Chapter 4: lunch

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School was not that bad and truthfully he didn't pay attention to anything. He shared all of his classes with Alice who kept him company. Half the time he didn't know what she talked about yet he didn't care as long as he got to be around her

Before he knew it, it was lunch time and Alice was once again leading him through the halls and out the back. There were already a group of kids who looked like her standing there. All staring at him weirdly

"Adam this is my family, Emment,Rosalie,Jasper, and Edward. Guys this is Adam his new and sitting with us at lunch " she announced giving them all a look. Honestly Adam thought it was hot how she took control of easily

"Nice to meet you dude" Emment was the first one of her siblings to welcome him with a hand shake.

He felt like he was meeting his girlfriends family which was weird considering how he just met Alice yet he was totally fine with it.

"Nice to meet you too"
Adam shook his hand before shaking Edwards who gave a small smile and lastly Jasper who was stiff. Rosalie seemed to keep her distance but did offer a smile which he was ok with. Adam was just glad no one seemed to hate him.

"Alright lets go everyone, we will go in last" Alice announced grabbing hold to Adams arm who glanced around confused

"What are we doing" he questioned looking down at Alice who smiled brightly at him

"Making an entrance silly, just follow my lead" Alice who as all smiles as she looked at him with love. Adam was confused but he went along with it. He followed behind the siblings before walking into the cafeteria with Alice. Almost immediately was all eyes on him

"Relax Adam" Alice mused before doing a twirl under his arm and spinning herself in his chest

Adam was a blushing mess but allowed her to do what she wanted. Everyone was watching so it won't like he could really do something so he took a seat at the table.

"So you guys walk in everyday like models or whatever as today special?" He mused glancing around the table

Jasper smiled a little while Emment full on laughed . Edward seemed distracted by something and Rosalie seemed hesitant before finally seeming to accept something and offer a smile as well"it's all fun and games plus she makes us" rose motion towards Alice who smiled.

"Of course it's fun" Alie smiled innocently before leaning onto Adam who blushed a little.

"It does seem a little fun" he pitched in making roses smile

"I guess it does" rose turned towards Emment and started talking with him so Adam turned back to Alice.

"Your sister is staring at my brother and his staring back"she whispered. Adam instantly glanced over at Edward before following his eyesight to his sister.

"Weird" he mumbled already not liking it. Bella didn't do boys at least not that he knew of. He never saw her date anyone before and was already against whatever was starting to bloom between the two

"Your glaring" Alice quickly pulled his attention away from her brother

"Was I really?"he questioned glancing towards Edward me  who was now avoiding eye contact

" yup but don't worry there be fine" she had a knowing look in her eyes and Adam for some reason was inclined to listen to her. He was drawn to her easily and feelings were quickly building up for the girl he had only just met today.

He didn't know just yet if it was a good thing or a bad thing but he did know he liked being around her

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