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Zeus hosts the Summit of the gods every ten years for the gods to attend. Once again Hermes brought me an invitation for this dreadful festivity and I didn't want to attend. But this year, there was a feeling in my cavernous concealed soul that told me I should go. Maybe things have changed in the decades I have wasted away in this dark cave. Or maybe not...

I looked in the mirror at myself, patting down my clothing. "Riezer is the carriage ready?" I called upon my servant and waiting for him to respond. When he didn't, I called him again. "Riezer!"

Riezer soon ran into the room with blood all over his clothes. He was panting and sweating immensely.

"My goodness what has happened to you?"

"Cerberus, master," Riezer said out of breath. "I was trying to give him some food but he likes to play too rough master."

A roaring laugh escaped my throat.

"M-master this is not facetious, please try and be serious. You know that I hate feeding Cerberus, master."

"Ahh Riezer, you will be fine. After all these years, you've been left alive so Cerebus must like you."

"I guess, master."

I pat him on the back before moving past him. "Let us be on our way."

"Yes, master."

There was nothing to be worried about, he would heal within minutes, being surrounded by underworld darkness.

On my way out I pet each of Cerberus's heads. "That's right boy, you do your job and don't let any nuisance into the underworld." Cerberus whimpered and growled. He knew the consequences of letting someone trespass, for I have trained him well. I thought this before leaving the boarding the carriage.


We arrived at the entrance of mount Olympus unwantedly. The guards were open-mouthed at my presence. They could not even glance at me without tripping on their words.

"W-welcome Hades god of the underworld, w-we will take you to y-your seat."

"I very well know where my seat is." He told the simpletons.

"Of c-course, lord Hades." They said in unison.

I nodded. "Riezer you stay here."

"As you wish, master."

I turned around to see a humongous white palace. It was massive in size, but nothing could be as massive as the ego's that reside inside. My attire and aura were out of place in this luxurious bright haven. Maybe I should leave I thought, but before I could turn around, Zeus was at my back.

"Well brother, my bidding was that you not attend, but it seems that I will be losing that bet." He stared at me with a conceited look in his eyes; one that I loathed.

"Aww, Zeus don't be to mean, Hades hasn't attended a Summit in nine decades. Let him be." Poseidon, with his deep blue eyes that would lure any women in, gazed upon me with amusement.

"You two made a bet?" I asked, not interested in the slightest.

"We do every summit to see if you'd attend or not," Poseiden answered. "I always bet that you will attend because I believe in you oh so much, Hades."

"You hoax me with your mockery Poseidon, yet it seems I'm not affected. Why don't you and Zeus go raping through the night having millions of more children and I can make a bet to see who can have the most." I said blankly staring at them.

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