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(Persephone POV)

This monstrous stare, this thick luscious black hair, all stood before me like a dream. As I know I've seen this man before and yet, this appearance was all new to me. Behind those glassy eyes of his, I could see something dark; darker than the night sky. He was not to be trusted were my first thoughts. Just as that Nymph told me... he is the god of the underworld; Hades.

"You are truly beautiful." He said as he brushed my cheek. I staggered back and fell once again, but this time I got up quickly.

"Do not touch me." He smirked then pulled me towards him so that we were face to face.

"You should be happy to have allured a god this much."

"Any other god would be better than you." I said then covered my mouth at how rude I was.

Hades face completely changed and he squeezed my wrist. "Ouch!"

"You dare say that to me! I who have sparred your life! I could have killed you for bumping into me!" He squeezed my wrist even tighter.

"Let go!" All of a sudden Cerus came and slammed into Hades. He staggered back but did not fall.

"What is this animal?" I stood up beside Cerus and patted his back telling him to calm down.

"Ahh I see. You are Cerus the white bull who rampaged many towns." Hades regained his earlier stance and glanced at me again.

"I'm guessing you know who I am, and that is why you distance yourself."
I stayed petting Cerus while glaring at him. And at that moment a flicker of loneliness hazed his eyes.

"Not that I'm not used to this distance." He said while glaring directly at my eyes. "I'm surprised you can even stand to stare at me."

"I will not look away from anyone. Yes, you are a god, but you are no better than us humans. We are on the same grounds so yes, I will stand in front of you not beneath you." I said without blinking an eye. I did not care if he were a god, he will not have me anyway he wanted. For I am a goddess as well and he will not know of it.
He stood there for a while staring at me with curiosity.

"...Persephone... is it?"

I widened my eyes to his exact intelligence of remembering who I was. I nodded unwantedly, making him smile. That same smile he expressed that day we met 10 years ago. With his tanned skin and thick black clothing, he grabbed my hand once more and gently kissed it.

"I want you to be mine."

I pulled my hand away. "I am not anybody's."

"Why will you not agree? Am I not that sweet to win you over, or anyone over for that matter!"

"I do not want to be a possession of yours. I also hate men who think lowly of themselves."

He frowned at my rude remark and called someone named Riezer. A flying black carriage landed behind him and a looks of a servant man came over.

"Yes master?"

"Grab her."

"...excuse me master?"

"I said grab her!"

"You will not touch me!" I screamed and got on top of the white bull and ran away, but was pulled down onto the ground.

"Unhand me!" But this servant man Riezer was too strong. He dragged me with one hand and threw me into the carriage.

"Sorry miss." He whispered and closed the doors.

Hades got in on the other side and pulled me towards him.

"Let go!" I scrambled. Then he materialized dark magic in the air which turned into black looking shackles. He clipped them onto my wrist and pinned me to the seat.

"You will not escape from me Persephone. I will have you as my wife and nothing else!"

At that moment I could feel myself blacking out. I can't believe I let this person take me away from my home. I feel as though mother will be worried for me, but somehow I'll get back.....

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