself. My feelings were not as strong as they used to be for my kin. They have made my heart cold to the point where my tears have no meaning.

"Brother please." I stared at him then looked away.

"I can do that... but I will need your blood."

"Is that all?"

"Yes, and it will take a couple of days to reconfigure the body."

"Hades, I thank you forever. Her name is Lila and I see her soul right there."

I stared at the soul Poseidon pointed to and listened to her whispers that only I can hear.

"Why did my mother leave me alone. I was too young to die. Curse the gods for killing my mother..."

Her voice echoed through my head as though she knew I was listening.

"Well, what should I do? Leave a blood sample with you?"

"Riezer!" Riezer came running through the door with a dagger. This is why he was my favorite, he already knew what I wanted before I even told him. I took the dagger and turned around to Poseidon.

"Give me your arm."

Poseidon held out his long arm and twitched when I gashed him with the knife. Blood of a god came spilling onto the knife and I pointed down toward Lila's soul. The blood dripped on her body and a black light flashed around her.

Riezer pulled up her body and placed her on the ground in front of Poseidon.

"And I repeat, you will have to wait a couple of days till her body fully regenerates."

"Brother I thank you again." I turned around and left without a word.

"Riezer, is Persephone still with the jewel craftier?"

"Ah yes. They seem to have become familiar with one another."

We walked in quietness for a while until Riezer said something.

"Master, why did you help him? I thought you hated your brothers?"

"I do, but... this is my job."

"But master, you aren't even allowed to bring humans back to life. If Zeus finds out he'll destroy you."

"I know Poseidon won't tell."

Frankly, I didn't know if Poseidon would tell, but out of his despair, I pray he will not.

"Hades!" Persephone ran behind me with her orange hair swinging in all directions.

"Is Poseidon gone?"

"No, he's in the soul lure."


I sighed at having to explain everything to her. She seemed unaffected by what I said about his feelings and only asked if I was okay with this.

"Yes, I'm fine why?"

"I know the gods pierce your heart with hate." Her shining brown eyes sparkled as she looked up at me. I had to look away from her stern beauty to answer confidently.

"That does not matter."

"Hades." Persephone pulled my face to look at hers and rested her hand on my cheek.

"Don't let them control you. You may be strong in power, but in your heart, I can see that you are sensitive."

"I am not s-sensitive."

She smiled and let out a little laugh. "I love that side of you its amusing to watch."

"W-what! W-what are you talking about."

She laughed the most musical laugh, holding her stomach as always and never taking her eyes away from me.

At first, it was her beauty I fell for, but now her persona is pulling my core to the brim.

Could I actually be falling for her?

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