Known Betrayal

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(Poseidon POV)

I looked at the healing soul beneath me, staring at its glory. What was once so ugly is now coming back to life and bringing beauty with it. But, I didn't actually need this soul.

"What to do," I said out loud standing up. After this random girl's soul is revived, I will go tell Zeus of Hades doing and he will give me more power. A power that can even surpass Hades. I smiled at the thought of Hades bowing to me as well as Zeus. Of course, I have to act as if I care about him to get what I want, but no one will ever know that.

The big golden door creaked open and a servant who I guessed was Riezer came in. And after he came through, so did that beautiful woman. Her orange hair went all the way down to her waist, making me want to run my fingers through it. I had heard from Zeus that Hades had captured one of the harvesting mistresses, but who knew that she would be so enticing.

"Oh, you have come too, beautiful."

She glared at me while walking over and setting a tray of food down.

"This food is from the surface, I see you will have no problem eating it?"

I chucked a little, "No, especially since it was given to me by you." I reached out my hand and lightly touched her arm until Riezer slapped it back.


"Master has told me to keep you away from her, so please restrain from touching."

I wanted to choke this little pest.

"Tch, I guess it can't be helped."

I ate the plate of food given to me while Persephone watched me.

"Is there a reason you're watching me. Oh let me guess, you fell for me! Ahh, such a sweet woman! I will take you-"

"What do you want with Hades?"


"You heard me." Her eyes changed drastically within that minute of cowardness flow. I have wooed many women, of all kinds no doubt, but I have never come across a woman as frightening as her. It was like she was a goddess... a goddess of the underworld.

"You come here begging him to break one of the ultimate rules and he does trust you not to tell Zeus, but I am not that dense to believe a fool. Now tell me... what are your true intentions?"

(Hades POV)

I had laidback onto my bed to get some rest from this long day, but I couldn't get comfortable. That's when I decided to go to the Soul Lure; their screams, to my dismay, were immensely relaxing.

"... Why would you do that...?" I heard Persephone's voice inside the soul lure. I peaked through and saw her talking with Poseidon. I had almost forgotten he was there.

"Because I want more power. Zeus said he would give it to me if I find a fault in Hades. This soul is the perfect proof, don't you think?"

...... The ground rumbled. I couldn't control it this time. Had I known that he would betray me before, I would have-

"Hades!" Persephone came in front of me, but my ears were blind to her words. All I saw was Poseidon.

(Persephone POV)

Fire started coming from everywhere as Hades made his way past me into the soul lure. I tried to push him back but he was too strong. I had not wanted him to hear what Poseidon planned, not before I kicked him out myself. If Hades kills Poseidon, then the punishment he will receive would be even worse than reviving the dead.

"Hades please stop!" I grabbed his arm and Riezer was pulling with me. Not even both of us combined were enough to stop him.

"Wait, H-Hades calm d-down. It was a joke."

Hades ignored Poseidon and threw the soul he revived back into the pit of souls where she screamed for eternity.

Rocks from the ceiling kept falling and fire was everywhere swirling in a constant motion. Riezer held me up since it was too hard to stand up myself.

"Hades! Don't hurt him! Just let him leave, please!" I screamed with all my might making me lose my voice.

Poseidon had already made his way for the door when Hades turned around. He barely escaped Cerberus's bite as he ran toward the entrance. The ground didn't stop shaking even with Poseidon gone.

"It's alright miss, he will calm down in 2 days or so."


"We should leave him." Riezer forced me out the door and into my room.

Then everything was silent.

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