Chapter 10: field trip

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The second Adam got home he ran up to his room. Just as he went to close his door Bella pushed it open"aye sis what's good" smiling innocently he watched her glare at him

"The cullens can't be human, what are they?" She looked so hopeful demanding answer from Adam

"So demanding , that is no way to ask your brother anything" he was of course smiling . He didn't want to lie to his sister but he also didn't want to tell her the truth. Alice trusted him and he didn't plan on breaking that trust anytime soon.

"Adam I'm not playing"

"Nor am I, this is not my secret to tell"

"I'm your sister-"

"Yes and a very noisy one at that. I'm not telling you" her face instantly went red with anger before she stormed out

"Didn't go well" Adam jumped surprised before calming down when he saw a smiling Alice.

"You could say that. Bella is use to getting her way courtesy of our mother who babied her " Adam smiled and laid on his bed. In an instant Alice was lying down beside him

"We still on for our date"

"Of course Adam, I'll pick you up this Saturday "

Adam smiled and wrapped his arm around Alice. He pulled her to his side letting her cuddle into his side. He didn't mind the fact she was a vampire. If she wanted to hurt him she would have been done it.

"I'll see you tomorrow then" he mumbled falling to sleep


Waking up the next morning Adam got ready for school. It was a tense morning as Bella chose to ignore his presence. Adam knew she was still pissed over the fact He wouldn't tell her the truth about the cullens but it just won't his secret to tell. Which is why He was so happy to be leaving dads car.

He thought that was going to be the last He saw of her while at school considering He didn't really have classes with her but boy was he wrong. The second he got to Alice she informed me of the class trip

"Do I have to go" Adam was holding Alice hand walking along her siblings to the buses.

"Dude we all got to go" Emment lightly punched his shoulder laughing at his pain

"Rose your boyfriends a jerk" he stuck his tongue out at Emment before pulling Alice onto the bus. They sat together just watching everyone joke and play around. It was amusing to say the least.

Once they got off the bus he kept close to Alice. One to avoid Bella and two because Bella friends kept staring at him.

"There wondering how you got with Alice" Edward came up behind him seeming to also want to avoid Bella

"You know that's an invasion of privacy right" Adam looked at Edward more amused than annoyed

"We'll get use to it" Edward smirked at him earning a gasp from Adam.

He was quick to look at Alice"Is that sass coming from the Edward Cullen and here I thought he was the brooding type"

Adam was quick to hide behind Alice when edward tried to hit him smiling at the other"I'm not broody"

"Well it's pretty hard to tell right now" Smirkkng he wrapped an arm around Alice staring at Edward amused"but I'm sure In about twenty minutes it will return" Adam smirked once he saw Edward roll his eyes and walk away. "Make that three minutes his going towards my sister"

"Hush before he hears you plus I'm sure your sisters not that bad considering all things" Alice frowned slightly watching her brother and Adam couldn't help but think back to how Bella bad mouthed Alice before even getting to know her

"Don't worry about it Eddys a big boy and so is my sister"

"Yeah yet there future is unknown" Alice looked on worried

"Are they mates like us" Adam didn't think they were considering how Alice treated him versus how Edward treated Bella

"No she his blood singer meaning her blood can be intoxicating to him which is why I'm not sure why his persuing her when it's so dangerous and the fact he has a mate out there somewhere " Alice turned around to face him"we are mates though nothing like what they are so don't worry" Alice offered him a smile and just like that any thought vanished from adams mind. Just being around Alice made him happy even more so now that he knows she wants to be with as well.

Vote and comment. What's going to happen next. Will Edward continue to pursue Bella or will he come to his senses?

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