Chapter 1: the move

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moonwolf30 this book was asked to be written by this user. I love making books so I agreed to make it.

Moving to a small wet town was not how Adam picture his life will go. He thought he would graduate from the high school with all his friends. Go to college or get a job and start saving up for his own place yet here he was,carrying both his and his sisters bags to the car

It was of course his sisters idea to move. To allow their mother the freedom to be with her boyfriend and be happy. Honestly he didn't care much considering it was Bella who did all the cooking, the cleaning, even the parenting. He was older yes, but he was way more childish and easy going

Throwing the bags in the trunk he waited for his sister who no doubt was most likely talking to their mom. When he saw her leave the house he couldn't help but roll his eyes. "Your really bring the cactus, out of all things you could have chosen as a reminder of home a -"

"I will poke you with this cactus Adam it's too early to start" Bella rolled her eyes and got into the car leaving behind a smiling Adam who got in after

"Who chose to leave this early?" He mused looking at his sister amused as she yawned. "Here's a hint, not I. " Adam watched as Bella groaned and banged her head on the window

"Do you ever shut up"

"From what I remember as a child till now I don't think so. " Adam barely had time to grab Bella as she was about to throw the cactus at him."ok ok sleeping beauty wants to be left alone, I'll shut up now " he slowly let her go when he was sure she won't going to try and end his life again. Honestly he thought he was wonderful to be around, anytime of the day.

It didn't take long for their mom and Phil to get in the car and drive them to the airport."are you guys sure you want to go, I can stay home" Adam couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"Mom for the hundredth time we will be fine, it's not like we can go back now anyways we already packed and bought a plane ticket and-"

"Adam" Glancing at Bella he didn't expect her to be glaring at him

"What I do?" He genuinely didn't know what he did wrong. All he did was tell the truth. He won't gonna go back home and unpack after packing all his shit up. He was a lazy guy and that was not how he wanted to spend his day

"We will be fine mom, plus change is good" Bella turned to smile at her mom before getting out of the car once it stopped in front of the airport

It was packed with people not that Adam cared. He was a social butterfly but he was amused as he watched how his sister avoided eye contact with everyone around. Getting out of the car he grabbed the bags before following her onto the plane."you are such a shy person, you do know that right"

"So I have been told over and over again" Bella smiled at him before taking her seat

He sat right beside her after putting his things away." You finally smiled"

"What are you talking about I smiled at mom earlier"

Adam shook his head and looked at her amused"you gave her that one of the kind fake Bella smile one that can fool anyone but yours truly" giving a small bow he couldn't help but smile as he heard her giggle

"You are such a child, how are you older then me"

"Oh that's easy, when mother dearest conceived us I simply pushed you out of the way and escaped first Norway was I going to let you be older "

"That's not how it works you idiot" Bella laughed out pushing her brothers shoulder.

Laughing Adam shrugged."that's how it went in my head" that's how the spent the flight. Joking and messing around. Adam didn't want Bella to worry about the unknown of moving in with their father. He didn't care much about that as much as she did. He had plans on moving right after graduation to travel the world.

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