Chapter 5: good day truned bad

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Lunch was over fast and for the rest of the day he was glued to Alice side. They had every class together and for once he didn't skip. He didn't know if he would now that she was around and he was ok with that.

By the end of the day he was all smiles even as they parted ways in the parking lot. He waited on Bella who walked out with a flock of students. She seemed upset and was constantly sniffing her hair"do I smell" was the first thing she asked when she made it to him

"What no hi, how was your first day of school oh how about did you make any friends or was your classes ok" he mocked highly amused by the glare she shot his way

"Oh I'm sorry, how was your day,did you make any friends, did you enjoy your classes?" She questioned crossing her arms

"My day was wonderful, I barely paid attention in class but they seem ok and I did make some friends today,thank you for asking and to answer your weirdly asked question you always smell " Adam quickly got into the truck just as she threw a book at him.

"I'm serious " she snapped getting into the drivers seat"do I stink?"

"No Bella, you smell the same as always, why are you asking anyways, did you get picked on? Was it a guy and can I kill him" Adam instantly went into protective mode

"It's not important " Bella started the truck and drove them home in silence

Adam simply stared at her. He knew she was lying. It had to be important if that's the first thing she asked when seeing him. He thoughts went to Edward. They were staring at one another at lunch. Maybe they met and he insulted her. He didn't know if it was truly him but to him it was likely but he didn't want to jump to conclusions

He did that a lot at their old school and all it lead was him getting suspended a lot.

Once they were home he went to his room to and started on homework. He wanted to get it done before they had to go meet pops for dinner. That was his plan until he sat down and just stared and book and homework sheets with no interest for the next twenty minutes "did I actually learn this today" he questioned himself trying to think back on his classes but coming up blank each time. It was at that moment his phone rang. Deciding it was a good distraction he picked it up

"How's my new best friend " Alice voice came through the phone making him smile

"Struggling with homework I don't remember learning, what about my favorite little pixie " he joked twirling his pencil around

"Nothing, I already finished all my work so how about I help you"

"You are a godsend Alice" he instantly got to explaining the problems he was stuck on happy that Alice knew what she was doing. They spent hours on the phone even after they finished his work.

Time flew by and Bella was now knocking on his door"we gotta meet dad" was all she said before leaving back out

"Sounds like you gotta go, I'll see you at school tomorrow "

"Yeah see you then, bye alice" with that he hung up and rushed down to the truck where Bella was already waiting

"Who was on the phone " Bella questioned driving down the road.

"My new friend "

"Y'all just met and your already calling one another" Adam couldn't help but roll his eyes. He didn't have many friends because of his temper so he didn't understand why Bella was now pestering him

"Does it matter"

"What if she's using you or something, Jessica said she was weird and didn't have friends outside of her family" for some reason hearing that made Adm extremely mad

"Your friend Jessica sounds like a bitch" he snapped glaring out of the window

"Don't talk about her like that, you don't even know her" Bella was quick to defend her friend but Adam didn't care

"And you don't know Alice yet here you are trying to warn me about her, your a hypocrite Isabella " he snapped. He knew she hated her full name and he used it often when he was mad. The rest of the ride was silent. He was angry and Bella was sulking. He mood was now ruined and he wanted to be anywhere else besides the truck at this moment

Vote and comment. Who was in the wrong. Adam or Bella? What will happen next?

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