Funny Extra

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(I was really bored one night and decided to write this. Read the whole thing!:)

Hades POV

After leaving that foolish show Poseidon put on and helping Medusa with her revenge, I have stayed quiet deep in my underground cavern. It has been ten months since then and the only memory that stays within my mind is Zeus's sorrowful face. He expressed a sort of solace; relief look in his eyes as I turned around expecting to leave their sites forever. Yet, my heart still lingers upon that one look Zeus had.

"Master." Riezer came into my library bowing respectively.

"What is it?"

"Umm.... how should I say this..."

"Just spit it out!" He grimaced a little but spoke with ease.

"Zeus... he's standing outside awaiting your presence."

Silence spilled into the room of books as I held my breath trying to connect my thoughts. Glancing over at Riezer, I could see he was just as surprised as I was.

"Bring him in."

"Yes, master."

I took a deep breath wondering what I did wrong this time. But usually, if there was a problem, he would ask Hermes to deliver a message. This visit was most unexpected.
Zeus came through the door with his long silver hair tangled as if he had just woke up from a restless sleep. I looked back down at the book I was reading knowing if I made any eye contact with him, I would begin grieving.

"Reading a book as always brother; I should have known," Zeus spoke first.

I ignored Zeus's attempt at conversing with me and flipped to the next page.

"Hades, I just want to say this one thing."

"You could've just sent Hermes to do the talking for you instead."

"Just listen to me for this once."

I lifted my eyes off the insubstantial page and into the blue eyes of my brother.


"..... Forgive me; forgive me for every wrong I have done to you Hades! I've regretted every single day that I sent you down here. I should've recalled all those times you loathed hearing dead souls because it reminded you of our awful father. "

My breaths that were halted earlier came out smoothly as Zeus continued to speak. It was as if all the hatred and pain I had, came out all at once. And this time it wasn't my beloved Persephone's doing, it was the one I most hated.

"I did not know of Poseidon's schemes. If I had, I would have stopped them at once. My mockery towards you all these years was because I thought you would never forgive me for exiling you to the underworld." Zeus didn't say anything for a while and just looked straight into my eyes.

"....So I ask you now...from all the regret and sadness I have had over these decades, that you will forgive me, brother." Zeus bowed his head at my feet...

"And then you'll say, 'oh brother I forgive you with all my life'.
"And then Zeus runs up to you and you both embrace like never before."


"And then that's when I come in and speak my woes..."


"Then Zeus will bow to me as well. Haha! Won't that be a sight to see?! And then--"

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