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Cronos, our father, envied the power of his three sons. We defeated him to save the world from his wretchedness, but who would have guessed that the heroes would be even viler than their true enemy.

Poseidon and Zeus will one day be forgotten; written in an old textbook stuck in between shelves of a desolate library.

I am a fool for believing those false innocent eyes of my little brother. Yet, I'm happy I did because now I know I will never trust in anyone EVER AGAIN!

Knock knock. "Hades, may I intrude?" I stood by the door hesitating to open it, but I opened it anyway.

"Yes, Persephone?"

"I'm sorry to bother, but I was worried since the shaking had stopped." She stood there staring up at me with a worried look. "It's been 2 days since you've been in here, don't you think it's time to come out?"

"Don't pester me about staying in my room. I will do as I please."



She didn't say anything; just stared.

"What is it?"

"The darkness in your eyes has risen. I can see it from here."

"What do you speak of."

"Please Hades, don't tell me you are not going to trust anyone ever again."

What, how did she know that. Her skills of perception are far among anyone I've ever met.

"That is not-"

"I know it to be true Hades. I know you. We've been living together for 4 months and I am confident that I know of your sadness."

"I have no sadness, I have no happiness. I have no love, for I am Hades."

(Persephone POV)

"I have no love, for I am Hades."

"Then why did you bring me here?"

I stared at the flawless but not taintless Hades who seemed to be mourning inside. I could see everything, and I knew everything about him.

And yet, I do not know if he loves me, and I don't know if my love for him is true either. That is why I will test it with a kiss...

and see if his statement of love still stands.

He flinched when I touched his arm. I stood on my tippy toes reaching for his face and pressed my lips against his. There was no movement at all, just silence; at the soft and surprisingly warm lips. I slowly moved back seeing the reaction on his face....nothing.

A pang in my heart jerked rapidly causing me to tear up. It was as if I was wrong about him. He showed no feeling whatsoever, to the heartfelt kiss I put upon him. I held in the tears at the will of my heart and just walked out of the room.


"Dear, what's wrong?"

My mother asked as she pulled a couple of weeds from the ground.


"Do not lie to me Persephone, you've been listless ever since you came home 2 weeks ago."

"Mother, do not worry, it's just spring fever."

"Ah should I call Hades to bring more food of the underworld."

"No!" My mother flinched at the sound of my harsh tone.

"Mother I'm-"

"I don't want to hear it, just finish pulling the weeds." She stood up and walked into our small house while I sat here lifeless.

Just remembering the look on Hades' face made my heart pain.

I know I am to go back to the underworld in 5 months, but just thinking about how uncomfortable it will be, made me depressed.


The 5 months of harvesting passed quickly and it was now Autumn. Riezer came to pick me up in Hades' carriage. I said my goodbyes to my mother and got inside the vessel.

"You know miss, master has been less active since you left," Riezer said worriedly.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, all he does is sleep all day and when he's awake, he goes to the soul lure counting the incoming souls."

"Is that not what he did before we met?"

"... I guess you may say that, but still. I was happy that master was more fervent when you were here." Riezer smiled which made me smile.

"Ah yes miss, did anything big happen on the surface?"

I did a quick flashback to the townsfolk who seemed to give me weird looks.


"Excuse me?"

"The townspeople were looking at me weirdly."

"Ah, I see." Riezer looked away awkwardly.


"Well, I was thinking that it must be sad that the whole world knows about the mishaps of Hades, including you."

"You worry too much. I do not find offense to them doing it but I would rather they didn't."

"Well if miss doesn't seem to mind then I guess it's alright."

We spoke briefly until we arrived at the entrance of the underworld.

The guards bowed at my return until I said they didn't have to do that.

I walked into the fortress and the massive Cerberus jumped for joy. He licked my face and wagged his tail. I petted him for a while until he calmed down.

"Ah miss, master is in the soul lure if you want to see him."

I nodded and walked down the long hallway. I touched the walls again, feeling how smooth the rock was and seeing that it was still clean as can be.

Voices came from the soul lure which I thought was just Hades counting again.

When I opened the door, I saw a boy that looked about my age laughing with Hades. He looked familiar, but I couldn't think of who he was.

They turned around and the boy's face brightened up.

"A woman! Uncle you never told me of a woman that lives here."

"I have told you of Persephone, you simpleton." Hades hit the back of his head then looked at me.

"Welcome back." He said plainly.

My stomach turned and I stumbled with my words. "Y-yes, thank you."

"Uncle she so polite, can I have her?"

Hades slapped him on the head again making the boy laugh. Then I realized who he was. Ares, the god of war. One of the many gods that Zeus was said to hate.

"Well then excuse me," I said and left the room quickly.

I never knew Hades was so close to one of the gods. He always seems so distant, but I guess I don't know him as well as I say I do.

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