Chapter 14:Hospital truth

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Going to the hospital early the next morning Adam was of course worried . Knowing his sister got hurt he hoped it won't too bad. From what Alice had told him she got tricked into going alone and almost got turned into a vampire herself.

Arriving at the hospital he basically dragged Alice behind him to the room where his sister occupied. He knew she was allowing him to drag her considering there was no way possibly for him to actually drag said vampire.

The second he laid eyes on his sister he hugged her."your such an idiot" he snapped pulling away to glare at his sister who had the nerve to look guilty.

"I know and I'm sorry Adam, is Charlie mad" her eyes swept the room attempting to see the man

"More worried than anything, his parking the car as we speak" Alice chirped up sitting down beside Edward who haven't said a word.

"Bella" Adams head snapped up hearing his mother's voice. She said as rushing in the room basically threw herself on he daughter

"Mom? What are you doing here" Bella looked just as shocked as Adam with seeing there mother here and not on the road with her boyfriend.

"I drove down the second I got the call you were in the hospital . Charlie explained everything "

"Mom I'm fine-"

"Of course you will once your home safe with me"
She then turned to Adam who stared at her with wide eyes"why didn't you go with your sister"

It was always this way, Adam was instantly annoyed and mad"your blaming me?" He questioned already knowing the answer. It was always the same with their mother.

Bella could do no wrong

Always protect Bella she's your sister

If Bella's gets hurt it's your fault

He was sick of putting Bella first. He was not her keeper.

"Of course, your her brother and should have been there to protect her"

Bella attempted to get her moms attention but it fell on deaf ears

"You always favor Bella, everything that happens is my fault."

"Well maybe if you were good enough as a son we wouldn't be in this mess"

The room fell silent after that comment. Adam had tears in his eyes as those worlds went through his head over and over again"that's enough" Charlie charged into the room having heard the end of the argument between his son and ex-wife

They started yelling at one another but Adam didn't hear a word too focused on the words his mother had said to him.

Alice was by his side leading him out of the room and away from the chaos now brewing in the room. That still did not help as Adam was in his own world. He knew his mother thought less of him compared to Bella but to finally hear it out of her mouth was different. It solicited his thoughts that he wished was not right.

He won't good enough

Vote and comment. Poor Adam, we still love you. What should happen next?

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