What makes us gods

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(Hades POV)

"What makes us gods?" Zeus started speaking as soon as everyone settled down.

"Anyone?" He waited for an answer, but silence rested in the room.

He scanned all of us with his big blue eyes, something that both Poseidon and Zeus share. Then his eyes stopped on Ares, who yawned and paid no attention to the speech.

"Ares? Answer!"

Ares looked up and smirked. "Oh, great father I wonder why you ask these silly questions when we all know the answer."

The whole room stared at Ares and rolled their eyes. Hermes looked worried and tired to calm Ares down.

"That smart mouth of yours will get you nowhere Ares!"

"Whelp, you shouldn't have asked me." Ares looked in my direction trying to tell me something with his eyes, but before I could figure it out, Zeus called out my name.

"Hades, what is your answer?" The room grew silent and everyone's attention was on me. It didn't take long to answer since I already knew the answer long ago.

"...Egotistical, selfish, arrogant, heartless, dispassionate, despicable, vile beings make up a god. Through your order, your rule Zeus, this is how the world's turned out. Humans praise us thinking we are good, but in reality we are evil.... and you ask us whats makes us gods...just as Ares said you should already know the answer."

Zeus laughed a little making me irritated.

"Ahh, yes just as Hades says, we are like that... including you of course seeing you have stolen my wife's most precious gem."

"I've done no such thing!"

Zeus turned around to Poseidon who handed him a red stone I've never seen before in my life.

"Poseidon found it within your fortress. I wonder who's the evil one now."

That's it! I stood up about to grab Zeus around the neck until Ares stopped me.

"Wait! I did it!"

We all looked at Ares who pulled Hermes towards him.

"What do you mean?" Zeus glared at Ares.

"I mean Hades didn't do it, I did. I stole it because I was mad. You always disliked me so I had to find a way to get back at you. I stole the jewel, not Hades. So don't you dare hurt my uncle!"

Out of shock I quickly said, "Where is it then?"

Ares turned around and grabbed something off Hermes' wrists. "I gave it to him as a birthday gift, but he has nothing to do with this."

"You dare steal your mother's jewels!" Zeus made a lightning bolt out of thin air then aimed it at Ares. I blocked him with my staff and the next thing I know, we were face to face. Poseidon stood beside Zeus smiling at me.

"Is this what you wanted Poseidon? To go against me in a battle."

Poseidon pulled his trident from his cloak and responded, "This is all I've ever asked for."

This was it, I thought. The final battle between us brothers. I may win, I may loose, but the question remains the same...

"What makes us gods...?"

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