Chapter 11: date

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Today officially sucked

Today was sunny so the cullens couldn't come to school and Adam hated it. He had no one to joke around with and to make matters worse Bella kept asking questions. She was officially obsessed with said family and Adam was getting annoyed and moody with all the looks he received now that he was alone

He went through his school almost robotically barely paying attention in his classes. It didn't go unnoticed by anyone yet he didn't care. He won't obsessed with the cullens like his sister it was just because they were his only friends for now and knew no one else.

He would've sat with Bella but she wouldn't let up with her questions plus he didn't like how her friends put stuff in her head. He was pretty sure they didn't know the Cullens so for them to talk shit was just plain rude.

By the end of school he was completely annoyed. Everyone would stare at him and he knew they were talking shit. They seem to forget he was a human being with feeling not that he really cared.

After school he decided to walk home. It would be too awkward riding with Bella when all she would do was ask questions and get mad when he didn't answer anything

"Adam" glancing into the woods he couldn't help but smile when he saw Alice hiding behind a tree with her head sticking out

"Hey Alice" walking into the woods he followed her as she walked along a trial, sparkling in the sun. Now he didn't expect the sparkling skin yet it suited her personality a bit"I expected you to like burn in the sun, not sparkle like a fairy"

Alice smiled widely at him "you watch to many vampire movies"

Adam had to agree or that one . He did watch a lot of supernatural movies but didn't expect his life to turn into one. It was scary yet exciting and he wouldn't change a thing.

"Bella still giving you trouble" Alice was still smiling but Adam could see the spark of annoyance she held for his sister. Honestly he felt the same so all he did was nod while taking her hand."well I have good news, the Sun about to go away because of the clouds rolling in so let's finally do our date"

Adam instantly lit up,"there's a new skating ring we could try out" he loved skating and was a little bummed out there won't a ring here but one opened up yesterday and he was excited to check it out

"Sound perfect" Alice lead him through the woods to the road where her car was parked.

Rolling his eyes Adam opened the door for her"you already knew what we were doing today didn't you"

He didn't have to see Alice face to know she was smiling. And got in once he closed the door for her.
"Sorry I really wanted to know"

"I'm sure there's nothing I can hide from you"

"And you would be correct about that"

With that they were off, speeding down the road. Adam would never drive this fast in fear of crashing but he trusted Alice. She could see the future meaning if she saw them at the skating ring then they made it safely.

It didn't take them long to arrive or to get in.  They both got there skates and got on the floor. Alice was of course a natural. She looked like she was floating more then skating. It was almost like second nature to her and Adam couldnt help but fall for her more. To him she was perfect.

Adam followed along with her just managing to keep up considering how she was twirling and doing small tricks. Throughout the night they skated and had fun.

"Your a good skater!" Alice was now skating backwards staring into Adam eyes.

"Your way better than me at this, I can skate but cant do anything fancy like you" Adam smiled at Alice keeping pace with her.

"Well I've had centuries to practice" giggling she took Adams hand.

Adam rolled his eyes playfully and pulled her along ignoring the small giggles directed at him. "Anything your not good at " he jokingly poked her side as he skated by her side

"Nope I'm pretty good at everything "

They continued to skate before finally going home. It was a good date in Adams opinion. They put there skates up and Alice took him home. It was pretty late so he was surprised when he got inside and Bella was standing there looking mad

"Where have you been" Bella glared Adam down yet he won't scared of her one bit just annoyed.



Rolling his eyes Adam brushed pass his sister "what are you my mom"

"I'm worried about you. Adam the Cullens are changing you and not for the better. Alice-"

At this point Adam was fed up with Bella "you know nothing about Alice so keep her name out your mouth and do me a favor and mind your business " He has never snapped at his sister before so the hurt and surprise on her face was new. He loved Bella but he just couldn't understand why she was acting this way. Walking up to his room he ignored his fathers questioning looking and went to his room where Alice was already waiting in his bed

"I heard everything, it will get easier I promise " Alice's reassurance  was all he needed to calm down.

"I sure hope so" he mumbled hopping into the bed. He cuddled up with Alice before finally going to sleep

Vote and comment. What should happen next? Should I follow the movie and let Bella end up with Edward or should I change it up? Also what about a mate for jasper?

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