Soul lure

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(Persephone POV)

The halls of the underworld were filled with odd decorations that I have never seen. Weapons and carvings were scattered among the dark rocks and dim lighting of the foyer. I slid my hand across the rough ridged walls and to my surprise not a speck of dirt was on it. For a man with such a despicable attitude, at least he knew how to keep his palace clean.

The farther I went into the underworld, the brighter the lights became. Promptly, I ended up wandering inside a big open room which had a huge red carpet and a fireplace. I instantly stopped when I saw Hades laying on a lounge chair that was in front of the fireplace. His hair was spread out in all directions and a slight snore came from his mouth. I quietly walked closer examining his face.

My memory from the last time I saw his face was vague. He looked the same, but somehow different. His hair was long and pitch black and his skin looked rough with an infinite amount of scars on him.

His arm muscles twitched as he inhaled and exhaled leaving him defenseless.

You are so noble yet, scared to show yourself to the world I thought. Maybe if he just had normally approached me and told me his confession without claiming I was his, then maybe I would have--"

"Persephone." A whisper came from the entrance of the room. I turned around to see Riezer waving his hand for me to come hither. I nodded and started to walk over until something grabbed my arm. Hades.

"What are you doing here? You are supposed to be sleeping with the dogs."

I yanked my hand away and swiftly backed away then Riezer came forth.

"M-master, I was the one who wasn't watching her, so please forgive her." He bowed and grabbed my hand turning me towards the exit.

"So Riezer, you will take the blame for her? Then you can take her punishment as well!"

Hades yanked Riezer to the ground and started to drag him in the other direction.

"Let him go!" I said and ran after him.

"I was the one who wandered off by myself, do not take your anger out on him!"

Hades ignored me and kept walking while pushing open several doors.

"No master! Please, not there!" Riezer who was struggling to speak begged Hades to let him go.

I couldn't grab him because Hades would push me back; I am physically weak compared to a god.

Hades pushed open a big golden door and threw Riezer to the ground. I ran in after them and stopped in fear of what I saw... I was the soul lure.

Souls were everywhere floating around and no, they were not white and sparkly as people have said; they were vicious and vile looking.

"Master please forgive me! It won't happen again!"

"I will not reason with you Riezer." Hades held him about to drop him into the abyss of souls.

"Hades stop! Don't you dare throw him!" I had moved in front of Hades holding onto Riezer's legs. "If you throw him, throw me too."

He squinted his eyes, but did not let up and said. "You act as if he would die down there. Don't worry I will get him out in a couple of days." Hades smirked and held Riezer by the neck even tighter.

I was through. If this was the true Hades, I wanted nothing to do with him. He is evil!

"What kind of monster are you," I said and looked at him with pity.

His eyes grew wide and he loosened his grip around Riezer's neck which made him fall to the ground. I caught Riezer in my arms and held the suffering servant close.

Hades stared at us for a while not saying one word, so I broke the silence.

"I will take Riezer with me when I leave this place, but for now, you WILL leave us alone. I stood up wrapping Riezer's arm around my shoulders and we slowly left Hades standing there...soulless.

(Hades POV)

A monster...

I know I've never seen myself as a reasonable person, but a monster among other things was not thought within my mind. I stood on the edge of the Soul lure cliff and stared at the souls. They floated around aimlessly and constantly; howling, screeching, screaming. I was so numb to this sound that it did not even bother me.

Every once in a while I could hear whispers of people who have just died. They were more conscious than the ancient souls that resided here for many years. The new souls would whisper, I can't die now, or am I dead yet? And yet, through all this noise, the only thing I could hear was the word echoed in my

I pounded my feet on the ground while walking out the door and slamming it shut.

How dare she call me a monster. I who watch over the souls of the dead could not be a monster. I slowed my pace and stopped looking up at the ceiling.

Was this what everyone at Mount Olympus thought of me? Not that I already didn't know. But...I felt sad somehow.

I, Hades, one of the gods who stopped Cronos, the titan killing an animal, should be thought of as a savior and yet, I was sent down here against my will and given the title of God of the Underworld. I hate it.

"I HATE IT." My anger made the cave shake once more and this time fire came from the walls. I walked past it all in madness and headed for the entrance. I needed to get some air.

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